Now I understand - it's the fans


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Every fan base is the same.
I don’t think every other team hypes their team up more than the Cowboys fans do year after year and game to game. After we won the first three games it was all Super Bowl, how great Kellen Moore was, how awesome Zeke was, etc and only a few of us took into consideration the piss poor quality of opponents we played and were called out for saying as much.

Then reality hit and within 2 games we went from being one of best to not even top 20 in the league (according to most on this site). Last week we beat a pathetic Giants team and it’s almost as if everyone had amnesia because it was back to being how great we were, the Jets game woke us up, yadda yadda yadda. Then reality smacked a lot of these guys right in the face once again.

We’ve had one “quality” win which was the Eagles who are barely over .500 themselves. I still think this team can make a little run. The Detroit defense is one of the worst in the league, much worse than the Jets and even worse than the Giants. Bears are a hot mess. I still wouldn’t be surprised if we shocked a lot of people by beating the Patsies. Washington is another hot mess. Buffalo is decent. The Rams? meh. Point being, a lot of these games are very winnable but most of our fan base over reacts to every win and every loss. It’s pathetic.

We’ve lost close games to very good teams where one or two plays could have changed our W column significantly. The Jets game sucked and I don’t like using injuries as an excuse but there’s no doubt in my mind we would have won even if we had half the our starters that were out for that game.

But no sense trying to talk sense to most of these people, it’s one extreme or the other.


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You disappeared when things got bad. Nothing says band wagon fan better than that.
Or he could be like me and not want to listen and read all the exaggerated garbage after we lose. If you like wallowing in your own misery, great, but some of us don’t and if we even try to bring up the positives after a lost then we get torched just like if we bring up a reality check after beating some of the worst teams in the league we get torched.

Rational isn’t a word that is ever used to describe most Cowboys fans after a win or a loss. It’s either you jump on board the Hype Train after a win, no matter who it’s against or buy a case of Kleenex and feel sorry for yourselves if we lose. The saying misery enjoys company applies to most, but not all of us.


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Or he could be like me and not want to listen and read all the exaggerated garbage after we lose. If you like wallowing in your own misery, great, but some of us don’t and if we even try to bring up the positives after a lost then we get torched just like if we bring up a reality check after beating some of the worst teams in the league we get torched.

Rational isn’t a word that is ever used to describe most Cowboys fans after a win or a loss. It’s either you jump on board the Hype Train after a win, no matter who it’s against or buy a case of Kleenex and feel sorry for yourselves if we lose. The saying misery enjoys company applies to most, but not all of us.
You both like to whine and cry while telling other people what kind of fan they should be. Two of the biggest hypocrites on this board.


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I don’t think every other team hypes their team up more than the Cowboys fans do year after year and game to game. After we won the first three games it was all Super Bowl, how great Kellen Moore was, how awesome Zeke was, etc and only a few of us took into consideration the piss poor quality of opponents we played and were called out for saying as much.

Then reality hit and within 2 games we went from being one of best to not even top 20 in the league (according to most on this site). Last week we beat a pathetic Giants team and it’s almost as if everyone had amnesia because it was back to being how great we were, the Jets game woke us up, yadda yadda yadda. Then reality smacked a lot of these guys right in the face once again.

We’ve had one “quality” win which was the Eagles who are barely over .500 themselves. I still think this team can make a little run. The Detroit defense is one of the worst in the league, much worse than the Jets and even worse than the Giants. Bears are a hot mess. I still wouldn’t be surprised if we shocked a lot of people by beating the Patsies. Washington is another hot mess. Buffalo is decent. The Rams? meh. Point being, a lot of these games are very winnable but most of our fan base over reacts to every win and every loss. It’s pathetic.

We’ve lost close games to very good teams where one or two plays could have changed our W column significantly. The Jets game sucked and I don’t like using injuries as an excuse but there’s no doubt in my mind we would have won even if we had half the our starters that were out for that game.

