What changed since last week?


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Jim Schwartz defense is a disaster... I don’t know how many times this needs to be said and why the Eagles were trying to sell the farm to get Ramsey. Schwartz plays one deep safety basically the whole game. He lays his corners off expecting his front four to get to the QB. They couldn’t.

Cooper basically played one on one all night long and Zeke and the OP absolutely destroyed the only thing Eagles were good at defensively, which was rushing defense

Dak even called an audible on a cover 0, which is what the Eagles were playing in the red zone, meaning Schwartz has no safety and the Eagles were basically aligned to sell out on the run and Schwartz left his corners completely alone. Instead of calling a TO, these bone-heads left Cobb wide open in the slant.

On that diving catch to Cooper, it was obvious that Dak just needed to go outside. Again, third and 6, Schwartz has one deep safety, man on the outside, no help on Cooper. Philly exposed their corners whole selling the run on a Third and SIX, leaving them susceptible to an Easy big play. And any QB seeing that look would take it outside.

pressure is mounting on Schwartz.
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This is like the Giants, week 1 all over again, except the Eagles are getting worse.



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What changed within the Cowboys in a week?:huh:

6. Jerry applying pressure to the coaching staff?
3. A forceful game plan?
7. Being opportunistic?

What drives a team from embarrassment in NYC to playing like a conference leader?

Looked like coaching changed. Maybe some heat from Jerry?

That's the kind of play calling I expected out of Moore. I noted a lot of snaps for Olawale, and in the first half. Plays to Austin. Cobb. Play action. RPO.

Also, that funkadelic corner blitz was not the "we'll out execute them" philosophy of Marinelli and Garrett. The coaches actually stepped up and rubbed a couple of neurons together on gameday. I'm thinking that's Moore and Richard. Maybe Jerry said he wanted them to make up the game plan, not just call the plays.

He should.

Opportunistic? DLaw made his opportunity with the strip. Other than that, I think it was taking advantage of Eagle's errors. I suppose that's taking advantage of opportunities.

The Dark Bishop

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Hate to say it, but I think heart was the major difference in this game..... Sadly that says we played without for quite a few games now.... Maybe we schemed both offensively and defensively, but when have we seen both schemes excel at the same time? While we still made stupid penalties on both sides of the ball, when did we ever overcome such this year? We were dominant on both sides of the ball. Can't say I seen such since last year and even that was not like this... We did such with hurt players and a broken moral.... We saw players disrespect their own head coach and not high five him in a poor outing.... That was a team in pure disgust... Then a complete thrashing was done the next week? Miami gave us a better game score wise.... I think this was the team saying enough is enough.... While I am known to be cynical, I truly hope they continue with this new found belief and faith in themselves, let it continue a few weeks and maybe they just start believing in their pre season hype and continue to dominate.... Doing this despite their coaches would truly be a feather in their cap.... One can only hope.... Either way, no more excuses..... We seen what they can do....


Last Man Standing
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You got back two starting OTs, even if one was not 100%.
You got back Cooper, who if people forgot was the reason we turned around things last year.
You got Woods back to help a little on the line but they still could run when they actually tried.
You got Tank fired up because the opposing coach made some idiotic statement to fire up the boys.
The eagles had butter fingers with the turn overs.
Those things helped

This is the answer, close the thread. :)

More than anything it is the first one. If Collins and Tyron Smith play against the Jets, and Cooper plays the whole game, the Cowboys might have won that game going away.


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Mates from the urban buroughs, soulless Metroplex suburbs and plains of Mid America:

What changed within the Cowboys in a week?:huh:

1. Dak's leadership and steady hands on the bus?
2. Team execution?
3. A forceful game plan?
4. Garrett's rallying of his somnolent team?
5. The receiving corps stepping up?
6. Jerry applying pressure to the coaching staff?
7. Being opportunistic?

What drives a team from embarrassment in NYC to playing like a conference leader?
I must know.
And you must know as well.

Hollah, and brings me a dollah!

1. Injured players returned
2. Play calling for offense
3. Defense motivated from the get-go


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The run game. The run blocking has been poor for a majority of this season. Today it looked like the 2014/2016 running attack.


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Healthy starters returning... and maybe most importantly, a team motivated by an embarrassing performance last week and a loud mouth oppositions coach guaranteeing victory.


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They turned the ball over so the Cowboys got up 14-0 early. Once that happened we could run the ball so everything didn't have to be on Dak playing catch up.

Nice win. We needed it.


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Starters returning helps. Our 2nd strings guys are ok but nothing compared to the starters.


The Funcooker
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Eagles crossed the 50 on 3 of 11 drives.

and one of those drives benefited from 30yds in penalties.

the defense were like monsters out there tonight


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They played a division rival.
They always play good against them.


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We were able to play the 29th ranked pass defense, like the first 3 games. No more, no less


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Clearly Rod had nothing to do with the game plan last night, and it showed. FINALLY.