News: Randall Cobb Produces Powerful Potential


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One good season for Cobb? You have to compare his stats to slot-WRs, not to outside WRs.

Here are Cobbs first 7 seasons compared to Beasley's first 7.

These are scaled to 16 games for equal comparison.
Using per game stats would also make the comparison equal.

Rec (16 gm)
Cobb ………… …… Beasley
27 ………… ………… 24
85 ………… ………… 45
83 ………… ………… 37
91 ………… ………… 52
79 ………… ………… 75
74 ………… ………… 38
70 ………… ………… 65

Yds (16 gm)
Cobb ………… …....… Beasley
400 ………… ……..…… 205
1018 ………… ………… 421
1155 ………… ………… 420
1287 ………… ………… 536
829 ………… ……..…… 833
751 ………… ………..… 335
697 ………… ………..… 672

TD (16 gm)
Cobb ………… …… Beasley
1 ………… ………..… 0
9 ………… ………..… 2
11 ………… ………… 4
12 ………… ………… 5
6 ………… ………..… 5
5 ………… ………..… 4
4 ………… ……..…… 3

The issue with this comparison is that we are signing 2019 Randall Cobb, not 2014 Randall Cobb. Look at the 3 consecutive years where he decreased in yardage.

I get that you are trying to show that Cobb has had more than one good season, but focusing on past stats obscures the point that Beasley is a more valuable player today, even if Cobb was a more valuable player historically.


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The issue with this comparison is that we are signing 2019 Randall Cobb, not 2014 Randall Cobb. Look at the 3 consecutive years where he decreased in yardage.

I get that you are trying to show that Cobb has had more than one good season, but focusing on past stats obscures the point that Beasley is a more valuable player today, even if Cobb was a more valuable player historically.

The stats I posted are everything but Cobb for 2018.

Just shift one column and they'll line up.

Posting from my phone, I don't have the 2018, 16 game projections,
but just shifting columns to line up year to year shows Beasley a little
ahead in 2016 but in other years they're anywhere from near even
to Cobb being drastically ahead.

Rec (16 gm) ………… Cobb ……… Beasley
2012 ………… ………… 85 ………… 24
2013 ………… ………… 83 ………… 45
2014 ………… ………… 91 ………… 37
2015 ………… ………… 79 ………… 52
2016 ………… ………… 74 ………… 75
2017 ………… ………… 70 ………… 38

Yds (16 gm) ………… Cobb ……… Beasley
2012 ………… ………… 1018 ………… 205
2013 ………… ………… 1155 ………… 421
2014 ………… ………… 1287 ………… 420
2015 ………… ………… 829 ……..…… 536
2016 ………… ………… 751 ……..…… 833
2017 ………… ………… 697 ……..…… 335

TD (16 gm) ………… Cobb ……… Beasley
2012 ………… ………… 9 ………..… 0
2013 ………… ………… 11 ………… 2
2014 ………… ………… 12 ………… 4
2015 ………… ………… 6 ………..… 5
2016 ………… ………… 5 ……..…… 5
2017 ………… ………… 4 ……..…… 4


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Compare to Beasley the previous slot WR.

Comparing to outside WRs and TEs is a waste of time.

Beasley beat Cobb in ypt 3 of the last 4 years. He only lost in 2017 when he was being routinely double teamed. Last year he beat Cobb by 1.4 ypt.


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Cobb is by far the superior player but I do add the caveat that A-Rod might be the most talented QB ever.


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Beasley beat Cobb in ypt 3 of the last 4 years. He only lost in 2017 when he was being routinely double teamed. Last year he beat Cobb by 1.4 ypt.

That's a small percentage difference.

There is bigger percentage difference looking at Yards/Game.

Beasley had a down year in 2017 and Cobb had a down year in 2018.
To even it out I looked at the sum of the past 2, past 3 and past 4 years.

Past 2 years …… 3% more for Cobb
Past 3 years …… 5% more for Beasley
Past 4 years …… 7% more for Beasley

Past 2 years …… 37% more for Cobb
Past 3 years …… 16% more for Cobb
Past 4 years …… 24% more for Cobb


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That's a small percentage difference.

There is bigger percentage difference looking at Yards/Game.

Beasley had a down year in 2017 and Cobb had a down year in 2018.
To even it out I looked at the sum of the past 2, past 3 and past 4 years.

