25 years, let it go


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Jerry and Stephen have hired a new HC and I believe he’s a good hire. They all deserve to be given a chance to prove its a successful hire. If results follow, the last 25 years will be forgotten. If not, history will be used.

The only time to bring up the last 25 years would be if the leaders of this organization fail again, using the same management style that gave us the last quarter century. Then...it’s hard to ask long suffering fans to forget what keeps happening.

But for now, I’m hopeful. Let’s hope there’s reason to support the hope.


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CC some people just want to be miserable. And some have been beaten down by this team for so long they just wait for the other shoe to drop. I for one am guilty of when we make the playoffs I just wait for us to come out flat. A few years ago we won a playoff game and I had belief that this could be the year. I haven’t had that feeling in a long time. Of course we know what happened. Lol. But after that I now just sit back and enjoy the ride. The offseason is long.

JJ is loyal to his people and sometimes it’s a bad thing when your a GM. He wants to do it all his way. But it seems now he is trying to do it the right way. Let’s see what happens.

I remember on the old forums one year we had a winning record but came out flat a few games and lost them and everyone thought the world was ending and we wouldn’t win another game all year and I started a thread about just supporting the team. You chimed in and said you weren’t sure about what was gonna happen but I was right it’s a long offseason and we needed to get behind them and support our favorite team. We went on to win the next game and the rest of the season was typical up and down. I think we made the playoffs but of course got booted early. Lol. Point is that we get some months out of the year to do what we enjoy and that’s watch Cowboys football. And it’s certainly our right to complain and expect more. I grew up watching them and being a kid kicking and screaming in the floor when we were losing to the steelers. I still do that sometimes. We all want perfection and expect to win every game. All because we love our team. Most every poster on this site is all in the same basket. We love and some live The Dallas Cowboys.


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I am of the belief jerry is getting out of the way and have been saying so the last few years. That means one of two things
Either I'm as astute as I think I am or as stupid as some have suggested for thinking jerry is moving aside.:)
Asubiriye hajuti, but I'm beginning to wonder.


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I know that, you know that but there are people who are so miserable that they live by being negative. It’s who they are. It’s in their soul. They can’t change They don’t want to change because it makes them happy by trying to make everyone around them miserable.

No, some people just find your optimism misplaced and annoying. Telling yourself the Cowboys will magically become a winner after 25 years of the same crap is quite naive if considered rationally.


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What more can you expect from a guy that hailed Garrett for 10 years as a great HC. Garrett gets expunged as his replacement he doesn't like. LOL

Not 2 days after MM was hired, the Garrett lover came out with a post talking about how he was only going to give MM 2 years before he would fire him. This from a guy that after 9 years if ineptitude was still showering his love for the Great Capping Garrett.
I don’t know about that, and everyone is welcome to their opinion about Garrett, one way or the other, but the comment calling him Fat Mike is childish not matter how one feels about him as a coach


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It's like some kind of a cross some drag around, a curse, the last 25 years of futility overshadows everything and becomes the response to optimism and positivity.

With not enough changes in coaching, I can buy the malaise that set in but this is almost an entirely new coaching staff and picked by the new HC.

There are signs of change already here with the GM, seemingly, granting this HC more room and that seemed to be the course he wanted by wanting only a NFL proven HC.

The NFL is a year to year thing, look at the Niners, they weren't picked to win their own division, let alone the conference.

There is nothing to carry forward. The players have a clean slate with the coaches and even if the guy you wanted didn't get picked, why pick on this guy? The man has proven he can coach and he had a year off to reflect and take a good hard look at what his part might have been in the breakdown in GB. A man out to prove something is a most serious man to watch,

Big Mike had no part of those past 25 years, except maybe to kick us out of the playoffs, so he comes in with no baggage.

Life is hard, me buckos, take happiness when it's available. Instead of expecting him to fail, expect him to succeed and let the performance be the proof. This team is more talented than 8-8, we know it and he knows it. Let's let this unfold and play out and maybe those 25 years just become a fading memory.

I smell chocolate chip cookies.


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I look at it this way, this is a new year, and like couch said every year its own. I'll be just as optimistic this year as I was the start of each of the last 25.


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Rockport has already paid more than enough dues, in my book at least...try listening to his direction of comment, at it's heart. :starspin:
I have. At it's heart he's a miserable little whiny nancyboy who takes great joy in bashing anyone who says anything he perceives as not what he thinks they should say. He has absolutely no empathy or self awareness and his thoughts don't go beyond searching the boards for any post by a poster that he can find any reason whatsoever to attempt to demean and defile.

