Would Romo have us at 5-0?


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No disrespect intended here, but Romo’s “It factor” got us two wildcard wins and more than a few bad performances in games that mattered. I’m not a Romo hater, but he was never even within a 100 miles of Roger Staubach. Romo was good. Not great. I think he’s overvalued because this franchise has had so little to celebrate over the last quarter century. We are left celebrating a good but slightly overrated QB because we haven’t had much else to get excited about.

This post sums up my exact thoughts about the overrated Romo. One thing I'll add is Romo was not half the QB Staubach was. Staubach was a natural leader, made everyone around him better, and was top 5 greatest late game comeback QBs in nfl history. And he served our country in the navy.


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This post sums up my exact thoughts about the overrated Romo. One thing I'll add is Romo was not half the QB Staubach was. Staubach was a natural leader, made everyone around him better, and was top 5 greatest late game comeback QBs in nfl history. And he served our country in the navy.
Romo was a better version of Jay Fiedler..


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I was referring to QB rating in the playoffs, not yardage.

Dak's best playoff game was his 103.2 GB in 2016. Both of Romo's playoff games in 2014 were higher, the GB game 40 points higher.
If you are going by QBR to "show" Romo was better, which he wasn't, than you also have to use it for Dak. He leads the league in QBR this season, does that mean he is the best QB in the league or better than any other QB?

Fact is Dak played better than Romo in the playoffs, period. 191 yards and 2 TDs isn't better than 301 yards and 3 TDs. Say whatever you want but it's wrong.


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If Zeke and Witten fumbled then that would be used as an example of why Romo still doesn't have any help and talent around him and still has to do it all "by himself" to try and win games. :rolleyes:
Bingo, you hit the mail in the head.

What's so funny is that they say Dak can only win with talent around him but then say Romo would win with this talent...... Do they not see the irony


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If you are going by QBR to "show" Romo was better, which he wasn't, than you also have to use it for Dak. He leads the league in QBR this season, does that mean he is the best QB in the league or better than any other QB?

Fact is Dak played better than Romo in the playoffs, period. 191 yards and 2 TDs isn't better than 301 yards and 3 TDs. Say whatever you want but it's wrong.
You forgot the drive killing interception thrown right to Micah Hyde, you clueless troll. Keep fantasizing that Dak is even 1/10th as good as Romo.


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Go watch the game and tell me plays weren’t there to be made. Because other QBs also failed doesn’t excuse Romo’s poor performance. You have been awfully critical of Dak yet seem really lenient towards Romo for this game. I don’t blame you, I bought some of those excuses too. Rewatching the 4th quarter to see if our weapons simply abandoned Romo, as you suggested, was really eye opening. I am going to watch quarters 1-3 tomorrow.

Here is a link to the game.

Thanks for the link.

But I've actually been quite complimentary of Dak in this thread. I think he deserves it.

I don't remember Romo as perfect in that game. He was just the best thing going on offense, particularly late in the game.

I've started the 4th quarter.

Giants score.
We get a penalty on the kick return.
They replay Crayton's infamous drop. What I hadn't remembered is that Romo was dodging a free defender, rolling left, throwing right with a side arm throw to get the ball under/around the defender. Should have been a massive Romomagic play.
Barber runs for a loss of 1.
Another drop by Crayton!
Romo gets the completion just as he's getting pounded! Kind of a floater snap. Joe Buck comments on Gurode "having a tough time snapping".

Buck: Airs the ball out to Owens, and it's through his hands!
Great blocking on the play. TO runs a feeble loafing route. Like he thought it was a run.
Aikman: But normally you don't see a receiver come to that kind of halt before taking off.

Crayton makes a good catch on a good pass with a defender in Romo's grill. 1st down.
Aikman: You can tell this defensive front is starting to get a little pressure on Tony Romo.

Barber runs for 2.
Buck: Marion Barber certainly not much of a factor in this half.

Jailbreak against Tony, free runner 58 up the middle. He scrambles right and is surrounded by 4 Giants and goes down. Yeah, Miles is open, but there is *no* chance for any QB to get that ball off to him.

