Our ongoing disadvantage - Opposing players got clues to Cowboys offense from Boise State


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Fire JG and get a real HC. If we had that we should be 5-0 now.


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well, are you surprised? what did you expect? I have said it all along, Moore is going to get schooled by few coaches along the way. you don't go from the bench, to QB coach to OC and dominate. every NFL coaches has had to earn their stripses and take their lumps...this is for Moore...he doesn't even cover his mouth when he calls plays, compared to EVERY OTHER coach in the NFL...… that is Garrett's fault. he should as the HC tell him, just do it. be paranoid. and now he is learning that in the NFL, with the billions involved, people have the resources and will look for anything to have a slight advantage and pull out a game, like a 2 point win....Bilicheck did it by recording the oppositions practices and has won and lost several close superbowls…...

I don't disagree with you about Moore's culpability. But rather than actually doing anything to change it, Garrett's actually trying to deny it's happening! When other teams' players, with no reason to say anything either way, are coming out and saying so. Even the article I attached talks about how it's actually not smart to be saying these things publicly and giving away a known advantage they have. But this team and staff are so far behind the curve, it's out there for all to see. But instead of doing anything about it, they try to deny it. Likely because one Garrett is trying to cover for the other.

I for one am sick of watching what was once the most advanced, forward-thinking team in the entire league, being a dinosaur, and totally behind the times and what the rest of the league is doing on a weekly basis.


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Garrett believes proper execution trumps all. So yeah, he wouldn't care if other teams knew what plays we were running; he'd just expect us to beat them anyways.

Makes no sense, but this is a mute issue because it's not going to change.
Yeah. And the sad truth is that in today’s NFL the talent margins between teams are extremely thin. This puts a premium on coaches being able to be creative and adaptable with scheme and personnel. The coaches who can adapt creatively to what opponents are doing to you are the ones winning in the playoffs. In short, the NFL is a league where coaches matter more than ever.

In college football, teams like Alabama, Ohio State, and OU have huge talent advantages over most of their opponents. They can simply execute their offense or defense with little adjustment required and usually overwhelm their opponents physically. It’s completely different than the NFL where the talent margin between the best and worst teams are not that dramatic.


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It's stating the obvious. You can cover your own eyes to it if you so choose.

Nobody else's.
Our core issues are in lack of talent in key areas as I laid out and how easy it is to scheme our weaknesses.

Some teams have the talent and coaching to carry it out. Others don’t . But expecting our coaching to overcome our weaknesses in talent is shortsighted.


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Our core issues are in lack of talent in key areas as I laid out and how easy it is to scheme our weaknesses.

Some teams have the talent and coaching to carry it out. Others don’t . But expecting our coaching to overcome our weaknesses in talent is shortsighted.

Nothing more "shortsighted" than your failed assessments above.


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Yeah. And the sad truth is that in today’s NFL the talent margins between teams are extremely thin. This puts a premium on coaches being able to be creative and adaptable with scheme and personnel. The coaches who can adapt creatively to what opponents are doing to you are the ones winning in the playoffs. In short, the NFL is a league where coaches matter more than ever.

In college football, teams like Alabama, Ohio State, and OU have huge talent advantages over most of their opponents. They can simply execute their offense or defense with little adjustment required and usually overwhelm their opponents physically. It’s completely different than the NFL where the talent margin between the best and worst teams are not that dramatic.
We don’t think NY, Wash and Miami tried the same scheme against us ? Or did they simply not have the talent to match us?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Yeah. And the sad truth is that in today’s NFL the talent margins between teams are extremely thin. This puts a premium on coaches being able to be creative and adaptable with scheme and personnel. The coaches who can adapt creatively to what opponents are doing to you are the ones winning in the playoffs. In short, the NFL is a league where coaches matter more than ever.

In college football, teams like Alabama, Ohio State, and OU have huge talent advantages over most of their opponents. They can simply execute their offense or defense with little adjustment required and usually overwhelm their opponents physically. It’s completely different than the NFL where the talent margin between the best and worst teams are not that dramatic.

How do you think Bill Belicheck continues to do it, year after year, after year?

It's because he utilizes every single bit of information and data that he can to gain a competitive advantage, yes, going so far as to break league rules if he can.

But no one can argue with the success he's had during his tenure and it's because he and the organization leave no stone unturned. While the Cowboys are caught up in a "Friends and Family" program with the Garretts and are too worried about "feelings". That's why we will never attain the levels the Patriots do.


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Nothing more "shortsighted" than your failed assessments above.
So, how do you explain 1-9 when Elliott is held to less than 75 yards?

That isn’t a proven scheme in stopping our running game forcing Qb and passing offense to beat you?

Or gashing our defense up the middle isn’t a proven method??

Your argument is it all about coaching. Mine is it’s more talent driven. Unless you’re saying NY, Wash or Mia didn’t attempt the same strategy?


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Garrett believes proper execution trumps all. So yeah, he wouldn't care if other teams knew what plays we were running; he'd just expect us to beat them anyways.

Makes no sense, but this is a mute issue because it's not going to change.

That was the mindset of the 90's teams basically. We are better than you, so you know what is coming so stop us.
That doesn't work in todays NFL.


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So, how do you explain 1-9 when Elliott is held to less than 75 yards?

That isn’t a proven scheme in stopping our running game forcing Qb and passing offense to beat you?

Or gashing our defense up the middle isn’t a proven method??

You’re argument is it all about coaching. Mine is it’s more talent driven. Unless you’re saying NY, Wash or Mia didn’t attempt the same strategy?

My argument isn't "all about coaching", keep reading and re-reading all of this as many times as you need to until you realize that.


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...(coughing) says 'nobody.' Couldn't even catch onto a non quote, WITHOUT agenda. As stated by EVERYONE in this very quote...again.


You keep trying too. Still saying nothing.