Robert Quinn Suspended 2 games


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My understanding it was not Quinn using PED but the medication he was taking for seizures is also known as a masking agent. I think if that is the case than maybe the league procedure should be having independent medical staff to examine Quinn health situation and if his claims are legit then league should lift suspension


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I swear, the jig is up. No more conspiracies. It is up. I will be so glad when Goodell is gone. This is such a non issue it isn't even funny.


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Two of the guys you listed admitted they took something for performance and didn’t realize what was in it.

That’s far different than a guy with a trace amount of a masking agent in his blood stream that has a very plausible explanation backed with some evidence. Same with Tate who notified the league what happened before he was even tested.

Maybe Tate and Quinn are pulling some elaborate ruse here but in their cases I think the league should give them the benefit of the doubt, especially with first time offenders of the policy.

Further the league ham fists these things where they let some guy walk for bad meat he ate in Mexico but a guy notifying the league he’s on fertility drugs that may cause a failed test gets suspended. I am curious to see where Tate’s appeal goes.

I’d wager good money Quinn’s rep is waaay overplaying the contamination angle.

First, his rep is really banking on trying to establish the fact the diuretic was processed in the same pharmacy as Quinn’s seizure meds. Fine. That’s not earth-shattering news. What I bet he’s not being upfront about is when the actual processing of the probenecid occurred. He’s only hedges on it happening before Quinn’s meds were.

Second, in a pharmacy where people have real health altering issues where you have medications meant to both increase your blood pressure as well as lower it, cross contamination is a serious concern. So the idea there’s just pill dust haphazardly collecting on a sorting table and getting sorted into other prescriptions is silly (I’m talking about the notion in general, not saying this is what you believe).

*It should be noted probenecid is a well-known masking agent ( so it’s pretty rich to forward the notion that if there was somehow some cross-contamination this just happened to be the drug.


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I’d wager good money Quinn’s rep is waaay overplaying the contamination angle.

First, his rep is really banking on trying to establish the fact the diuretic was processed in the same pharmacy as Quinn’s seizure meds. Fine. That’s not earth-shattering news. What I bet he’s not being upfront about is when the actual processing of the probenecid occurred. He’s only hedges on it happening before Quinn’s meds were.

Second, in a pharmacy where people have real health altering issues where you have medications meant to both increase your blood pressure as well as lower it, cross contamination is a serious concern. So the idea there’s just pill dust haphazardly collecting on a sorting table and getting sorted into other prescriptions is silly (I’m talking about the notion in general, not saying this is what you believe).

*It should be noted probenecid is a well-known masking agent ( so it’s pretty rich to forward the notion that if there was somehow some cross-contamination this just happened to be the drug.

Food for thought.

If we believe what was said by the agent, this stuff isn’t found in athletes anymore. The tester found it twice in 30 years. And the levels detected were not consistent with taking it as a masking agent.

Cross contamination is possible. While what you say is true about them trying to prevent it and all the reasons to prevent it, it’s still pretty common. Pharmacists and pharmacy techs will tell you as much.


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Bogus suspension especially when Quinn has no previous history of PED. Had Quinn been suspended previously for PED then this suspension wouldn't be a surprise. The fact he has been in the league for 8 seasons and had some seasons of playing at a very high level but was never suspended or suspected of using PED's. Thinking that this would be nothing other then what his agent claims, is stupid by the NFL.


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That's the level it was when he was tested. How does the tester know that Quinn didn't have greater levels of the substance in his bloodstream at an earlier date? Can Quinn narrow down when he allegedly took his tainted medication that contained the masking agent drug? At what level was the masking agent drug that initially got into Quinn's system. If you don't know that then how long does that masking agent drug stay in the bloodstream? Maybe then you can determine the approximate level that entered Quinn judging by the residual amount on the date he got tested.

Because Probenecid is an FDA approved drug that has been through years of pharmacotox testing and they have a clear understanding of how much entered his system at what time in order to leave trace amounts at the time of the test.