Another free runner in Romo's grill on a stunt. Couldn't get the ball to Glenn.
Buck: And you said it. That entire series the Giants finally pressure on Tony Romo.

Hey! Carpenter downs the ball at the 2!
Defense gets a 3 and out!

Crayton drops punt, but falls on it.

Barber for 4. 1st down play calling seems rather repetitive.
Romo hit after throw, Giants get called for holding on Crayton. It was actually a drag down tackle.
Another jailbreak. Tony tries to roll and make a play. Fails and takes the sack.
Aikman: A sack like that just kills you.
Tony gets pounded again, but makes the completion to Witten for 20. I see freaking Sam Hurd on the field. Yeah, Tony had a lot of help.
Tony throws for the first down to Witten, but a two flags. But illegal procedure on us, only 6 men on the LOS. More help for Romo. They pick up the PI flag. 3rd and 9.
TO draws a hands to the face penalty. 1st down.

Tony throws the ball away, way out of bounds. Gets a very late grounding flag. Romo argues with refs. Wade too.
Aikman: A lot of times they won't call that.
Seems like a weird flag. That was big. Don't know about that call though.

And they have to call a timeout as the playclock was down to 1. Getting a delay after a penalty seems crappy. The far WR wasn't even set before the playclock was at 1. Was that on Romo? I tend to think that was Wade just not getting the play in.

Underthrown ball to TO. Romo bad throw, but TO didn't do anything to help out either.
Aikman: "Had Romo been given time ..."
Flozell went down and looks hurt.

Another 3 and out for the defense! They showed up in the 4th.

1:50 left from the Giants 48.

Good play by Barber on a dump off pass to get 9. Clock running, though.

And they run a handoff to Barber? What? He runs into Colombo for the tackle. I don't know what that was. Giants think they have a fumble, but Barber was down. Tons of time gets run off.

Romomagic scramble and flip pass to Witten for 18!
Clock stops with Tuck injury. Saves us some. Maybe saves the Giants from us getting off a play too.

TO on the sidelines sucking air with 31 seconds left.
Presnap penalty on the offense. On Colombo, but it was the whole line. Gurode late on snap.

Short pass to Witten out of bounds where they keep the clock winding. Witten gets in field forward progress, so he doesn't get out of bounds. Using our last timeout.

2nd and 11. 26 seconds. No timeouts. From the 23. Not a winning hand.
Romo gets pounded. No chance on that one.
Aikman: For a guy who had been not getting hit much, he's been getting absolutely pounded in the 2nd half, particularly in the 4th quarter.... Anytime he's been dropping back in the 4th quarter, he's been on his back. Either that or running for his life.

3rd and 11.
Crayton loafs and stutter steps his way out of the winning td. He was *past* the defender when he stuttered. This was no "move". This was losing the game. Ball was right there.

4th and 11.
Tony has time throws to Glenn at the endzone. INT.
Max protect. Only 3 guys in the pattern.
Probably the best guy to throw to is Crayton up top. Looks single covered. Course he was the guy who just balked his way out of the win.
The way Tony threw, defenders couldn't really collapse around Glenn in time. But Glenn had no separation and didn't make a play on the ball.

With the amount of time he had, he could have stalled and scrambled. But with all the wrs in the endzone with lots of giants, I don't know what that buys you.

Strange play call. No attempt to put a WR on the sidelines to get a first down and another play. Or two. The INT was at 10 seconds. Also weird that TO is run into the middle of the field instead of out to the corner.

With the max protect, the call was probably to not scramble, and just line up your best shot and take it. Very much a Jason Garret kind of call.

Giants had a couple of guys in no mans land doing nothing for them. 5 on 3 in the end zone, and we had the WRs.

Defense was great in the 4th. Two 3 and outs.

Besides one nice catch by Crayton, a little extra yardage from a dump off by Barber, and basic competence by Witten, I don't see Tony getting a lot of help.

TO whiffs a deep ball on a non-route.
Barber ineffective on 3 first down runs, I think in a row. Then gets tackled by Colombo on a mystery run call on the final drive. Garrett play calling.
Witten keeps the clock running by getting driven backward while going out of bounds. We have to eat a timeout.
Crayton whiffs a ball. Drops a punt. Balks the winner.
Gurode is slow snapping, one of which costs a penalty.
Another penalty for not getting 6 men on the LOS.
After the grounding penalty, the sideline is late getting in the play and the wr is late in getting set, so we have to eat a timeout.

