The climate with Jerry is too toxic for success


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The ownership is fine and the atmosphere isn't toxic.

Toxic climate or whatever is something made up by fans.
when you lose and the head coach hasn't wont **** in 10 years..THAT MY FRIEND IS TOXIC. Players want to be in position to win. Not sure what you been watching.


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Watching the firestorm with Jerry moment after moment day after day with him responding to questions and the continuing pressure punctuates where our core issue still resides.

The culture and climate is still too toxic for anyone to have success and or any control in Cowboys Football.

The conflict of interest with Jerry wearing both hats of owner and GM continues to be our greatest obstacle with him promoting his product on one hand and football decisions on the other. It’s a disaster.

It’s time for Garrett to walk after this season even if we were to win out which I wouldn’t bet the farm on. It’s likely to get worse. It’s just not a healthy climate in Frisco. I’d get the hell out of dodge ASAP. Good luck to the next puppet in this media circus climate with the biggest Bozo in the NFL.

Jerry is a huge problem no doubt. But he has as a GM given Garrett some amazing talent to put on the field. It's Garrett's job to get the most out of this team and he hasn't. JJ has done his job as far as I'm concerned.


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I share his frustrations but....

1. You can tell the media that you're going to get out-coached when you play New England. How does that make your coaches who are burning the midnight oil prepping for games feel?

2. You can't vent about this being a "major setback". They asked Dak if he agreed and he said no, you have to look forward.

just think of how other coaches around the league view him and react to the things he does to his staff and players.

That is why we will never have anything worthwhile again. The jones family could simply money whip the best coaches in the league then get out of the way. They would be loved for it. Speak at the beginning and the end of the season and never contradict your coaches or players. They could change everything. They did it in 03 and the early part of 04 and everyone applauded Jerry around the league. Then it ended because Jerry needs an audience at all times to reaffirm how important and smart he is at all times.

It's pretty sad actually how naive and ridiculous they are over ego.


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The ownership is fine and the atmosphere isn't toxic.

Toxic climate or whatever is something made up by fans.
Jeeeery and Junya ok with those 2 clowns? I know we cannot change them..but SERIOUSLY? lol..Did you listen to Stevie? Its complicit ineptitude or Stevie is flatly lying. I don't think Stephen can tell the truth if his life depended on it. WE ARE DEALING WITH 2 SNAKE OIL SALESMEN.


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WILL MCclay has been the saving grace for this franchise. The day he leaves will be a sad one.The best hire they ever made since hiring Jimmy Johnson.


Intramural Legend
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Jeeeery and Junya ok with those 2 clowns? I know we cannot change them..but SERIOUSLY? lol..Did you listen to Stevie? Its complicit ineptitude or Stevie is flatly lying. I don't think Stephen can tell the truth if his life depended on it. WE ARE DEALING WITH 2 SNAKE OIL SALESMEN.
I have no idea what you're talking about.

Thinking the Cowboys have a poor ownership group means ignoring the rest of the NFL...and just pro sports in general.


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A poor game day HC and a toxic environment aren't the same thing.
explain. Because this guy has been there clappin his hands for 10 years and the team has been loaded..and you don't feel like that's toxic? do not fool yourself. The country club atmosphere we have can be just as toxic as a cancer IN THE LOCKERROOM. Its spreads like wildfire then winning isn't important any longer.


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jerry has been a slack jaw pant load for 20 years now...we cant change him..but GARRETT in combo with daddy and junya...have been toxic.


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Don't remember hearing these Jerry excuses when Wade or other coaches were here.

But Jason is special. He's a victim. It's all Jerry's fault.

I think this thread is more like Jerry and Steven are ego maniacs who have to get credit and have to be heard creating a situation where Coaches are not the final voice or most important person to the players which in turn leaves us with only being able to hire guys like Jason Garrett.

at least to me that is the issue. Wade had the fortunate and unfortunate timing of following Parcells in a city where the media (mostly) loved him. Wade was the complete opposite, not funny, thin skinned and liked to gloat when it wasn't warranted. Great defensive coach but a bad guy to have being the voice of the organization. The media pounced on him immediately because he wasn't parcells and then he went and said they won the bye week and the locals lost their mind and treated him like garbage for the rest of his time here.

and sadly Wade's inability to communicate with the media like Bill did led a lot of people to believe Garrett was just what was needed because he doesn't give the media a chance to attack him. terrible reasoning for hiring someone but it seems looking back it maybe reason number 1. he never turned into "Bill Walsh" as was said locally or Tom Landry.

going forward a complete coaching staff clear out is necessary but the reality is Jerry and Steve are going to hire the next guy and it has the potential to be a disaster because of the way they treat things day to day.


