Why draft a back 4th overall if you’re not willing to pay him?


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And what if we don't hang a banner when he comes back, what then? What if in two years we are in position to challenge for a championship again and Zeke decides that he is not making enough again? What then?

Nope, that don't fly with me. It's not all or nothing this year. This team has a chance to compete for championships for years to come, or they can make stupid decisions again and screw themselves for decade. Nope, I don't agree.
I didn’t say all or nothing this year. I meant are we All in on this core of talent or not. We have a window of limited time before the Cap starts breaking it up. That time shouldn’t begin now.

Why is paying Zeke money relative to his talent level going to ruin our Cap space more than over paying Dak?

I’ve yet to see anyone spell out specifically the Salary Cap implications.


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Because we are now realizing our 4th overall pick has a chronic and habitual knuckle head problem off the field....

This is not rocket science... Cowboys want Zeke contract structured so they are not left handcapped WHEN Zeke misses games

Eh, you're still screwed by not having one of your top players available, regardless of the cap implications. You're continuing to rely on the unreliable.


Regular Joe....
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That's crazy Zeke was the best back available that could run the offense. From blocking ,running catching, and durability standpoint. Who were you going to get that year that could have done what Zeke had done, stop spewing crazy jump and back your statements up with players available

Based on talent, he was that year but you don't need that to make a run game work. But you don't need that, you need a few backs who can come in and pick up the shared load or you can get away with a back that is just a little less talented who can do all the same things. I mean, argue all day that this team couldn't win without Zeke but there is no proof of that and we have no more championships with Zeke then we do without him.

Silver Surfer

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Because it is literally your only option to play in the NFL?

Then be a man about it and tell your future employer you'll be walking after two years. Oh... that's right, then you won't get drafted in the 4 hole and get the money you want. What a man of integrity.


Red, White and Brew...
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All this handwringing over paying a 24 year old running back is ludicrous considering they spent a top 5 pick on him just a few seasons ago. All he’s done in 3 seasons is justify his draft position, and now we’re not willing to pay a back because of our philosophy? How does that make any sense?

They look like morons for taking him 4th overall if they’re not willing to pay him.
Who says they’re not willing to pay him?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
If you have no leverage and you try to use it, do you really have any? Remains to be seen.

The NFL will not work if players do not honor contracts. Eventually, it will eat itself if that happens and the game will die. If this is the goal, then that plan will work. Otherwise, only a fool would decide to allow that sort of behavior. The owners are no fools.

Perhaps that is silly but the premise is worse then silly. You advocate players not honoring contracts. You advocate the very thing that will kill the NFL. I mean, you are nobody to tell anybody about silly. That position is the poster child of silly.
There have been holdouts forever. The NFL has thrived and continues to thrive despite that. There's not the slightest bit of evidence that players holding out will "kill the NFL." What makes you think otherwise in the face of all evidence?
Yes, of course, according to me. Question, has there ever been a player in the NFL who has not had a Contract, ever? Take your time. OK, the answer is no. Every player in the NFL plays on a Contract so is the adolescent question of, "according to who, you?" really necessary. That's how it works. If you want to play in the NFL, then you sign a contract. If you want to play in the NFL, then you abide by the terms of the League. If you don't, then go find another vocation. You don't have to like it but you better accept it because that's the only way the League works. Get made, jump up and down, go kick your dog if you want but at the end of the day, you better get right with it because that's how it is, like it or not and that aint up to me. It definitely aint up to you either and believe it or not, it aint up to Zeke either.
I have no idea what you're talking about. We can see exactly how the NFL works. It includes contract holdouts. It includes contract renegotiations. You keep saying things like, "that's the only way the league works," and "that's how it is, like it or not," when it's simply not true. The "terms of the league" include provisions for what happens when you hold out.


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All this handwringing over paying a 24 year old running back is ludicrous considering they spent a top 5 pick on him just a few seasons ago. All he’s done in 3 seasons is justify his draft position, and now we’re not willing to pay a back because of our philosophy? How does that make any sense?

They look like morons for taking him 4th overall if they’re not willing to pay him.

I really think they want to pay him. SJ already said he had the money set aside for Zeke. FO had already said he starts at Gurley money.

The problem I think we are having is based on Zeke's off field antics and the FO trying to factor in the risk Zeke comes with.

A few weeks ago we were holding our breath he wouldn't be suspended. He slides by that and immediately into a hold out. His approach is a little ridiculous. I think had he played this season and went next offseason without another incident he'd be paid handsomely and without much delay. Instead he's forcing the issue. I dont blame the FO for this.


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If you have no leverage and you try to use it, do you really have any? Remains to be seen.

The NFL will not work if players do not honor contracts. Eventually, it will eat itself if that happens and the game will die. If this is the goal, then that plan will work. Otherwise, only a fool would decide to allow that sort of behavior. The owners are no fools.