But no sense trying to talk sense to most of these people, it’s one extreme or the other.
Agree to disagree then. The media overhypes the Cowboys. But every fan base lives and dies from week to week. Media building up the Cowboys draws tv ratings and clicks on the internet. Tearing them down creates just as much traffic for the media. The Cowboys fan base is normal. The hatred towards the Cowboys is larger and it's because the media loves to love and loves to hate the Cowboys.


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Why people say they don’t like the Cowboys because of the fans. Many of y’all complain so much about the owner/gm, front office, HC, coaching staff , RB, QB, DBs etc. it’s childish, ignorant, idiotic, and any other derogatory word that can be used. Y’all are the ones that when we do win , are so obnoxious, arrogant idiots , that makes people want to see us lose, or have chaotic stuff going on. They don’t dislike the players are the team rather they dislike the fans
True in some cases I would have to agree with you. However in my case having watched the Cowboys for many many many many years and how will used to be run compared to how we run today a lot of it is warranted, and a lot of people don't like the Cowboys because of the bandwagon jumpers so there's a lot more going on there


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Agree to disagree then. The media overhypes the Cowboys. But every fan base lives and dies from week to week. Media building up the Cowboys draws tv ratings and clicks on the internet. Tearing them down creates just as much traffic for the media. The Cowboys fan base is normal. The hatred towards the Cowboys is larger and it's because the media loves to love and loves to hate the Cowboys.
Completely agree that's another component all that and that's what Jerry Jones lives for that's what makes him money very well said


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Why people say they don’t like the Cowboys because of the fans. Many of y’all complain so much about the owner/gm, front office, HC, coaching staff , RB, QB, DBs etc. it’s childish, ignorant, idiotic, and any other derogatory word that can be used. Y’all are the ones that when we do win , are so obnoxious, arrogant idiots , that makes people want to see us lose, or have chaotic stuff going on. They don’t dislike the players are the team rather they dislike the fans
Just wondering how long you've Been a Cowboy fan? I forgot to elaborate on that in my other reply I'm on my 57th year of watching them and the time I have invested and this team I feel gives me the right to criticize whoever I feel like


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Why people say they don’t like the Cowboys because of the fans. Many of y’all complain so much about the owner/gm, front office, HC, coaching staff , RB, QB, DBs etc. it’s childish, ignorant, idiotic, and any other derogatory word that can be used. Y’all are the ones that when we do win , are so obnoxious, arrogant idiots , that makes people want to see us lose, or have chaotic stuff going on. They don’t dislike the players are the team rather they dislike the fans

Well we haven't been able to be arrogant for nearly 25 years now :facepalm:. If anything can be said bad about Dallas fans is the fact every year 'some" of our fans think we're Super Bowl bound. But to say because we dislike the front office as being disingenuous is laughable. If someone was running Jerry's money and businesses the way he's ran Dallas the last 20 years. He'd of been fired and Jerry would be looking for that same guy to get jail time. I think we've earned the right to be pist at the front office over the last 20 years or so.


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true, but I am a fan of the Dallas Cowboys. And I expect better from my fellow fans

Sounds like what a Browns fan might say? Not that you are. But if you don't expect the best? I don't see why you are hating on those who do.


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Show me my posts where I’veconstantly excused the mediocrity and nepotism of the FO and HC. Please.

How about all the posts where you gleefully attacked fans who called out the mediocrity, nepotism, FO and HC out calling them bandwagoners? That sounds an awful lot like excusing the mediocrity since it offends you so much that others won't let it be excused.

Stop telling people how to be fans and let them be fans how they want to be. If they've been following the Cowboys through thick and thin for years, they're not bandwagoners.

Most all of us are true fans. There are few actual trolls. I wish you'd see that, man. You're a cool dude when you're not attacking disheartened fans.

One positive to draw from the loss was Dak's performance. That's definitely something to build on.


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You both like to whine and cry while telling other people what kind of fan they should be. Two of the biggest hypocrites on this board.
Takes one to know one, doesn’t it cry baby? I guess I’ll just join the weak minded mAsses after we lose again and talk about how we should give up and how bad we are. If you ever played organized sports you were a loser teammate to have but based on your posts I assume you didn’t.