Aikman: For a guy who had been not getting hit much, he's been getting absolutely pounded in the 2nd half, particularly in the 4th quarter.... Anytime he's been dropping back in the 4th quarter, he's been on his back. Either that or running for his life.
Not entirely accurate. Tony did have lots of time on a few. But it was jailbreak on the rest.

Tony's major fail was the grounding penalty, if that was a good penalty. Poor deep throw to TO too.

I'm less critical of Romo trying to make plays by rolling than Aikman. Of course Aikman wouldn't do that, but Tony made a living on that. Calculated risk. With the poor secondary, it made extra sense.

I saw lots of execution while getting pounded, and some Romomagic.

All in all, as I remember. Romo not perfect, but making lots of plays. Anyone else on the offense making plays? 1 positive by Crayton. 1 by Barber. Otherwise, screw ups galore. Sideline costs a timeout. Garrett calls lame plays. Oline can't block.

Romo ain't perfect, but he's the guy balling on the offense. Witten is the only other net positive.


Well-Known Member
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Thanks for the link.

But I've actually been quite complimentary of Dak in this thread. I think he deserves it.

I don't remember Romo as perfect in that game. He was just the best thing going on offense, particularly late in the game.

I've started the 4th quarter.

Giants score.
We get a penalty on the kick return.
They replay Crayton's infamous drop. What I hadn't remembered is that Romo was dodging a free defender, rolling left, throwing right with a side arm throw to get the ball under/around the defender. Should have been a massive Romomagic play.
Barber runs for a loss of 1.
Another drop by Crayton!
Romo gets the completion just as he's getting pounded! Kind of a floater snap. Joe Buck comments on Gurode "having a tough time snapping".

Buck: Airs the ball out to Owens, and it's through his hands!
Great blocking on the play. TO runs a feeble loafing route. Like he thought it was a run.
Aikman: But normally you don't see a receiver come to that kind of halt before taking off.

Crayton makes a good catch on a good pass with a defender in Romo's grill. 1st down.
Aikman: You can tell this defensive front is starting to get a little pressure on Tony Romo.

Barber runs for 2.
Buck: Marion Barber certainly not much of a factor in this half.

Jailbreak against Tony, free runner 58 up the middle. He scrambles right and is surrounded by 4 Giants and goes down. Yeah, Miles is open, but there is *no* chance for any QB to get that ball off to him.

Another free runner in Romo's grill on a stunt. Couldn't get the ball to Glenn.
Buck: And you said it. That entire series the Giants finally pressure on Tony Romo.

Hey! Carpenter downs the ball at the 2!
Defense gets a 3 and out!

Crayton drops punt, but falls on it.

Barber for 4. 1st down play calling seems rather repetitive.
Romo hit after throw, Giants get called for holding on Crayton. It was actually a drag down tackle.
Another jailbreak. Tony tries to roll and make a play. Fails and takes the sack.
Aikman: A sack like that just kills you.
Tony gets pounded again, but makes the completion to Witten for 20. I see freaking Sam Hurd on the field. Yeah, Tony had a lot of help.
Tony throws for the first down to Witten, but a two flags. But illegal procedure on us, only 6 men on the LOS. More help for Romo. They pick up the PI flag. 3rd and 9.
TO draws a hands to the face penalty. 1st down.

Tony throws the ball away, way out of bounds. Gets a very late grounding flag. Romo argues with refs. Wade too.
Aikman: A lot of times they won't call that.
Seems like a weird flag. That was big. Don't know about that call though.

And they have to call a timeout as the playclock was down to 1. Getting a delay after a penalty seems crappy. The far WR wasn't even set before the playclock was at 1. Was that on Romo? I tend to think that was Wade just not getting the play in.

Underthrown ball to TO. Romo bad throw, but TO didn't do anything to help out either.
Aikman: "Had Romo been given time ..."
Flozell went down and looks hurt.

Another 3 and out for the defense! They showed up in the 4th.

