Report: Tyree Hill facing a MAX four-game suspension


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Did you guys hear what Hill said? Or read it? The NFL should be proactive and not wait for Hill to follow thru on his threats. Ban him for a year with no pay and NFL should mandate an anger management program or he cannot re-apply for reinstatement. We are talkin about a child here. This is bigger than football. I'm not ok with "comments" like the ones he made towards his girlfriend and step son. The kid is small for cryin out loud….


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There was a belief he may have broken the kids arm, but he didn't.

All there is (publicly anyway) is his comment that she should be afraid of him.

That's it. A comment.

Oh. You were there when the kid broke his arm??

He admitted to hitting the kid with his hands and a bealt. So did the biological mother. They can not determine who was overly abusive because both admitted to hitting the child... BUT ALL EVIDENCE POINT TO BOTH OF THEM ABUSING THAT CHILD!
He threatened her on audio. For you to dismiss that has a mistake is just ridiculous. I will never threaten a woman or her child, why, because only low life POS do that.


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Oh. You were there when the kid broke his arm??

He admitted to hitting the kid with his hands and a bealt. So did the biological mother. They can not determine who was overly abusive because both admitted to hitting the child... BUT ALL EVIDENCE POINT TO BOTH OF THEM ABUSING THAT CHILD!
He threatened her on audio. For you to dismiss that has a mistake is just ridiculous. I will never threaten a woman or her child, why, because only low life POS do that.
translation...THEY ARE TRASH and do not deserve to have kids until they both attend major counseling and complete a program. Goodell always talks about upholding THE SHIELD...well, this is his chance. If he caves, he is no better than Hill...maybe worse because he and the owners will profit from the kids expense. I hate it IF that does end up happening. That's my 2 cents.


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Oh. You were there when the kid broke his arm??

He admitted to hitting the kid with his hands and a bealt. So did the biological mother. They can not determine who was overly abusive because both admitted to hitting the child... BUT ALL EVIDENCE POINT TO BOTH OF THEM ABUSING THAT CHILD!
He threatened her on audio. For you to dismiss that has a mistake is just ridiculous. I will never threaten a woman or her child, why, because only low life POS do that.

"Dismiss that as a mistake." Wut?

First, it's technically not a threat. It's advice. Second, acknowledging that it is a mistaken and something he shouldn't do is not "dismissing" it. But if the league is going to start suspending people (and apparently if you had your way, huge life long ban type of suspensions) for vocal intimidation...dear lord, just end the league now.

"All evidence" evidence does not point to both of them abusing that child. We don't know if ANY evidence does. He admitted to disciplining the child. That is not admission of abuse. You are just like the NFL in Zeke's case.

I was not there when the kids broke his arm, but the police are not investigating that and seem to think it is not the result of abuse.


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"Dismiss that as a mistake." Wut?

First, it's technically not a threat. It's advice. Second, acknowledging that it is a mistaken and something he shouldn't do is not "dismissing" it. But if the league is going to start suspending people (and apparently if you had your way, huge life long ban type of suspensions) for vocal intimidation...dear lord, just end the league now.

"All evidence" evidence does not point to both of them abusing that child. We don't know if ANY evidence does. He admitted to disciplining the child. That is not admission of abuse. You are just like the NFL in Zeke's case.

I was not there when the kids broke his arm, but the police are not investigating that and seem to think it is not the result of abuse.
No, the police think there was abuse, but they can't determine which one of the parents was/is the abuser. Given what we know about their relationship from OSU, it's not a stretch to think that Hill is the abuser. There is more evidence in this case than there was in Zeke's. At a minimum, Hill should get 6 games.


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No, the police think there was abuse, but they can't determine which one of the parents was/is the abuser. Given what we know about their relationship from OSU, it's not a stretch to think that Hill is the abuser. There is more evidence in this case than there was in Zeke's. At a minimum, Hill should get 6 games.

The police think there was some kind of abuse to the child, but not the broken arm. We don't know that they can't determine who is/was the abuser. We just know they can't make a strong case.

And what about what we know about her being treated for Munchausen? (In fact, considering that, what DO we know about their relationship from OSU?).

We don't know all that much of anything. And your last line completely cements my point about you being just like the NFL in Zeke's case. You're upset about what went down with Zeke, so you want everyone who has any insinuation at thrown their way be suspended, and harshly. You're not concerned with knowing or understanding the truth. Just that someone pay just like Zeke did.

Based on just the audio, I think a 2 game suspension is fair, but not from the NFL. I think it should come from the Chiefs.
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The police think there was some kind of abuse to the child, but not the broken arm. We don't know that they can't determine who is/was the abuser. We just know they can't make a strong case.

And what about what we know about her being treated for Munchausen? (In fact, considering that, what DO we know about their relationship from OSU?).

We don't know all that much of anything. And your last line completely cements my point about you being just like the NFL in Zeke's case. You're upset about what went down with Zeke, so you want everyone who has any insinuation at thrown their way be suspended, and harshly. You're not concerned with knowing or understanding the truth. Just that someone pay just like Zeke did.

Based on just the audio, I think a 2 game suspension is fair, but not from the NFL. I think it should come from the Chiefs.
We do know that he beat the crap out of her at OSU. He pled guilty to hitting her and choking her. That's not debatable.

All I want is consistency from Goodell and the NFL. Seems to me that 6 games is the precedent in cases with no arrest/charges filed. It just so happens that Goodell set that precedent with Zeke. If there is video evidence like with Rice and Hunt, you get a much stiffer punishment. If Hill doesn't get 6 games, I'd love to hear the reasoning behind it. Another precedent was set last year. Ravens CB Jimmy Smith was suspended 4 games for threatening his baby mama without any violence.
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We do know that he beat the crap out of her at OSU. He pled guilty to hitting her and choking her. That's not debatable.