And if you really want to lecture on critical thinking, if the Probenecid was used as masking agent and had diluted down to a third of a mg, whatever drug he was taking and trying to mask would appear in trace amounts as well.

Acting on trace amounts like this is like saying "We suspended Eli Manning because he had drug paraphernalia, in this case a bong. And by bong, we mean a 3 mm spec of plastic, which could have been a bong".


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Cross contamination is possible. While what you say is true about them trying to prevent it and all the reasons to prevent it, it’s still pretty common. Pharmacists and pharmacy techs will tell you as much.

And the people selling PEDs to athletes are generally using the state of the art, not something that was used for masking 30 years ago that has been on the list they test for since day one. If you are going to rob a bank in 2019, you don't use a mule for your getaway car.


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I am far from one of these guys that claims conspiracy against the Cowboys. So stuff that angle back in your tube.

But here we have a guy who has never been pinched for anything, who is on medication for seizures and lays out a very plausible scenario. Whether the other prescription was filled a minute befor or two days before, cross contamination is possible as noted by someone in this thread.

I tend to not agree with the league in matters like this. I think they do these things not because of justice but simply because they can and the more they overturn these things the more they weaken their hand.

And as said this isn’t a Cowboys thing. I think Golden Tate should have his suspension removed as well. His story is also very plausible and to my knowledge he’s never had any previous issues either.

I don't know that little plausibility or having no prior offenses is a strong argument unless you have more evidence than what Quinn's camp has presented.

As for no prior offenses, there's always a first time. Someone mentioned that Quinn's been in the league all this time playing at a high level with no prior offenses but PEDs are known for helping with recovery which a player needs more the older he gets. For example, if this were Tom Brady, he is reasonably more suspect now than he would be as a rookie because he would need greater recovery help now.

I think the plausibility here warrants a little merit and it's why I think Quinn only got 2 games instead of 4 if his agent's report about the NFL's opinion is accurate. But barring any additional proof like answering any of the questions I've presented and more, it's just a loose woulda coulda situation with no more solid tie-downs than a greater-than-random-chance leap of faith. Need the details for a more solid case. People keep overlooking that Quinn's agent said as much in the same statement.


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Gm Jerry never met a suspended player he did not love
This. All the narcissism blaming the Commish, league and Gboys..etc. I was going to say, eventually this team has to look in the mirror but given latitude they provide these players, the and the FO they will always keep their "wildcatter" mentality. Sad part is these players do it knowing their are hurting their own teammates.
These suspensions are handed out like candy at Halloween across the league and until you hit the players , and the team they represent extremely hard (particularly in the wallet) it will always continue. Esp. against and owner as ignorant as the DC.


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This. All the narcissism blaming the Commish, league and Gboys..etc. I was going to say, eventually this team has to look in the mirror but given latitude they provide these players, the and the FO they will always keep their "wildcatter" mentality. Sad part is these players do it knowing their are hurting their own teammates.

Zeke "did it" before he was drafted and the cops on the scene and the NFL's own investigator said he did nothing wrong.

And the numbers have been posted before, Dallas has the average number of suspensions for NFL teams.


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Because Probenecid is an FDA approved drug that has been through years of pharmacotox testing and they have a clear understanding of how much entered his system at what time in order to leave trace amounts at the time of the test.

And if you really want to lecture on critical thinking, if the Probenecid was used as masking agent and had diluted down to a third of a mg, whatever drug he was taking and trying to mask would appear in trace amounts as well.

Acting on trace amounts like this is like saying "We suspended Eli Manning because he had drug paraphernalia, in this case a bong. And by bong, we mean a 3 mm spec of plastic, which could have been a bong".

If they know what amounts entered his system and at what time then let's hear it. As of now, we only know what was there when tested.

And if traces of a masking drug shows up alongside traces of the drug it's supposed to mask then how is it a masking drug? Lol. I don't claim to be a pharmacologist, this is just logic talking.