1:50 left from the Giants 48.

Good play by Barber on a dump off pass to get 9. Clock running, though.

And they run a handoff to Barber? What? He runs into Colombo for the tackle. I don't know what that was. Giants think they have a fumble, but Barber was down. Tons of time gets run off.

Romomagic scramble and flip pass to Witten for 18!
Clock stops with Tuck injury. Saves us some. Maybe saves the Giants from us getting off a play too.

TO on the sidelines sucking air with 31 seconds left.
Presnap penalty on the offense. On Colombo, but it was the whole line. Gurode late on snap.

Short pass to Witten out of bounds where they keep the clock winding. Witten gets in field forward progress, so he doesn't get out of bounds. Using our last timeout.

2nd and 11. 26 seconds. No timeouts. From the 23. Not a winning hand.
Romo gets pounded. No chance on that one.
Aikman: For a guy who had been not getting hit much, he's been getting absolutely pounded in the 2nd half, particularly in the 4th quarter.... Anytime he's been dropping back in the 4th quarter, he's been on his back. Either that or running for his life.

3rd and 11.
Crayton loafs and stutter steps his way out of the winning td. He was *past* the defender when he stuttered. This was no "move". This was losing the game. Ball was right there.

4th and 11.
Tony has time throws to Glenn at the endzone. INT.
Max protect. Only 3 guys in the pattern.
Probably the best guy to throw to is Crayton up top. Looks single covered. Course he was the guy who just balked his way out of the win.
The way Tony threw, defenders couldn't really collapse around Glenn in time. But Glenn had no separation and didn't make a play on the ball.

With the amount of time he had, he could have stalled and scrambled. But with all the wrs in the endzone with lots of giants, I don't know what that buys you.

Strange play call. No attempt to put a WR on the sidelines to get a first down and another play. Or two. The INT was at 10 seconds. Also weird that TO is run into the middle of the field instead of out to the corner.

With the max protect, the call was probably to not scramble, and just line up your best shot and take it. Very much a Jason Garret kind of call.

Giants had a couple of guys in no mans land doing nothing for them. 5 on 3 in the end zone, and we had the WRs.

Defense was great in the 4th. Two 3 and outs.

Besides one nice catch by Crayton, a little extra yardage from a dump off by Barber, and basic competence by Witten, I don't see Tony getting a lot of help.

TO whiffs a deep ball on a non-route.
Barber ineffective on 3 first down runs, I think in a row. Then gets tackled by Colombo on a mystery run call on the final drive. Garrett play calling.
Witten keeps the clock running by getting driven backward while going out of bounds. We have to eat a timeout.
Crayton whiffs a ball. Drops a punt. Balks the winner.
Gurode is slow snapping, one of which costs a penalty.
Another penalty for not getting 6 men on the LOS.
After the grounding penalty, the sideline is late getting in the play and the wr is late in getting set, so we have to eat a timeout.

Aikman: For a guy who had been not getting hit much, he's been getting absolutely pounded in the 2nd half, particularly in the 4th quarter.... Anytime he's been dropping back in the 4th quarter, he's been on his back. Either that or running for his life.
Not entirely accurate. Tony did have lots of time on a few. But it was jailbreak on the rest.

Tony's major fail was the grounding penalty, if that was a good penalty. Poor deep throw to TO too.

I'm less critical of Romo trying to make plays by rolling than Aikman. Of course Aikman wouldn't do that, but Tony made a living on that. Calculated risk. With the poor secondary, it made extra sense.

I saw lots of execution while getting pounded, and some Romomagic.

All in all, as I remember. Romo not perfect, but making lots of plays. Anyone else on the offense making plays? 1 positive by Crayton. 1 by Barber. Otherwise, screw ups galore. Sideline costs a timeout. Garrett calls lame plays. Oline can't block.

Romo ain't perfect, but he's the guy balling on the offense. Witten is the only other net positive.


