How close are you from walking away as a fan?


Beyond tired of Jerry
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All you 'not while Jerry's here' non-fans, you can thank him for three Lombardis. If he hadn't purchased the team, we wouldn't have made that run in the early/mid 90's. Mid-late 80's management and coaching was the worst period for both in Cowboys history.

Al Davis says hello. He turned into the crypt keeper while managing the Raiders into the ground, but could always point to those dust-covered SB trophies for validation.

Jerry Jones is an idiot as a GM. He's ruined a once-proud franchise. If continuing to pat this clown on the back makes you feel like a special "loyal fan" then have at it. I'm over 50 and I don't feel like I owe him - or his son who has accomplished as much in the NFL as I have - anything.

Jerry owns the team. He can continue to play high-level fantasy football until the day he dies. He can give his children executive positions they haven't earned. None of that obligates me just because I loved Roger Staubach and Tom Landry when I was a kid. :rolleyes:


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Walk away? As a Dallas Cowboys fan? Never changing teams. But walk away in a different way?
I've absolutely walked away as someone who believes in Jason Garrett. I really did think he was good at one point. I bought the hype back when everyone said in 2007 he'd be a hot commodity on the HC market. :facepalm: The second half of 2010 showed some promise. Even after the three consecutive 8-8 seasons (Still in division title contention until the last week), I had hope, and felt like change just for the sake of it may be too much. 2014 and 2016 made me legitimately think he could carry the team deep through the playoffs. But he's run out of time and excuses. 2015 was comically bad, a decent coach would have at least kept us afloat with a backup rather than lose miserably the way we did. 2017 was underwhelming. Despite Zeke's (BS) suspension, we did well enough to make the playoffs, had our coaches been half-competent. Should not have blown the GB and SEA games, even in the first game against Philly we were in it for the first half. Win those three and we win the East.
2018 (first half) made me lose confidence in him for good. Got outcoached by f***ing Bill "Butthead" O'Brien of all people (only wins division titles because of a weakass AFC South, only to get crushed in the first round) and Jay "See if the key fob still works" Gruden. The Cooper trade provided a spark, but Garrett (and Linehan)'s incompetence was still there (see: Colts game and Rams playoff game). I just really liked him as a person and honestly believed in him, but now that he's been here forever, with all the different people at OC and DC, and two different franchise QBs, it's clear he will never be the answer. At the very latest, should have been fired after losing in the second round for the third time in as many playoff trips. Yes, he has 2 playoff wins, but he can never get past the divisional round. Thank you for wasting Tony Romo's career.


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I really don't get where you are going with this team-to-team thing. Who exactly is doing that?
I don't know who is doing it either but if they are football fans and jumping off this team's wagon then they must be jumping somewhere.


Well-Known Member
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not at all. I love laughing at you guys dreaming every year. I'm at the point where it doesn't matter if we win or not, I just love the excuses.


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Im 29......

I survived the Quincy, Hutchinson, Henson, Tesaverade(sp), and Bledsoe years...

Im stuck for life just have to keep hoping we take that next step soon


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Been here 49 years. Lived through 1-15 where Aikman didn't even win us that game. It was Jimmy's college QB Walsh.


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Or are you a fan for life, no matter what?

It's not on/off. At least for me. But I could see moving on to the hometown team. Especially if Garrett gets another contract. Watching a coach hold back players of a decade is tiring.

My loyalties were torn during the game, hoping the team would win, and hoping Garrett would get fired. Limits the joy of watching. Even more so when I get neither of the contradictory outcomes I was hoping for. The worst of both worlds.


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I won’t ever walk away. i love the team too much. i hope i see the cowboys atleast win ONE superbowl in my lifetime. i’m 31 and haven’t seen them win anything. i’m starting to worry if i ever will.... :(

I'm so lucky that i was just old enough, 10, to understand how important winning the super bowl was when they won sb30. It's been nothing but excrement since then


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Or are you a fan for life, no matter what?

Only way ill walk away from being a fan is if i become like some of the posters here. Just coming off miserable about everything with this team. I couldnt do it everyday. Id rather not watch football. It already started with basketball. Been a lifelong Celtics fan but the NBA is so trash now i just dont even watch. Its not enjoyable anymore.


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Like some others have said, I would only ever walk away if Garrett was extended. That would be too much and a punch in the gut for me to take after all these wasted years. I'd still come here and LOL but I would no longer make an effort to watch.
I've been a fan since I was a child and saw Don Meredith and Johnny Unitas going against each other along with Lance Rentzel, Bob Hayes, Golden Richards and all those guys. A JG extension would be irrational and disrespectful of the entire fan base and would prove once and for all that it has never been about winning.
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Been a fan since the days of Captain America.

But I’m done buying merchandise, done with buying tickets to games, etc...
Used to be a time when a loss would bother me for days, not anymore I’m numb to it as if it’s expected.

I have said all along only time Jerrah will make the effort to win is when it hurts him financially.

Be a fan, but don’t go the games or buy merchandise, once the Cowboys slip out of #1 on the Forbes list you’ll see how fast things change...


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Will Never walk away. This is a way of life at this point if my life. Lol been way too much heartbreak and worse times than Now to just walk away


Well-Known Member
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Al Davis says hello. He turned into the crypt keeper while managing the Raiders into the ground, but could always point to those dust-covered SB trophies for validation.

Jerry Jones is an idiot as a GM. He's ruined a once-proud franchise. If continuing to pat this clown on the back makes you feel like a special "loyal fan" then have at it. I'm over 50 and I don't feel like I owe him - or his son who has accomplished as much in the NFL as I have - anything.

Jerry owns the team. He can continue to play high-level fantasy football until the day he dies. He can give his children executive positions they haven't earned. None of that obligates me just because I loved Roger Staubach and Tom Landry when I was a kid. :rolleyes:

You and other amateur wannabe analysts can spout the 'Jerry is an idiot GM' from the rooftops all you like, but it doesn't make it true, If you're reasoning is simply that we don't have a SB trophy in 25 years, you'll find your idiot in the mirror. If you want to compare his to other GM's front office decisions, I'll match any examples you want to give with other 'good' GMs' decisions in the same area. I only exclude the Pats from the comparison tree.


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been a cowboy fan since the iced bowl think i ever walk


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If a woman can think about having a 2nd child just a few months after squeezing an 8 lb. human out of her hoohah. The offseason is going to be enough time to forget enough of the pain and frustration of the previous season to remain a fan.


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Just like football has changed over the years I have too. There is no more loyalty among players, they go where the money is. I will always cheer for the Cowboys but I am no longer the diehard fan who would wear their gear every Sunday and be in a bad mood all week if they lost. Havent bought any stuff since 2012 and havent been to a game since either and I dont miss it one bit.
Fantasy football is a fantastic outlet for NFL weekends. I find myself cheering for many different players across the league and I actually like this better than being stuck with one team. It also broadens your knowledge of whats going on around the league. Join a few cash leagues and it makes for some entertaining weekends regardless of how the Cowboys are doing.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Or are you a fan for life, no matter what?

I wouldn't say walk away, but it has become easier to not watch a game, where my week always revolved around those 3 hours. If Jerry does something even more mindless than hiring Garrett by making Witten a head coach, it will be very very easy to not watch. I can only speak for myself, but I remember at the end of the 2002 season, when there seemed to be no hope at all, and then the rumor came out that Jerry was meeting with Parcels, and all of a sudden there was hope and excitement...I think we are in the same exact spot right now, and Jerry needs to do something big to get us excited about Cowboys football again.. It's been 44 years for me, I am not going anywhere as a fan, but I am also, not going have my Sundays revolve around mediocre football forever.