So you were there? Nobody has ever pled guilty (he pled not guilty first, btw) to a crime they didn't commit? There are lots of reasons people plea when they didn't do something. Add in her possibly having that disorder, and it potentially shines a new light on things.

All I want is consistency from Goodell and the NFL. Seems to me that 6 games is the precedent in cases with no arrest/charges filed. It just so happens that Goodell set that precedent with Zeke. If there is video evidence like with Rice and Hunt, you get a much stiffer punishment. If Hill doesn't get 6 games, I'd love to hear the reasoning behind it. Another precedent was set last year. Ravens CB Jimmy Smith was suspended 4 games for threatening his baby mama without any violence.

Consistency is great, but do you really want Goodell to screw over other players just because he screwed over Zeke? You want him to consistently screw people over? That's your aim? Really? I'd prefer the NFL to start being fair (while also being consistent), and not continue to screw people over just to be consistent with one of the times they screwed over someone else.

You just gave reasoning for Hill only getting 4 games...and even then, I think "a pattern of threatening and emotionally abusive behavior" is a lot more than we know with Hill from just that audio. The NFL might come to that same conclusion, something less, something more. I have no idea what they're getting from their interviews and investigation.


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So you were there? Nobody has ever pled guilty (he pled not guilty first, btw) to a crime they didn't commit? There are lots of reasons people plea when they didn't do something. Add in her possibly having that disorder, and it potentially shines a new light on things.

Consistency is great, but do you really want Goodell to screw over other players just because he screwed over Zeke? You want him to consistently screw people over? That's your aim? Really? I'd prefer the NFL to start being fair (while also being consistent), and not continue to screw people over just to be consistent with one of the times they screwed over someone else.

You just gave reasoning for Hill only getting 4 games...and even then, I think "a pattern of threatening and emotionally abusive behavior" is a lot more than we know with Hill from just that audio. The NFL might come to that same conclusion, something less, something more. I have no idea what they're getting from their interviews and investigation.
How you continue to defend and make excuses for a guy like Tyreke Hill is disturbing. I don't know whether to laugh it off or feel bad for you. Either way, I'll see myself out of this conversation.


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How you continue to defend and make excuses for a guy like Tyreke Hill is disturbing. I don't know whether to laugh it off or feel bad for you. Either way, I'll see myself out of this conversation.
Defend and make excuses?

A guy like Tyreke?

I wasn't aware you were all knowing. My apologies.

I'm sorry my actually using my brain, considering all possibilities, and not wanting others to get the Zeke treatment bothers you so much.


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4 GAMES would be a farce. Zeke got 6 for much less. Anyone here want anymore proof of Goodells bias against JJ? Its not so much against Dallas as it is Jerry honestly. Goodell needs to show better integrity than this. Lets hope he gets at least 8 games or the entire season.

Why should he start now.


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So you were there? Nobody has ever pled guilty (he pled not guilty first, btw) to a crime they didn't commit? There are lots of reasons people plea when they didn't do something. Add in her possibly having that disorder, and it potentially shines a new light on things.

Consistency is great, but do you really want Goodell to screw over other players just because he screwed over Zeke? You want him to consistently screw people over? That's your aim? Really? I'd prefer the NFL to start being fair (while also being consistent), and not continue to screw people over just to be consistent with one of the times they screwed over someone else.

You just gave reasoning for Hill only getting 4 games...and even then, I think "a pattern of threatening and emotionally abusive behavior" is a lot more than we know with Hill from just that audio. The NFL might come to that same conclusion, something less, something more. I have no idea what they're getting from their interviews and investigation.

Pled guilty is an admission to guilt. NO ONE PLEADS GUILTY TO THINGS THE DID NOT DO. This case and Zekes are totally different, so stop bringing that up. This dude is a little thug pos. He does not belong in the NFL. He can go work at Burger King were he belongs.


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Pled guilty is an admission to guilt. NO ONE PLEADS GUILTY TO THINGS THE DID NOT DO. This case and Zekes are totally different, so stop bringing that up. This dude is a little thug pos. He does not belong in the NFL. He can go work at Burger King were he belongs.

That is hysterically factually inaccurate. Are you 5? Seriously, what the hell world do you live in? This happens ALL. THE. TIME. You should be extremely embarrassed for having said that. Not joking. That's an all-time absurd statement.

Stop bringing what up? That you are acting like the NFL acted in Zeke's case? Or that you want the NFL to act like the NFL did in Zeke's case?


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That is hysterically factually inaccurate. Are you 5? Seriously, what the hell world do you live in? This happens ALL. THE. TIME. You should be extremely embarrassed for having said that. Not joking. That's an all-time absurd statement.

Stop bringing what up? That you are acting like the NFL acted in Zeke's case? Or that you want the NFL to act like the NFL did in Zeke's case?

Im saying I want abusive POS thugs like Hill out of the league. He does not belong there.
You would only plead guilty if they had a substantial amount of evidence against you. Guilt must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Your an idiot. This is nothing like Zekes case so stop comparing them.


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Im saying I want abusive POS thugs like Hill out of the league. He does not belong there.
You would only plead guilty if they had a substantial amount of evidence against you. Guilt must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Your an idiot. This is nothing like Zekes case so stop comparing them.

You are clueless about the world clearly. Innocent people plea all the time.

Two seconds on google will blow your mind apparently.

How can you be this ignorant of this reality in this day and age?

You should ne embarrassed, as I said.


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You are clueless about the world clearly. Innocent people plea all the time.

Two seconds on google will blow your mind apparently.

How can you be this ignorant of this reality in this day and age?

You should ne embarrassed, as I said.

Alright. We will agree to firmly disagree. Have a good day. Go Cowboys.