Past 2 years …… 3% more for Cobb
Past 3 years …… 5% more for Beasley
Past 4 years …… 7% more for Beasley

Past 2 years …… 37% more for Cobb
Past 3 years …… 16% more for Cobb
Past 4 years …… 24% more for Cobb

"To make sure I included Beasley's 2017 where he was double teamed in every stat I calculated..."

Cobb got more targets. I'd expect he was on the field more than Beasley. We run more than GB.


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My only issue with a Beasley type is that it telegraphs likely routes for him. Teams will let him catch his 7 yard passes all day because he is a nothing threat 15 yards down field so they hardly have him run anything deep. I know 7 yards and eventually you make it to the endzone but todays defense will take dink and dunk all day because eventually something will breakdown and 7 yard route won't be enough.


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"To make sure I included Beasley's 2017 where he was double teamed in every stat I calculated..."

Cobb got more targets. I'd expect he was on the field more than Beasley. We run more than GB.

I don't get you guys that only want to argue a point but have no desire to actually look at the information.

There is no conclusive evidence either way with regards to which player projects to be better in 2019.
- Cobb better career but each trending towards the other stat-wise in recent years.
- Cobb more versatile and better Punt Returner. Beasley less injuries.​

Much better overall career than Beasley.
Trending down to Beasley's level the in 2 of past 3 years.
More injury issues than Beasley.
Health for 2019 is a question mark.
Legit Punt Return Ability (105 for 832 and 2 TDs).
Younger but more snaps played.

Career numbers can't match Cobb.
Trending up to Cobb's level in 2 of past 3 years.
Trending slightly above Cobb in Yards/Target in recent years.
Beasley has not had significant injury issues.
No reason to expect health issues in 2019.
Fair Catch type Punt Returner (38 for 220 and 0 TDs).
Older but less snaps played.

Years in Career
Cobb ......... 8
Beasley ..... 7

Current Age
Cobb ...... 28
Beasley .. 30

Stats for the past 7 years:

Average Games Played Per Season:
Cobb ........ 13
Beasley .... 15

Cobb ……… 8.0
Beasley …... 7.3

Cobb ……… 11.6
Beasley …... 10.3

Total TD(s)
Cobb ……… 40
Beasley …... 23

Total Yards
Cobb ……… 5149
Beasley …... 3271

Total Yards Projected 16 games/season
Cobb ……… 6417
Beasley …... 3421

Snaps Counts (Total)
Cobb ……… 5061
Beasley …... 3433 (68% comp Cobb)



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My only issue with a Beasley type is that it telegraphs likely routes for him. Teams will let him catch his 7 yard passes all day because he is a nothing threat 15 yards down field so they hardly have him run anything deep. I know 7 yards and eventually you make it to the endzone but todays defense will take dink and dunk all day because eventually something will breakdown and 7 yard route won't be enough.

Yes, Beasley was great in a niche role; however, he was a limited player and limited the offense if he played too many snaps.

Cobb has been more versatile which gives the OC more options on play designs with him on the field.

I'm also hopeful that Tony Pollard gets some slot-WR type snaps because he brings all kinds of options including deep speed, YAC and blocking that Beasley didn't.


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I don't get you guys that only want to argue a point but have no desire to actually look at the information.

There is no conclusive evidence either way with regards to which player projects to be better in 2019.
- Cobb better career but each trending towards the other stat-wise in recent years.
- Cobb more versatile and better Punt Returner. Beasley less injuries.​

Much better overall career than Beasley.
Trending down to Beasley's level the in 2 of past 3 years.
More injury issues than Beasley.
Health for 2019 is a question mark.
Legit Punt Return Ability (105 for 832 and 2 TDs).
Younger but more snaps played.

Career numbers can't match Cobb.
Trending up to Cobb's level in 2 of past 3 years.
Trending slightly above Cobb in Yards/Target in recent years.
Beasley has not had significant injury issues.
No reason to expect health issues in 2019.
Fair Catch type Punt Returner (38 for 220 and 0 TDs).
Older but less snaps played.