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Your hissy fit over someone talking about something you don't want to talk ain't normal. It's obsessive.
Maybe it’s just me. But it just seems strange, childlike amongst other things, to sit here, fascinating and romanticizing on what you think Romo would do with this team. Nobody knows with 100% certainty either way. But one thing we do know is that Romo played with teams better than the one we have now. You all talk like Romo played 10 long years surrounded by absolute bums. You make it seem as if Romo was the only good player on all those teams. The only thing that’s head and shoulders above past teams is Zeke vs everyone else at running back. Even then Demarco Murray in 2014 is very comparable. So yea. I find it weird that since 2016 you all have been saying that these recent teams are better than the ones Romo played on. That’s BS because we can come here on any day and see you same lames complaining about the defense, the Oline, coaching, etc. The same excuses you give Romo don’t apply to Dak. That’s BS, hypocritical and wreaks of an agenda of some sort. You all seem to be upset because Dak accepted the challenge of being the starting quarterback instead of being a submissive coward and handing Romo the job voluntarily.
All I’m sayin is that all rules, codes, statistics, and excuses should be evenly applied to both or not recognized at all. Not sure if you realize it or not, but that’s absolutely a definite bias. Why? What’s the difference?


Go Seahawks!!!
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Thanks for the link.

But I've actually been quite complimentary of Dak in this thread. I think he deserves it.

I don't remember Romo as perfect in that game. He was just the best thing going on offense, particularly late in the game.

I've started the 4th quarter.

Giants score.
We get a penalty on the kick return.
They replay Crayton's infamous drop. What I hadn't remembered is that Romo was dodging a free defender, rolling left, throwing right with a side arm throw to get the ball under/around the defender. Should have been a massive Romomagic play.
Barber runs for a loss of 1.
Another drop by Crayton!
Romo gets the completion just as he's getting pounded! Kind of a floater snap. Joe Buck comments on Gurode "having a tough time snapping".

Buck: Airs the ball out to Owens, and it's through his hands!
Great blocking on the play. TO runs a feeble loafing route. Like he thought it was a run.
Aikman: But normally you don't see a receiver come to that kind of halt before taking off.

Crayton makes a good catch on a good pass with a defender in Romo's grill. 1st down.
Aikman: You can tell this defensive front is starting to get a little pressure on Tony Romo.

Barber runs for 2.
Buck: Marion Barber certainly not much of a factor in this half.

Jailbreak against Tony, free runner 58 up the middle. He scrambles right and is surrounded by 4 Giants and goes down. Yeah, Miles is open, but there is *no* chance for any QB to get that ball off to him.

Another free runner in Romo's grill on a stunt. Couldn't get the ball to Glenn.
Buck: And you said it. That entire series the Giants finally pressure on Tony Romo.

Hey! Carpenter downs the ball at the 2!
Defense gets a 3 and out!

Crayton drops punt, but falls on it.

Barber for 4. 1st down play calling seems rather repetitive.
Romo hit after throw, Giants get called for holding on Crayton. It was actually a drag down tackle.
Another jailbreak. Tony tries to roll and make a play. Fails and takes the sack.
Aikman: A sack like that just kills you.
Tony gets pounded again, but makes the completion to Witten for 20. I see freaking Sam Hurd on the field. Yeah, Tony had a lot of help.
Tony throws for the first down to Witten, but a two flags. But illegal procedure on us, only 6 men on the LOS. More help for Romo. They pick up the PI flag. 3rd and 9.
TO draws a hands to the face penalty. 1st down.

Tony throws the ball away, way out of bounds. Gets a very late grounding flag. Romo argues with refs. Wade too.
Aikman: A lot of times they won't call that.
Seems like a weird flag. That was big. Don't know about that call though.

And they have to call a timeout as the playclock was down to 1. Getting a delay after a penalty seems crappy. The far WR wasn't even set before the playclock was at 1. Was that on Romo? I tend to think that was Wade just not getting the play in.

Underthrown ball to TO. Romo bad throw, but TO didn't do anything to help out either.
Aikman: "Had Romo been given time ..."
Flozell went down and looks hurt.

Another 3 and out for the defense! They showed up in the 4th.

1:50 left from the Giants 48.

Good play by Barber on a dump off pass to get 9. Clock running, though.

And they run a handoff to Barber? What? He runs into Colombo for the tackle. I don't know what that was. Giants think they have a fumble, but Barber was down. Tons of time gets run off.