And again, what of Quinn's agent's own statement that they had inadequate proof? People cry all up and down about Elliott's suspension without enough proof (and I agree) but at the same time want to cry about Quinn's suspension when their camp themselves admit inadequate proof. You can't have CONSPIRACY! both ways.


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Food for thought.

If we believe what was said by the agent, this stuff isn’t found in athletes anymore. The tester found it twice in 30 years. And the levels detected were not consistent with taking it as a masking agent.

Cross contamination is possible. While what you say is true about them trying to prevent it and all the reasons to prevent it, it’s still pretty common. Pharmacists and pharmacy techs will tell you as much.

Interesting but I’m not convinced the anecdote from the tester holds true.

From 2014:

From 2019:

What also should be considered is the fact probenecid has been a banned masking agent for many decades which probably speaks to the fact not many pro athletes are getting popped for it regularly.


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And if traces of a masking drug shows up alongside traces of the drug it's supposed to mask then how is it a masking drug? Lol. I don't claim to be a pharmacologist, this is just logic talking.

Its not logic, its your online schtick. And Cal Poly will be right behind you.

The tests are for compounds at certain levels that would indicate abuse (i.e. 5 mg) If you go down to a level small enough (0.3 mg like this), everything will show up. Masking agents MAY block enough of a compound that a test at a higher level wouldn't catch it but you wouldn't use a compound decades old as a masking agent if you really trying to hide a modern PED.

You have fatal viruses in your body right now, just not in amounts that your immune system can't handle. The FDA allows for a certain amount of rat feces in hamburgers, but its a trace amount.


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If they know what amounts entered his system and at what time then let's hear it. As of now, we only know what was there when tested.

And if traces of a masking drug shows up alongside traces of the drug it's supposed to mask then how is it a masking drug? Lol. I don't claim to be a pharmacologist, this is just logic talking.

And again, what of Quinn's agent's own statement that they had inadequate proof? People cry all up and down about Elliott's suspension without enough proof (and I agree) but at the same time want to cry about Quinn's suspension when their camp themselves admit inadequate proof. You can't have CONSPIRACY! both ways.

People read the takeaway provided from Quinn’s representative and they are thoroughly convinced.

Go figure.


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Its not logic, its your online schtick. And Cal Poly will be right behind you.

The tests are for compounds at certain levels that would indicate abuse (i.e. 5 mg) If you go down to a level small enough (0.3 mg like this), everything will show up. Masking agents MAY block enough of a compound that a test at a higher level wouldn't catch it but you wouldn't use a compound decades old as a masking agent if you really trying to hide a modern PED.

You have fatal viruses in your body right now, just not in amounts that your immune system can't handle. The FDA allows for a certain amount of rat feces in hamburgers, but its a trace amount.

Guys, listen to kaiser, he finished 9th grade.


1st Round Pick
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I’d wager good money Quinn’s rep is waaay overplaying the contamination angle.

First, his rep is really banking on trying to establish the fact the diuretic was processed in the same pharmacy as Quinn’s seizure meds. Fine. That’s not earth-shattering news. What I bet he’s not being upfront about is when the actual processing of the probenecid occurred. He’s only hedges on it happening before Quinn’s meds were.

Second, in a pharmacy where people have real health altering issues where you have medications meant to both increase your blood pressure as well as lower it, cross contamination is a serious concern. So the idea there’s just pill dust haphazardly collecting on a sorting table and getting sorted into other prescriptions is silly (I’m talking about the notion in general, not saying this is what you believe).

*It should be noted probenecid is a well-known masking agent ( so it’s pretty rich to forward the notion that if there was somehow some cross-contamination this just happened to be the drug.

I buy into that too.

The drug he was taking is a masking agent.

He's on a 1 year deal and he's playing on the biggest stage in football. My guess is he probably did take something and my guess is that most of these NFL players are taking something because there is so much to be gained and the tests are generally easy to pass until you get caught.

Also, I don't think this was Goodell's decision. It sounds like Quinn and the NFL agreed to a mutual arbitrator who is not biased and they deemed he should be suspended for it.


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As predicted, Cal Poly slides into the thread!
