The reason Moore was kept


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You can put the talk about Prescott going elsewhere to rest, he's staying with the Cowboys. Big Mike would not have hired Moore if they were even thinking of letting him walk.

Moore is Big Mike's conduit to the QB in this offense transition. He will be keeping some of the terminology to make it smoother but he saw the QB improve under Moore and sees the connection between the two.

And hiring Moore was Big Mike's call, he wasn't coerced into anything. Moore was already talking to the Huskies about the OC job as all of the coaching staff had been allowed to interview.

He chose Moore and he also chose Prescott, which also helped Moore choose the Cowboys over college.

Kellen Moore is Big Mike's Zimmer. Parcells saw something in Zimmer, even though he was transitioning the defense. Big Mike was a Moore fan before he was offered the job and might have even hired him if he'd taken a different job.

I think we all need to think when is the last time we saw a first year OC do that? They stumble and fall and while it wasn't perfect, look at the difference from a veteran OC in his first year.

I do believe Big Mike will be in the cockpit as the instructor and Moore will not be flying solo and he probably doesn't want to out of the gate. I also think Moore is going to add some pizazz to Big Mike's version of the WCO. Two good offensive minds can create synergy.

I really like the idea of keeping him but make no mistake about it, this was the bolt locking on the door that Prescott was being kept. And he will be signed, even if he's tagged initially to buy more time. They're not going to give a new HC and his OC a QB on a one year with a new offense. Hiring Big Mike wasn't the clue to that, hiring Kellen Moore was.
That's an interesting perspective. Makes a lot of sense. Nice, Coach.


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You can put the talk about Prescott going elsewhere to rest, he's staying with the Cowboys. Big Mike would not have hired Moore if they were even thinking of letting him walk.

Moore is Big Mike's conduit to the QB in this offense transition. He will be keeping some of the terminology to make it smoother but he saw the QB improve under Moore and sees the connection between the two.

And hiring Moore was Big Mike's call, he wasn't coerced into anything. Moore was already talking to the Huskies about the OC job as all of the coaching staff had been allowed to interview.

He chose Moore and he also chose Prescott, which also helped Moore choose the Cowboys over college.

Kellen Moore is Big Mike's Zimmer. Parcells saw something in Zimmer, even though he was transitioning the defense. Big Mike was a Moore fan before he was offered the job and might have even hired him if he'd taken a different job.

I think we all need to think when is the last time we saw a first year OC do that? They stumble and fall and while it wasn't perfect, look at the difference from a veteran OC in his first year.

I do believe Big Mike will be in the cockpit as the instructor and Moore will not be flying solo and he probably doesn't want to out of the gate. I also think Moore is going to add some pizazz to Big Mike's version of the WCO. Two good offensive minds can create synergy.

I really like the idea of keeping him but make no mistake about it, this was the bolt locking on the door that Prescott was being kept. And he will be signed, even if he's tagged initially to buy more time. They're not going to give a new HC and his OC a QB on a one year with a new offense. Hiring Big Mike wasn't the clue to that, hiring Kellen Moore was.

nah they want to keep the offense the same because a new one confuses a qb who cant adapt..they dont want to further expose or set back a certain QB..

keep it the same dont make a QB have to LEARN because it could be SLOW..thats what it told me..:muttley::thumbup:


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan

There was rumors from Jay Glazer that the team wanted to keep the entire offensive staff.. They actually still believed in those guys.

So they hired McCarthy...

Well McCarthy did not sound like a guy who was going to give up playcalling before he was hired or during his Press conference while being hired.

Then all of a sudden Kellen Moore was named the playcaller for this upcoming season.

IMO, he was most likely force on MM and they sold him on the idea of being a walk around guy.

I hate it. Absolutely hate it. You don't hire Mike McCarthy and not let him call plays.

I want no part of anything Linehan or Garrett approved of offensively around this team.
So you think Big Mac was making it up when he said he'd been a fan of Moore's last season, or do you think that's just a coincidence?


