Cowboys Should Consider Trading for Rosen

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What's funny is that I've seen about what I expected to see in this thread and it's kind of a shame. Most of the posters who are against this move are against it because they are threatened by anything that even slightly threatens Dak. Very few actually take a position of evaluating Rosen on the merits of the Backup QB Pros and Cons.

I mean, can anybody argue that he would not instantly be a better option then what we have no at backup? Doesn't matter. Everybody has their own opinion and certainly entitled to it. I'm done for the day, everybody have a good evening.

The scenario you layed out is just unrealistic. If they were willing to take a late 3rd round pick, then several other QB needy teams would be more than willing and have better draft position to do make that deal. If no other team was willing to give at least a late 3rd, then there are more issues than aren't publicly known. Because of our late draft position, it would more likely take our 2nd rd pick and possibly an additional 3rd or 4th rd pick to counter offers from other teams. Under your scenario, it is just a thinly disguised, "would you rather have Dak or Rosen" debate.


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:facepalm:...............If he's so great why are the Cardinals trying so hard to get rid of him so soon....also.....Dak>>>>>>>Rosen....

Because he's average and they want better than average. But we've got an average QB asking for 25+ million per season.


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Count me in. This franchise will regret throwing 25-30 mil a year at Dak. Everything will have to go exactly right for Dak to get this team over the hump, and with Jerry and Red in the mix that will never happen.

Rosen is a bum and his ceiling is less than Andy Dalton.


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Rosen I don't know. You hold Dak hostage with a rookie QB who hasn't done squat. Then ask Dak to sign a cheaper deal? Dak is taking 25-30M unless he wins a SB on his rookie deal. That's just the market right now now. That is why they're trying to sign him now. Another year and the price go up 5-10M. Also please do not forget 2015 never happened. It was hard for us to win a game with "proven" players. It take a special breed to win in this league and Dak is one of them. He may have some warts but he is still developing.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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Now before everybody losses their mind, consider: Cardinals are rumored to be going after Murray. That probably leaves Rosen as expendable. Opinions on what it costs to get Rosen are all over the place. I think it's reasonable to think that you might be able to get him for a 3rd Rd pick.

Now a 3rd Rd pick is valuable for sure but lets say they would trade him for a 3rd, would you do this? While Rosen was with the Cards, their Offense was horrible and their OL was worse. Certainly not all of it was on Rosen but some of it was. He needs to be developed but lets say you traded for him. What you get is a kid with a lot of natural ability to throw the ball. Rosen has talent, there is no question about that. The real question is, does he have the rest of it? I don't think anybody can really know for sure what Rosen is, in that Cardinal Offense. Just too many holes and not enough talent around him. However, if you could trade for him, he immediately becomes the best backup option the Cowboys have on the team and who knows how good he might be behind our OL and with our skilled players? At the very least, he becomes a guy who can be a solid backup IMO. But more then that, he provides more leverage in negotiations with Dak. If the Cowboys go out and get Rosen, they immediately have an option at QB if Dak is unwilling to sign a reasonable deal or decides to hold out. It gives the Cowboys an option and gives them a year to let him learn the Offense. The Cowboys would not be in a position where they have to accept any terms Dak's agent gives them. Could very well drive a lower cost associated with Dak in negotiations. If he ends up being your starter, you have 4 years of a Rookie deal which allows you to use that cap to strengthen the team around a Rosen, if it comes to that. There are a lot of positives I can see to a trade for Rosen, assuming you don't have to spend a lot to get him. He might not be a bad option for the Cowboys to consider. He serves a purpose on the team. He provides a lot of flexibility if he has to become the starter. He gives you a very manageable cap number for another 4 years, he has starting experience and he can provide leverage in any Dak negotiation. He might be worth a 3rd round pick if he can save you from having to spend 30 million for 6 years as opposed to 25?
Nice well thought out post.


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Dak is more proven . Rosen could be a good back up but probably would cost a 2nd rounder, which is too much . He is a pocket passer with no mobility and has not proven he can be a difference maker like a Baker Mayfield or Andres Luck etc


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I dont see the point in arguing about Kingsburys reasons for putting Rosen in the shop window. Kingsbury, like many newly appointed HCs, may want to start building a team from scratch with his own acquisitions. That's his perogative.


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Dak is not a good enough QB to deserve a free pass in training camp in a contract year. He needs to be challenged. If Rosen can be acquired at reasonable cost we would be nuts not to make a trade.

I predict that once Dak stops his run of starts at Dallas - whether through injury or poor form - he'll never be a regular starter in the NFL. Hopefully that happens before anyone in the front office wastes a load of cash.


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Dak is not a good enough QB to deserve a free pass in training camp in a contract year. He needs to be challenged. If Rosen can be acquired at reasonable cost we would be nuts not to make a trade.

I predict that once Dak stops his run of starts at Dallas - whether through injury or poor form - he'll never be a regular starter in the NFL. Hopefully that happens before anyone in the front office wastes a load of cash.

Needs to be challenged? Ok. Let's see what Mike White has in camp.


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I still consider Sam Darnold to be better than Baker Mayfield. Mayfield had a big moment to get it done for the Browns against the Ravens in a big divisional game yet blew it at the last hurrah yet most people claim he's clutch etc. I rate Mayfield and that was only one game but i'm just amused at how some people claim Darnold is a bust.

Darnold, like Rosen, played behind a horrific offensive line and Darnold had pretty much nothing around him yet both have already been written off. Not every rookie quarterback is brought into one of the best offensive lines in the modern generation with a top 3 running back to boot!


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What's funny is that I've seen about what I expected to see in this thread and it's kind of a shame. Most of the posters who are against this move are against it because they are threatened by anything that even slightly threatens Dak. Very few actually take a position of evaluating Rosen on the merits of the Backup QB Pros and Cons.

I mean, can anybody argue that he would not instantly be a better option then what we have no at backup? Doesn't matter. Everybody has their own opinion and certainly entitled to it. I'm done for the day, everybody have a good evening.

  • Durability
  • Has had at least one concussion
  • Has had shoulder, hand injuries
  • Poor intangibles
  • Questionable leadership traits
  • Quality of teammate
  • Different personality; could clash with teammates and coaches
  • Could have problems with the media
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