Need some more?


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I am of the belief jerry is getting out of the way and have been saying so the last few years. That means one of two things
Either I'm as astute as I think I am or as stupid as some have suggested for thinking jerry is moving aside.:)
If Jerry is not moving aside at this point, then all of the signs pointing directly at just that are wrong. Quite unlikely.


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Ive been alive long enough to have experienced every Cowboy Super Bowl appearance since X.

the lack of a SB win during Romo’s time as the QB didn’t stop me from thoroughly enjoying some really great football games.

There are lots of us who “revere” periods of Cowboy football that were awful :)

One of my fondest Cowboy memories came during the 1987 strike season. This was the season that broke the Cowboys and marked the beginning of the end for Coach Landry. If anyone is interested, the story of that season and the incredible failures of Landry and Tex are fascinating. How the two of them handled the strike and it’s aftermath was a disaster that sent the team into the darkest of dark ages for Cowboy fans.

Anyway, my best friend and I shared an apartment in Denton and, ina season where NFL teams had to refund thousands of tickets and attendance was abysmal, many home games were blacked out. We were playing the Giants and listening on the radio when Jim Jeffcoat intercepted Phil Simms and returned it for a TD.
We lost our minds, cheering and jumping up and down, and making so much noise that our downstairs neighbors called the cops

The play was the key to a 4th quarter comeback but we lost most of the rest of our games that year.

It was a lost season and the beginning of the end but that play, one I couldn’t even *see”, is one of my most indelible and cherished Cowboy memories.

so yeah, there’s plenty to love and revere even in the worst of times.
Wasn't that the Kevin Sweeney year? I absolutely adored watching his exuberant play.


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Winning a championship or even getting close goes a long way to erase bad history.


Outta bounds
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I am of the belief jerry is getting out of the way and have been saying so the last few years. That means one of two things
Either I'm as astute as I think I am or as stupid as some have suggested for thinking jerry is moving aside.:)
I’m going to go with astute... but that’s mainly because I think the same thing, and I feel very astute.

Honestly, I think Jerry is still involved but to a much smaller degree than he was ten or fifteen years ago. Essentially, I think Stephen is assuming power in small increments, with every season seeing him more and more in charge, and Jerry increasingly stepping aside.


Regular Joe....
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A man usually is just that...and not a compromise machine. At least this fan sees the new Dallas Head Coach as able to direct path of the team that he heads.

Yeah, I don't know what this means. But I guess we'll see.


Regular Joe....
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There was a great article by Jon Machota in The Athletic last week titled “How Mike McCarthy and his new Cowboys coaching staff are impacting Will McClay’s job.

The Athletic is a paid service (highly recommended if you can swing it) so I can’t just cut and post the thing due to forum rules but it’s safe to say things look to be shaping up in a way that would make you comfortable

McClay is quotes extensively and said

Maybe one Machota quote will be ok :)

“Although the final decision on choosing McCarthy was made by owner and general manager Jerry Jones as well as executive vice president Stephen Jones, McClay was included in the process.”

McClay was quoted extensively and those are probably ok here as they are not opinion or the authors words, but rather direct quotes of a Cowboys exec.

““At the end of the day, we’re going to stay within the same scheme, and we’re going to do things a little bit different,” McClay said. “They might want bigger interior players, so that’s fine, we’ll go look for that. But I think we’re going to be looking for the same type players.”

““Our process is inclusive,” McClay said. “We want to get everybody together and hear everyone’s opinion. At the end of the day, Jerry makes the decision, but coaches have input, scouts have input. That’s why we feel like our process is very good because anybody that’s been around them, that knows more about them and knows what they’re putting them into, if you pull all that stuff together, we’ve got a chance to build a good team.”

Well, here is what I see from that quote, right off the bat. The same type of players who are "Bigger Interior Players" are guys who go at the top of the draft. Those guys are not cheap so what he appears to be saying here is actually a huge shift from what we've done in the past. It represents huge expenditures in draft investment and cap. Those guys aren't cheap. Those guys who are quick, can penetrate and who are big NFL players are hugely expensive.



Regular Joe....
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Yeah ... yeah. Hey, have you given the Herbalife idea further thought? I have 2 franchises for sale, one in Samoa and one in Mississippi. Ground floor deal.

Further thought? No, the more appropriate phrase would probably be "Any thought", to it. Sorry Bro, the smart money is in Y3K investments. I'm telling you, it's going to be a gold mind!