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I’m not able to share the newspaper who broke the initial story but here’s another story from Star Telegram in Ft Worth on Moore and McCarthy.

I’ll let you draw your own conclusions but I’d interpret it differently than the OP is attempting to present here.

Rapoport reports that “McCarthy likes OC Kellen Moore, I’m told. Nothing more firm than that, but it does seem like McCarthy is more than open to keeping him.”


1st Round Pick
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So you think Big Mac was making it up when he said he'd been a fan of Moore's last season, or do you think that's just a coincidence?

I have no idea.

I just know if I were in his position I too would’ve been paying a lot of attention to the Cowboys and wondering how they manage to play that poorly with that roster.


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Rapoport reports that “McCarthy likes OC Kellen Moore, I’m told. Nothing more firm than that, but it does seem like McCarthy is more than open to keeping him.”

Open to keeping him sounds to me like it was someone elses idea. McCarthy was wiling to go along.


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So you think Big Mac was making it up when he said he'd been a fan of Moore's last season, or do you think that's just a coincidence?
I don’t dispute that. Mike was obviously open to retain Moore but that didn’t translate to it was him not Jerry who influenced the decision.

Who doesn’t think Jerry wanted to keep Moore?


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Until proven otherwise, I will give him the benefit of the doubt.

If I was as sure of everything as you are about Booger, I wouldn't even waste time with this team, I'd wait until he went toes up. Your complete hatred of the man doesn't allow you to consider one thing, he can still learn and change. Not a lot of sand left in the top of his hourglass and lifting that Lombardi just one more time might be just enough motivation for him to try it another way. Getting credit for training a HC is gone.
Now your acting like the rest of the Homers attempting to discredit me personally because you don’t like my message. You’re better than Coach. Or just too far up Mikeys fatarse .Lol

Jerry resisted like a spoiled child to the end with Garrett. You don’t think he wants to hang on to Moore and Dak. That was the root of this thread . You’re just giving credit to the wrong person.
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Who said Dak's leaving?


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Until proven otherwise, I will give him the benefit of the doubt.

If I was as sure of everything as you are about Booger, I wouldn't even waste time with this team, I'd wait until he went toes up. Your complete hatred of the man doesn't allow you to consider one thing, he can still learn and change. Not a lot of sand left in the top of his hourglass and lifting that Lombardi just one more time might be just enough motivation for him to try it another way. Getting credit for training a HC is gone.
I’ll use the same analogy I’ve used with others before in that we can hate our leadership or owners and still patronize and support the product whether it’s your local sports team , Walmart, or Fox network for example.

I’m not sure why it’s so difficult for you to grasp how the most hated sports personality in Dallas still has the most popular sports franchise?


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Well obviously nobody has came out and said this was forced on him. I'm just connecting some obvious dots.

I'm also pretty sure McCarthy has been quoted as saying he wouldn't give up playcalling ever again like he did in GB but I may be wrong.

what dots are obvious when the entire coaching staff was let go?

you don’t think MM would’ve found a spot for Witten if Jerry was forcing his pets on him?


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what dots are obvious when the entire coaching staff was let go?

you don’t think MM would’ve found a spot for Witten if Jerry was forcing his pets on him?
Wittens going to NY with Garrett is my hunch before it’s over.

Bottomline is I think Jerry really only had two stipulations with a HC. That he was on board with Dak and retaining Moore in support of Dak.


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I argued this a few years ago that Jerry was more All In on Dak than he was Garrett.

This hire is for Dak. Jerry wants to be right about Dak. He’s his jewel in the dust. Whatever can prop up what he sees as his best shot in years to win it all.

And only reason he finally gave up on Garrett. This is all about Dak. And Dak knows it and why ultimately holds the leverage over Jerry who will cave eventually on contract.



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You can put the talk about Prescott going elsewhere to rest, he's staying with the Cowboys. Big Mike would not have hired Moore if they were even thinking of letting him walk.