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Watching the firestorm with Jerry moment after moment day after day with him responding to questions and the continuing pressure punctuates where our core issue still resides.

The culture and climate is still too toxic for anyone to have success and or any control in Cowboys Football.

The conflict of interest with Jerry wearing both hats of owner and GM continues to be our greatest obstacle with him promoting his product on one hand and football decisions on the other. It’s a disaster.

It’s time for Garrett to walk after this season even if we were to win out which I wouldn’t bet the farm on. It’s likely to get worse. It’s just not a healthy climate in Frisco. I’d get the hell out of dodge ASAP. Good luck to the next puppet in this media circus climate with the biggest Bozo in the NFL.

Spot on! Never will change.


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I think this thread is more like Jerry and Steven are ego maniacs who have to get credit and have to be heard creating a situation where Coaches are not the final voice or most important person to the players which in turn leaves us with only being able to hire guys like Jason Garrett.

at least to me that is the issue. Wade had the fortunate and unfortunate timing of following Parcells in a city where the media (mostly) loved him. Wade was the complete opposite, not funny, thin skinned and liked to gloat when it wasn't warranted. Great defensive coach but a bad guy to have being the voice of the organization. The media pounced on him immediately because he wasn't parcells and then he went and said they won the bye week and the locals lost their mind and treated him like garbage for the rest of his time here.

and sadly Wade's inability to communicate with the media like Bill did led a lot of people to believe Garrett was just what was needed because he doesn't give the media a chance to attack him. terrible reasoning for hiring someone but it seems looking back it maybe reason number 1. he never turned into "Bill Walsh" as was said locally or Tom Landry.

going forward a complete coaching staff clear out is necessary but the reality is Jerry and Steve are going to hire the next guy and it has the potential to be a disaster because of the way they treat things day to day.
agree..the staff needs a enema. Must rid ourselves of the toxic mess..the experiment is over.


Sleeps with the fishes
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Mike Lombardi, who I generally dislike, was spot on in The Athletic yesterday.

yes, Garrett is a subpar coach, but Jerry put him there. Jerry also is only comfortable having a coach that will do it Jerry’s way.

the football culture is abysmal in Dallas. The 2 coaches that made Jerry most uncomfortable - Johnson and Parcells - are the only 2 coaches HOF worthy and the only 2 coaches that were insistent on the little things and football culture.


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Mike Lombardi, who I generally dislike, was spot on in The Athletic yesterday.

yes, Garrett is a subpar coach, but Jerry put him there. Jerry also is only comfortable having a coach that will do it Jerry’s way.

the football culture is abysmal in Dallas. The 2 coaches that made Jerry most uncomfortable - Johnson and Parcells - are the only 2 coaches HOF worthy and the only 2 coaches that were insistent on the little things and football culture.
I guess some need it explained to them slowly lol...


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My support of Garrett hasn’t revolved around his Game Day flaws.
BS. You support Garrett because it allows you to carry on your disdain for Jerry. The reason you say he's the best puppet and don't want another coach is because if the new coach succeeds you would have to praise JJ. That terrifies you.


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just think of how other coaches around the league view him and react to the things he does to his staff and players.

That is why we will never have anything worthwhile again. The jones family could simply money whip the best coaches in the league then get out of the way. They would be loved for it. Speak at the beginning and the end of the season and never contradict your coaches or players. They could change everything. They did it in 03 and the early part of 04 and everyone applauded Jerry around the league. Then it ended because Jerry needs an audience at all times to reaffirm how important and smart he is at all times.

It's pretty sad actually how naive and ridiculous they are over ego.
Honestly, it feels like he and his son are talking more this year than any year I can recall. Going back to the Zeke negotiations, the opining about the refs, contractual updates on Dak & Amari, job status updates on Garrett, its been non-stop yapping coming from him since training camp. He's also impusively called into the radio station a few times this year (once to chew out the radio host). You'd think with age, he'd wisen up and calm down, but he's doing the exact opposite and he has a huge enabler in his son who seems headed down the same path with his constant hyping of the depth/talent on this roster in training camp.

This year, more than most, feels like this team hasn't been able to focus on football. I feel for the players. Unfortunately, the Garrett hate is at a fever right now so it sort of feels like Jerry is getting a pass for what's going on.