Things That Got Ruined For You


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The Sixth Sense - (I imagine everybody has seen this movie, but if not, definite spoiler ahead!) When this movie dropped, damn 20 years ago now, I was hanging out with some friends and we had a couple girls over. I had yet to see the film. It was then brought up in conversation and this one girl pipes up, "OMG! I can't believe Bruce Willis was dead the whole time". The entire room just slowly turned and gave her a flat "are you serious" stare. Never got to experience that movie the way it was first meant to be seen.

Whatchamacallit - The candy bar. I loved, loved, loved these things. Was always excited to get one. Well, one day, back in like 2007, I got myself one of those ole' Costco memberships. I was finally part of the gang! Well, as I walking down the candy isle, my eyes naturally get drawn to this huge box of Whatchamacallits. Of course I bought them. I ate those damn things silly. Ruined it for me. In fact, I literally do not believe I have had one since 2007. haha

California Love - This was a mega mainstream hit for 2pac. Deservedly so. It's a fantastic and incredibly catchy tune. I bumped that track (and that album) endlessly in the late 90s. It was always on the radio and could be heard everywhere you went. Then when I turned 21 and started to go "clubbing" with the boys, that song got played over and over and over in the clubs. Fast forward 23 years later, and I have a hard time finishing the song. Don't get me wrong, it is still a classic track, but for me, it just got immensely played out.

Screwdrivers (Vodka) - This was my to go to drink in my early 20s. Wherever, whenever, it was vodka and orange juice for me. Loved it. Well, when I was like 23, my buddy decided to get married (I thought he was too young at the time but to his credit they're still together). We all decided to throw him a bachelor party, of course, and plans were put into place. Well, I had the Absolut (see what I did there? :D) brilliant idea of taking a one gallon jug of orange juice and pouring out about 2/3 of the content and replacing it with vodka. I then shook this jug up and proceeded to get my drink on. You know where this is going. I still swear, to this day, that was the drunkest I have ever been. The end of the night was rough. I got dropped off at the house early, didn't even finish the night, and the next day I was hurting bad. I've hardly touched vodka since.

You guys/gals had anything get ruined for you?


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Any Lost Prophets song after the singer was accused of nasty ****.
Wasn't a huge fan of theirs but they had some good singles.

Linkin Park. Any album after Meteora. Just wasn't the same and couldn't get into them again.

Vodka-Monsters. Never again. Similar story but an over rushing craze of adrenaline/chills thinking my heart was going to stop and being quite drunk was not a fun combo to shake off. Also in my 20's where I was very caffeine tolerate. Guess I found my limit that night.


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Whiskey Sours - first New Year's Eve I am married and my wife, smartly, decides to just drink her usual Bacardi and Coke but I decide to make a jug of whiskey sours with a 5th of Jack, lemon juice and sugar and took that to the party. I offered everyone at the party one but got no takers but the jug was empty before midnight and I was full of revelry. Our friends had to drive me home because my wife felt she might have had a little too much. There was a slope to the driveway at our apartment and I decided I'd never really seen the asphalt up close and rolled about 10 yards down the driveway. I started the night on an empty stomach and didn't eat, just got stupefied. I spent the night with one foot on the floor to keep the bed from spinning but I guess my wife took her foot off the floor because that didn't stop it. Sickest I have ever been and never been close to a whiskey sour and actually didn't drink bourbon until just 3 years ago.

The food thing, I am OCD. I find something I like, I run it into the ground until I can't stand it.

Fortunately, I've never had a movie ruined so I got the full effect of really good gotchyas like 6th Sense, Usual Suspects, Identity and The Mist. I've never forgotten the collective feeling in that theater the night we saw The Mist, people just sat there.


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Ice skating
I loved the Mighty Ducks and wanted in on the trend. Not more than a few minutes on the ice I had a spiral fracture down my leg (just fell flat down on it while standing almost still). I was about 7 then and never been on an ice rink since. Oddly went skiiing as an adult and loved it; can use my leg strength to break now instead of the pizza method.


Arcades...I spent 10 minutes in Dave and Busters and couldn't find one game I wanted to play. spoiled by consoles. I could see the attraction of being drunk around tons of games in public though as a youngin.