Romomagic scramble and flip pass to Witten for 18!
Clock stops with Tuck injury. Saves us some. Maybe saves the Giants from us getting off a play too.

TO on the sidelines sucking air with 31 seconds left.
Presnap penalty on the offense. On Colombo, but it was the whole line. Gurode late on snap.

Short pass to Witten out of bounds where they keep the clock winding. Witten gets in field forward progress, so he doesn't get out of bounds. Using our last timeout.

2nd and 11. 26 seconds. No timeouts. From the 23. Not a winning hand.
Romo gets pounded. No chance on that one.
Aikman: For a guy who had been not getting hit much, he's been getting absolutely pounded in the 2nd half, particularly in the 4th quarter.... Anytime he's been dropping back in the 4th quarter, he's been on his back. Either that or running for his life.

3rd and 11.
Crayton loafs and stutter steps his way out of the winning td. He was *past* the defender when he stuttered. This was no "move". This was losing the game. Ball was right there.

4th and 11.
Tony has time throws to Glenn at the endzone. INT.
Max protect. Only 3 guys in the pattern.
Probably the best guy to throw to is Crayton up top. Looks single covered. Course he was the guy who just balked his way out of the win.
The way Tony threw, defenders couldn't really collapse around Glenn in time. But Glenn had no separation and didn't make a play on the ball.

With the amount of time he had, he could have stalled and scrambled. But with all the wrs in the endzone with lots of giants, I don't know what that buys you.

Strange play call. No attempt to put a WR on the sidelines to get a first down and another play. Or two. The INT was at 10 seconds. Also weird that TO is run into the middle of the field instead of out to the corner.

With the max protect, the call was probably to not scramble, and just line up your best shot and take it. Very much a Jason Garret kind of call.

Giants had a couple of guys in no mans land doing nothing for them. 5 on 3 in the end zone, and we had the WRs.

Defense was great in the 4th. Two 3 and outs.

Besides one nice catch by Crayton, a little extra yardage from a dump off by Barber, and basic competence by Witten, I don't see Tony getting a lot of help.

TO whiffs a deep ball on a non-route.
Barber ineffective on 3 first down runs, I think in a row. Then gets tackled by Colombo on a mystery run call on the final drive. Garrett play calling.
Witten keeps the clock running by getting driven backward while going out of bounds. We have to eat a timeout.
Crayton whiffs a ball. Drops a punt. Balks the winner.
Gurode is slow snapping, one of which costs a penalty.
Another penalty for not getting 6 men on the LOS.
After the grounding penalty, the sideline is late getting in the play and the wr is late in getting set, so we have to eat a timeout.

Aikman: For a guy who had been not getting hit much, he's been getting absolutely pounded in the 2nd half, particularly in the 4th quarter.... Anytime he's been dropping back in the 4th quarter, he's been on his back. Either that or running for his life.
Not entirely accurate. Tony did have lots of time on a few. But it was jailbreak on the rest.

Tony's major fail was the grounding penalty, if that was a good penalty. Poor deep throw to TO too.

I'm less critical of Romo trying to make plays by rolling than Aikman. Of course Aikman wouldn't do that, but Tony made a living on that. Calculated risk. With the poor secondary, it made extra sense.

I saw lots of execution while getting pounded, and some Romomagic.

All in all, as I remember. Romo not perfect, but making lots of plays. Anyone else on the offense making plays? 1 positive by Crayton. 1 by Barber. Otherwise, screw ups galore. Sideline costs a timeout. Garrett calls lame plays. Oline can't block.

Romo ain't perfect, but he's the guy balling on the offense. Witten is the only other net positive.
Lol. Very favorable review of Romo. Very funny. For example, saying Crayton dropped another one and through Owen’s hands. Yes, the announcers did say those things. However, replay clearly shows Crayton didn’t drop that 2nd ball. It was knocked away and the ball didn’t go through Terrell’s hands. It was knocked away as well.

Like I said, Dak gets roasted for that performance. He gets raked over the coals, by even yourself, for much less. It is very clear to me you judge the QBs using very different standards and it is not even close. It’s painfully obvious you are using your eyes to look for reasons to defend Romo while using them to find reasons to criticize Dak.