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A card from Orlando, FL on 7-17-83...

Courtesy of David Baker

From Eddie Graham Sports Stadium

1) Brad Armstrong beat Adrian Street

2) Kareem Muhammad beat Florida champ Scott McGhee

3) Mike Graham beat Ox Baker by DQ

4) Barry Windham vs. Southern champ Ron Bass ended in a draw

5) WWF champion Bob Backlund beat Bobby Duncum

6) Dusty Rhodes & Angelo Mosca beat the Purple Haze & Kevin Sullivan

7) Blackjack Mulligan beat Elijah Akeem
A card from Orlando, FL on 7-17-83...

Courtesy of David Baker

From Eddie Graham Sports Stadium

1) Brad Armstrong beat Adrian Street

2) Kareem Muhammad beat Florida champ Scott McGhee

3) Mike Graham beat Ox Baker by DQ

4) Barry Windham vs. Southern champ Ron Bass ended in a draw

5) WWF champion Bob Backlund beat Bobby Duncum

6) Dusty Rhodes & Angelo Mosca beat the Purple Haze & Kevin Sullivan

7) Blackjack Mulligan beat Elijah Akeem

Purple Haze Maniac Mark Lewin. A Guy before his time.He was great!!
That's a heck of a card.

Backlund wrestled Duncum for the WWF championship in the WWF, in the NWA MId-Atlantic territory and here in the NWA Florida territory.

It was neat to hear about the champions traveling back in those days. Flair was well know to do that as well, and his work schedule was legendary.
It was neat to hear about the champions traveling back in those days. Flair was well know to do that as well, and his work schedule was legendary.

I can't imagine how any of the NWA traveling champions had any sort of a home life...

Dory Jr.
Jack Brisco
Terry Funk

It was such a brutal grind.

And they weren't working 3 minute squash matches, many of their matches were going 20 minutes at least.
I can't imagine how any of the NWA traveling champions had any sort of a home life...

Dory Jr.
Jack Brisco
Terry Funk

It was such a brutal grind.

And they weren't working 3 minute squash matches, many of their matches were going 20 minutes at least.

And Flair seemed to go an hour whether he was performing in front of 10,000 people or 100.
Good stuff.

Unless something changes in the next few years, this 'sport' will only continue to die a slow death.

The biggest question I have is, will it fall below the point of sustainability or will WWE somehow turn things around and be profitable enough to stay open for business.

It feels like we're going down the path of BlockBuster Video to me. In 10 years, WWE could be in big trouble.
It is because the WWE constantly play politics. Talented wrestlers get screwed over vs whoever Daddy was a WWE wrestler from years past. HHH cannot get past his ego that he wasn't the main attraction and so he gets to beat Sting,Goldberg,etc..... Shane McMahon needs to get out of the way....How Ricochet & Asuka can become mid card wrestlers is beyond belief??.....
WWE lays another turd on Smackdown.


Kofi will take on Randy Orton,
Dolph Ziggler vs The Miz

Charlotte Flair vs Bailey ZZZZZZZ

WWE needs to do something fast because these shows are just boring.

Have Big E turn Heel on Kofi?

No more of the same stuff.Get Bailey and Charlotte Flair out of there. Who cares? That is a Summerslam type event???
Has anyone seen the wrestling series on Viceland? Here is one of them.

I watched the Montreal screwjob dark side episode. And I've seen the Stardom, the MVP and Evolve episodes of the other series.

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