Perhaps that is silly but the premise is worse then silly. You advocate players not honoring contracts. You advocate the very thing that will kill the NFL. I mean, you are nobody to tell anybody about silly. That position is the poster child of silly.

Yes, of course, according to me. Question, has there ever been a player in the NFL who has not had a Contract, ever? Take your time. OK, the answer is no. Every player in the NFL plays on a Contract so is the adolescent question of, "according to who, you?" really necessary. That's how it works. If you want to play in the NFL, then you sign a contract. If you want to play in the NFL, then you abide by the terms of the League. If you don't, then go find another vocation. You don't have to like it but you better accept it because that's the only way the League works. Get made, jump up and down, go kick your dog if you want but at the end of the day, you better get right with it because that's how it is, like it or not and that aint up to me. It definitely aint up to you either and believe it or not, it aint up to Zeke either.
It’s a very limited amount of players who hold out. If my memory is correct Elliott is our 1st Rookie holdout 2 years before his contract is up.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Then be a man about it and tell your future employer you'll be walking after two years. Oh... that's right, then you won't get drafted in the 4 hole and get the money you want. What a man of integrity.
Nobody's "walking." He's not allowed to walk. He's holding out.

He didn't know he'd be holding out back when he was drafted. But I'll tell you this: if he'd said, "You know, I may end up holding out for a contract extension after my third season," it wouldn't have changed his draft status one iota.


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Based on talent, he was that year but you don't need that to make a run game work. But you don't need that, you need a few backs who can come in and pick up the shared load or you can get away with a back that is just a little less talented who can do all the same things. I mean, argue all day that this team couldn't win without Zeke but there is no proof of that and we have no more championships with Zeke then we do without him.
But we can’t blame our lack of not winning championships on Elliott’s current contract or his production and contribution.

Or are you suggesting the leagues leading rusher has been holding us back?

I guess you don't believe he’s been contributing to the success we’ve had?


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Eh, you're still screwed by not having one of your top players available, regardless of the cap implications. You're continuing to rely on the unreliable.

True but if our worst fears are realized we should be able to walk away without prolonged and exaggerated cap ramifications.

Too bad we didn't realize his stance earlier in the offseason. Maybe we'd have been more aggressive in finding another back. No knock on the guys we brought in though, they may well work out.


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True but if our worst fears are realized we should be able to walk away without prolonged and exaggerated cap ramifications.

Too bad we didn't realize his stance earlier in the offseason. Maybe we'd have been more aggressive in finding another back. No knock on the guys we brought in though, they may well work out.

I think that there are options out there, depending on how aggressive the Cowboys want to get. But thus far, I get the feeling that they're choosing to keep things friendly. We'll see how long that lasts?


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The NFL is a business. And Zeke is making a business decision. I personally like the sass of it all.

Zeke's making a bet on himself and how much people think he's worth. Hope it works out for him. I mean, why not?


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All this handwringing over paying a 24 year old running back is ludicrous considering they spent a top 5 pick on him just a few seasons ago. All he’s done in 3 seasons is justify his draft position, and now we’re not willing to pay a back because of our philosophy? How does that make any sense?

They look like morons for taking him 4th overall if they’re not willing to pay him.
He has 2 years left..and hes more trouble off the field...hes too immature..hate to see what he does of u give him 60mil


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Based on talent, he was that year but you don't need that to make a run game work. But you don't need that, you need a few backs who can come in and pick up the shared load or you can get away with a back that is just a little less talented who can do all the same things. I mean, argue all day that this team couldn't win without Zeke but there is no proof of that and we have no more championships with Zeke then we do without him.

You saw what using a group of backs did. Nobody feared that group unlike the way they feared Zeke. We saw what the team looked like without him.


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If Zeke were the only player who could have done that, I might agree but he wasn't. The quality of Backs that are available every year can make the run first offense work. Zeke is not a one of a kind player IMO.

He was much more of a sure thing though, and when dedicating a large part of the offense to the running game it's tough to gamble on less sure options.

Look at the other RBs drafted that year. In order starting with the next RB taken after Zeke were Derrick Henry, Kenyon Drake, C.J. Prosise (who?), Tyler Ervin (who?), Kenneth Dixon, DeVontae Booker, DeAndre Washington, Paul Perkins, Jordan Howard ….

AHA, Jordan Howard! 10 players and 5 1/2 rounds into the draft and we finally found another RB besides Zeke who proved to be a solid NFL starter. That pretty much tells us the Cowboys were right to take Zeke if they needed to be sure to get a lynchpin for the running game that year.


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I think that there are options out there, depending on how aggressive the Cowboys want to get. But thus far, I get the feeling that they're choosing to keep things friendly. We'll see how long that lasts?

August 6th should give us a better idea of how serious this is.