Kinda funny that you just called someone a band wagon fan but you’re now pointing the finer at me? Lol, every time you point the finger, there’s always three pointing back at you tool.


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Agree to disagree then. The media overhypes the Cowboys. But every fan base lives and dies from week to week. Media building up the Cowboys draws tv ratings and clicks on the internet. Tearing them down creates just as much traffic for the media. The Cowboys fan base is normal. The hatred towards the Cowboys is larger and it's because the media loves to love and loves to hate the Cowboys.
We can agree to disagree to a degree ;) There’s no doubt the Cowboys get more media hype than any other team, year in and year out. Even when we authentically suck and have very little hope, we get more prime time games and coverage than previous SB winners or actual playoff contenders. The Browns are giving us a good run for the money this year.

The problem is, most of these people believe it. Fool me once...fool me for 25 years, eventually people need to be realistic and get a grip. I’m pretty sure the Giants fan has been dead for years, as the Jets, Miami and the other bottom feeders of the league. We’re nowhere in their class record wise but a lot of people are more disillusioned than their fan bases because they do believe they hype.

I also don’t buy the media hates us. There are more talk show and radio hosts show slobbering over the Cowboys every season and talking about how great we will be than the other way around. Even Steven A was complimenting us at points this season but Cowboys fans like to play the victim and have this “poor us” weak mentality anytime someone says something negative whether it’s true or not. If we win and someone says “they looked great but they beat a horrible team” then the pitchforks come out. If we lose and that same person says we just got whooped then everyone agrees with them.

Cowherd, that loser, is a perfect example of that. One week he’s some Cowboys best friend because he says something they like, complimentary or not, but the next week he’s just a hack or a talking head.

As a poster said earlier, I think the Cowboys fans and arrogance bring more hatred upon this team than the media. If anything, the media is always propping up the Cowboys and fans of other teams are sick of hearing about a team that has been irrelevant for over two decades but still gets the most coverage. I get it though, the Cowboys draw ratings because they are the most popular but it’s people are sick of being subjected to sub par football just because they do have such a large fan base.


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We can agree to disagree to a degree ;) There’s no doubt the Cowboys get more media hype than any other team, year in and year out. Even when we authentically suck and have very little hope, we get more prime time games and coverage than previous SB winners or actual playoff contenders. The Browns are giving us a good run for the money this year.

The problem is, most of these people believe it. Fool me once...fool me for 25 years, eventually people need to be realistic and get a grip. I’m pretty sure the Giants fan has been dead for years, as the Jets, Miami and the other bottom feeders of the league. We’re nowhere in their class record wise but a lot of people are more disillusioned than their fan bases because they do believe they hype.

I also don’t buy the media hates us. There are more talk show and radio hosts show slobbering over the Cowboys every season and talking about how great we will be than the other way around. Even Steven A was complimenting us at points this season but Cowboys fans like to play the victim and have this “poor us” weak mentality anytime someone says something negative whether it’s true or not. If we win and someone says “they looked great but they beat a horrible team” then the pitchforks come out. If we lose and that same person says we just got whooped then everyone agrees with them.

Cowherd, that loser, is a perfect example of that. One week he’s some Cowboys best friend because he says something they like, complimentary or not, but the next week he’s just a hack or a talking head.

As a poster said earlier, I think the Cowboys fans and arrogance bring more hatred upon this team than the media. If anything, the media is always propping up the Cowboys and fans of other teams are sick of hearing about a team that has been irrelevant for over two decades but still gets the most coverage. I get it though, the Cowboys draw ratings because they are the most popular but it’s people are sick of being subjected to sub par football just because they do have such a large fan base.
The media absolutely hypes the Cowboys but they do it so they can tear them down. Both sides covered. Both sides create tons of traffic. I feel like we really aren't disagreeing too much. Just disagreeing on small stupid stuff.

CT Dal Fan

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I see. It's my fault!:(

Well, let me apologize to everybody for remaining loyal to this team for so long. I love being called a "bandwagon Cowboys fan" when they haven't sniffed the Super Bowl in 25 years.