Years in Career
Cobb ......... 8
Beasley ..... 7

Current Age
Cobb ...... 28
Beasley .. 30

Stats for the past 7 years:

Average Games Played Per Season:
Cobb ........ 13
Beasley .... 15

Cobb ……… 8.0
Beasley …... 7.3

Cobb ……… 11.6
Beasley …... 10.3

Total TD(s)
Cobb ……… 40
Beasley …... 23

Total Yards
Cobb ……… 5149
Beasley …... 3271

Total Yards Projected 16 games/season
Cobb ……… 6417
Beasley …... 3421

Snaps Counts (Total)
Cobb ……… 5061
Beasley …... 3433 (68% comp Cobb)

"When the cognitive dissonance really flows, I get hysterical and put my comments in bold"


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"When the cognitive dissonance really flows, I get hysterical and put my comments in bold"

When losing a debate resort to ad hominem attacks with NO reference to the debate topic.

When losing a debate resort to off-topic replys with NO reference to the debate topic.

I use bold to highlight key points in long posts.


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In regards to who’s better it Cobb has something left and like he was earlier in his career he’s a better player because he offers actual yards after a catch. And while I dislike the guy for his egotistical attitude as if someone owes him something....Beasley can get open. I’d rather have Cobb at his contract.
....and Cobb as a possible mentor for pollard, some of the same player....bit of a rb, bit of wr speed, useable in slot


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When losing a debate resort to ad hominem attacks with NO reference to the debate topic.

When losing a debate resort to off-topic replys with NO reference to the debate topic.

I use bold to highlight key points in long posts.

I would generally defer to your wealth of experience on what to do when losing a debate, but you left out "get hysterical".


Cowboys Diehard
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Randall Cobb certainly appears to be adjusting well to his new surroundings with the Cowboys. He has long been an established success with the Packers for a long time and if healthy, should do much the same for Dallas. He's totally capable of being a game changer and a great mover of the chains. Coupled with the more reliable targets such as this new and improved receiving corps will present, moving the chains on a consistent basis should be easier to come by. Here's hoping the rest of the NFL will be taken by surprise by a vastly improved Cowboys offense. ;)
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Village Idiot
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The market said otherwise.

My only issue with a Beasley type is that it telegraphs likely routes for him. Teams will let him catch his 7 yard passes all day because he is a nothing threat 15 yards down field so they hardly have him run anything deep. I know 7 yards and eventually you make it to the endzone but todays defense will take dink and dunk all day because eventually something will breakdown and 7 yard route won't be enough.

Yup. One trick pony. He had a really good year in 2016, Dak's rookie year, so it's not like Dak is the problem. They just figured out how to bottle him up. As for Cobb, he seems like a player who is on a sharp decline. I don't understand all the hype for a guy who signed a 1 year deal for 5 million bucks. I like the signing, but he isn't the same player he was in 2014.
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Sometimes I wonder if people even watch football anymore...:popcorn:

You may not like him....But you sure as hell couldn't cover him. We just didn't have a QB that could get him the football...And the dude was as tough as hell. I'm not sold on Cobb replacing him. Won't shock me to see Cobb miss half the year w/ a hamstring injury like he did last year.

I was a Beas fan and would have agreed with you originally, but like Dez, he was a one trick pony, although a different one trick pony.

Beas limited what we could do offensively. He couldn’t play outside, he couldn’t really power block and he couldn’t take the top off a defense.

He also didn’t catch many balls. About 2 catches per game isn’t hard to make up.

More importantly, if he is doing the same thing every down, it’s giving the opposing team a chance to commit resources to defending other offensive threats (Cooper).

Having Witten and Beas on the same team would have been very difficult for an OC to overcome because there would be very little vertical passing threats on the field simultaneously.

I was a fan of both Beas and Witten at one time but Beas needed to go and Witten should have been canned years before he left.

Once we added Cooper the production went up significantly. Was Dak suddenly a better QB with Cooper? Probably not. But it gave him something to work with. Imagine two Coopers on field at the same time. Think that would help Dak?

Defenses can live with a Witten or Beas getting a first down if it’s a 3 yard first down because it takes so many of them to get a TD. Good offenses get yardage in chunks and that equates to points. (See Mahommes).

We really need to see the yards per play increase this year if we want to be more productive and limit the stacked boxes. How many yards would Zeke get if he was running into 7 man fronts (or against nickel or dime coverage) entire games. That would give DC’s night sweats thinking about that.