Fast Food Nation movie...for a little while anyway lol.
McDonalds: fries were amazing in the 80s I don;t know what they did but went from whitish potato looking to dark yellow now. Burgers shrinking by the year. Cartilage nuggets , etc.
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Ice skating
I loved the Mighty Ducks and wanted in on the trend. Not more than a few minutes on the ice I had a spiral fracture down my leg (just fell flat down on it while standing almost still). I was about 7 then and never been on an ice rink since. Oddly went skiiing as an adult and loved it; can use my leg strength to break now instead of the pizza method.


Arcades...I spent 10 minutes in Dave and Busters and couldn't find one game I wanted to play. spoiled by consoles. I could see the attraction of being drunk around tons of games in public though as a youngin.

Fast Food Nation movie...for a little while anyway lol.
McDonalds: fries were amazing in the 80s I don;t know what they did but went from whitish potato looking to dark yellow now. Burgers shrinking by the year. Cartilage nuggets , etc.
Just Gin, that's it? No story?


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•parents divorce
•dad does time
•my dog Silver ran away
•Tom Landry gets fired
•Randy White,Danny White retire
•Herschel Walker gets traded
•Everson Walls released
•Michael Downs released

1989 SUCKED:thumbdown::thumbdown:
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Stop chasing
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Just Gin, that's it? No story?
Lol originally was including it but felt a little tmi, etc. I was a pretty heavy drinker up through my 20s but I got so sick off gin I still feel it creep up my throat when I think about it. Projectile vomiting, hitting on a friends mother (yes he was present smh) and breaking my buddys couch (evidently pulled a Rick James on his couch in my sleep). Still drank my rear off for a few years after but never gin again. The mom thing crossed the line and felt really crappy about it.


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Lol originally was including it but felt a little tmi, etc. I was a pretty heavy drinker up through my 20s but I got so sick off gin I still feel it creep up my throat when I think about it. Projectile vomiting, hitting on a friends mother (yes he was present smh) and breaking my buddys couch (evidently pulled a Rick James on his couch in my sleep). Still drank my rear off for a few years after but never gin again. The mom thing crossed the line and felt really crappy about it.
LMAO, I am glad I asked.


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The Sixth Sense

California Love - This was a mega mainstream hit for 2pac. Deservedly so. It's a fantastic and incredibly catchy tune. I bumped that track (and that album) endlessly in the late 90s. It was always on the radio and could be heard everywhere you went. Then when I turned 21 and started to go "clubbing" with the boys, that song got played over and over and over in the clubs. Fast forward 23 years later, and I have a hard time finishing the song. Don't get me wrong, it is still a classic track, but for me, it just got immensely played out.
Feel you Slammed, I can't get a few seconds into that song wo changing. Same with Hypnotize Me for Biggie.


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When I was a naive 16yo, my sister was getting married to an HPD officer. Me and my friend grew up knowing him and his other police friends pretty well.

It was now the night of the bachelor party for them and unknowingly, me and my buddy were going whether we wanted to or not. This led to the wildest evening of my life but will spare most details.

It seemed their main goal was to get us youngsters as drunk as possible with many, many lap dances. It was either a margarita or a tequila shot after another. Then, the group would move to the next stripclub and repeat the process. I don’t remember anything else after the fourth or fifth joint but we still hear the stories at every family gathering. Evidently, a stripper named Jewel took a liking to me and was going to be an easy first idea what she even looked like :omg:

Very long story short, I ruined my new brother-in-laws carpet in their new home after we arrived at about 5am....I rode home in the back of one truck and my friend in the back of another, both of us painting the streets!

It was a night to remember, especially for two young guys getting the VIP treatment, those cops seemed to know everyone in high places....they got us in every bar and we never paid a dime. I just wish that I could remember all those lap dances and that gals phone # back then :lmao:

The ceremony was the next day, maybe five hours later. There was about 20 of us congested in the back rows, still drunk all wearing the darkest sunglasses possible.

Needless to say, I have not had tequila, margarita or anything with sweet-n-sour in it to this day 30 years later.....I almost gag just smelling it! :muttley: