Jimmy Johnson hasn’t heard from Jerry Jones other than statement


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He was exhausted and, due to his coaching style and personality, ALWAYS moved on after 4-5 years. No exceptions.
Plus, he just badly wanted to move back to Florida.
People around him knew he was only there to accomplish his objective, which he did.

Someone well connected in the local media told me of a conversation he had with Jimmy before the playoffs in that second SB season. They shared a love of saltwater aquariums and were talking about them when Jimmy said "yep, not much longer until I can carry the water from the source". He didn't think much about that at the time, until the blowup happened. He did not share that on the air because it would have painted Jimmy, who he liked a lot, in a bad light and the fans would have known he was already planning his exit.

Some try to make the bar incident the catalyst but it started well before that. My guy said Jimmy majored in psychology and knew how to push buttons and he knew Booger drank too much in public and it was just a matter of time.

Jimmy came into the NFL to make his own storm and Booger was trying to steal some of his thunder. We can credit the Walker trade or anything else but what he did from a 1-15 team to that team was beyond remarkable and worthy of a gold jacket. Some say FA did him in but what if FA had existed when he was building the team? How many teams can boast a #1D and SB winning D without one pber on it?

If he wasn't totally exhausted when he left DAL, he surely got that way going to MIA and having to deal with the tail wagging the dog. That situation he took on with Marino was exactly why college guys don't do well in the NFL. The only part of the Dolphins that was Jimmy's team was what Marino allowed him.


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If choosing between two egomaniacs, I'll side with the one who actually knows what he's doing.

We've seen what Jerry is when he has to do it on his own: Matt Millen who can't be fired.


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Here's why the lame defenses people are putting up for Jerry here are wrong.

Jerry Jones refuses to put Jimmy in the ring of honor despite being a two time SB winning coach in Dallas.

So any argument that Jerry isn't petty with regards to Johnson is bullspit. And the fact he hasn't reached out to Johnson is just further proof how petty he is.


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Did Jimmy hear from Dolphins yet?

Why would he? Stephen Ross, the current owner of the Dolphins, didn't own the team until 2008 and would have zero working relationship with Johnson.


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I agree completely, I don't get why posters here think Jerry is supposed to jump up and down like a game show contestant because Jimmy went into the HOF. I haven't read the full thread but I wonder what Jimmy said when Jerry went into the HOF.
Exactly, there’s always 2 sides to an issue


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Ive been hearing this all over the radio today and Im not sure how I feel about it. I mean Jerry gave a statement maybe he didnt get a call but so what. That said Jimmy is long overdue for the ROH these 2 stubborn hardheads need to get over the rift.


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Why would he? Stephen Ross, the current owner of the Dolphins, didn't own the team until 2008 and would have zero working relationship with Johnson.
Thank you!! Why would the cowboys.......the only person with working relationship with Jimmy is Jerry (Jones's). We all know how they feel about Jimmy....

Reverend Conehead

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Here's the statement Jerry Jones should make (and should have made years ago):
I was a total idiot for getting rid of a coach that had just won two Super Bowls in a row. Jimmy Johnson was the main reason for this team's incredible success. It was never because of me. I therefore beg Jimmy Johnson to come back to the organization, this time to work as our GM. I will not be involved in any way with football operations. Instead, I will spend every season on Tuvalu Island and will watch the games from there. Johnson will work with Coach McCarthy for the team's success instead of me. I just don't know diddly squat about football. I therefore would prefer to rely on Johnson's and McCarthy's expertise. Thank you for understanding. I appreciate the fans for sticking with the team through that period of time when I kept doing incredibly stupid things. Thank you.


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Lurie wasn't Jimmy's boss. Big difference.

Lurie goes to bed at night dreaming about having the media profile that Jerry has (for better or worse). Lurie needs to court the media and Jimmy has been in the media for a long time now.


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People around him knew he was only there to accomplish his objective, which he did.

Someone well connected in the local media told me of a conversation he had with Jimmy before the playoffs in that second SB season. They shared a love of saltwater aquariums and were talking about them when Jimmy said "yep, not much longer until I can carry the water from the source". He didn't think much about that at the time, until the blowup happened. He did not share that on the air because it would have painted Jimmy, who he liked a lot, in a bad light and the fans would have known he was already planning his exit.

Some try to make the bar incident the catalyst but it started well before that. My guy said Jimmy majored in psychology and knew how to push buttons and he knew Booger drank too much in public and it was just a matter of time.

Jimmy came into the NFL to make his own storm and Booger was trying to steal some of his thunder. We can credit the Walker trade or anything else but what he did from a 1-15 team to that team was beyond remarkable and worthy of a gold jacket. Some say FA did him in but what if FA had existed when he was building the team? How many teams can boast a #1D and SB winning D without one pber on it?

If he wasn't totally exhausted when he left DAL, he surely got that way going to MIA and having to deal with the tail wagging the dog. That situation he took on with Marino was exactly why college guys don't do well in the NFL. The only part of the Dolphins that was Jimmy's team was what Marino allowed him.

The problems obviously began when Jerry tried to muscle in on player personnel decisions. In fact, he offered Jimmy a contract extension after the 93 super bowl that undid the clause giving Jimmy final say on player personnel. The private party Jerry tried to crash and the 500 coaches statement were the last straw for Jimmy. I'm sure he loved saltwater and all that but he wasn't walking away from the opportunity for the NFLs first 3-peat for whimsical reasons. There's obviously bad blood.


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His ego was well deserved.

exactly...the man built a dynasty. the problem was jerry and his ego. almost every single owner in sports history would be happy to sit back and let the architect of that dynasty do his thing and watch the super bowls and money roll in, but not jerry. getting more credit and attention than jimmy was more important to him than the cowboys success and he was willing to sacrifice more super bowls to do it “his way”.

i don’t know why any cowboys fan would ever defend jerry jones...he flat out stole super bowls from this fanbase.


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Lurie goes to bed at night dreaming about having the media profile that Jerry has (for better or worse). Lurie needs to court the media and Jimmy has been in the media for a long time now.

The lengths you go to in order to defend Jerry's honor is hilarious.

Redball Express

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Do not like to defend Jerry but I would like to see things from his perspective for one sec. Multiple people have said that Jimmy used to disrespect the heck outta Jerry and call him a dummy and a whole bunch of demeaning stuff. Guys who’ve written and reported about this team for years have said it.

IF this is true, AND Jimmy never apologized for doing so; would you kind of understand how personal the fued is?

I think the whole Cowboys power trip that ensued once Jerry got rid of Jimmy was a result of that alleged disrespect. Was it the right way to go about it that’s up to you, but I can at least see a path for a deep personal fued that goes both ways.

I can see the tension.

Cut it with a knife thick.

You know Jimster took the Miami job after Dallas.

To me he was wanting that total control he lacked in Dallas with Jones.

I think Jimmy found out it was a tougher job than he thought and had to have gained some respect what Jerrah did for the team and of course for the league all around.

Jimmy never had the business background Jerrah did.

Just saying.

I hope for the sake of the fans who have loyalty supported both of them they eventually patch it up.

Jerrah is getting up there and Jimster is not getting any younger.

We will see.


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Not surprising. Jimmy has always said he was ready to move on......... he just never talks about the reasons that lead to that feeling......such as the growing antagonistic relationship with Jerry. My guess is watching the cowboys unravel the past 25 years has brought him a great deal of satisfaction and satiated any enmity he may have felt. Vindication is a powerful elixer. Jerry on the other hand has 25 years of egg on his face.......and acts accordingly.
true, and the thing is jimmy has mellowed with age, and jerry hasnt, jerry still holds a grudge, and jimmy doesnt.
They were both wrong back in the days they were together. They were not friends back then and are not now.