Moore is Big Mike's conduit to the QB in this offense transition. He will be keeping some of the terminology to make it smoother but he saw the QB improve under Moore and sees the connection between the two.

And hiring Moore was Big Mike's call, he wasn't coerced into anything. Moore was already talking to the Huskies about the OC job as all of the coaching staff had been allowed to interview.

He chose Moore and he also chose Prescott, which also helped Moore choose the Cowboys over college.

Kellen Moore is Big Mike's Zimmer. Parcells saw something in Zimmer, even though he was transitioning the defense. Big Mike was a Moore fan before he was offered the job and might have even hired him if he'd taken a different job.

I think we all need to think when is the last time we saw a first year OC do that? They stumble and fall and while it wasn't perfect, look at the difference from a veteran OC in his first year.

I do believe Big Mike will be in the cockpit as the instructor and Moore will not be flying solo and he probably doesn't want to out of the gate. I also think Moore is going to add some pizazz to Big Mike's version of the WCO. Two good offensive minds can create synergy.

I really like the idea of keeping him but make no mistake about it, this was the bolt locking on the door that Prescott was being kept. And he will be signed, even if he's tagged initially to buy more time. They're not going to give a new HC and his OC a QB on a one year with a new offense. Hiring Big Mike wasn't the clue to that, hiring Kellen Moore was.
I bolded that first paragraph because that answers every question about Prescott on these boards. Coach Mac would not have taken this job without being on board with Dak going forward. The question isn’t whether Dak will be signed- it’s merely a question of for how much.

The other key point here is I don’t think Mike Mac at this point in his career is interested in a complete rebuild starting at QB. Like or not, Dak Prescott will be here for a while while this organization still explores the possibility that they can build a roster around him that can take them to a SB. Dak will never be a guy that will carry a team on his back. There are maybe 2-3 of those guys in this league.

But you can win with a guy like Dak if you have a good overall roster. Mahomes carried that chiefs team with an average D and a good offense. With Dak, we will need to have a better D and enough offensive weapons to support him. But I believe Dak is good enough. And he’s more proven than any of these college guys that half this forum seems to think will be just plug and play, which history shows is rare for a majority of them to be that good.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I wasn’t aware Moore was released by Jerry only to be resigned by McCarthy. Do you have a link on that? If this speculation on your part?
He was released to interview because he’s still under contract with us. That’s what he’s referring to.


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He was released to interview because he’s still under contract with us. That’s what he’s referring to.
He didn’t need to be released from our contract to entertain a coaching job in college or even in NFL unless it was a lateral move which NFL strictly prohibits.

“ Despite Dallas’ disappointing season, the team is intent on keeping Moore. Jerry Jones made it a point during the Cowboys’ HC interviews to express his desire for Jason Garrett‘s eventual successor to retain Moore. And McCarthy is a fan of the one-year coordinator. One year remains on Moore’s contract. “
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Well-Known Member
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You can put the talk about Prescott going elsewhere to rest, he's staying with the Cowboys. Big Mike would not have hired Moore if they were even thinking of letting him walk.

Moore is Big Mike's conduit to the QB in this offense transition. He will be keeping some of the terminology to make it smoother but he saw the QB improve under Moore and sees the connection between the two.

And hiring Moore was Big Mike's call, he wasn't coerced into anything. Moore was already talking to the Huskies about the OC job as all of the coaching staff had been allowed to interview.

He chose Moore and he also chose Prescott, which also helped Moore choose the Cowboys over college.

Kellen Moore is Big Mike's Zimmer. Parcells saw something in Zimmer, even though he was transitioning the defense. Big Mike was a Moore fan before he was offered the job and might have even hired him if he'd taken a different job.

I think we all need to think when is the last time we saw a first year OC do that? They stumble and fall and while it wasn't perfect, look at the difference from a veteran OC in his first year.

I do believe Big Mike will be in the cockpit as the instructor and Moore will not be flying solo and he probably doesn't want to out of the gate. I also think Moore is going to add some pizazz to Big Mike's version of the WCO. Two good offensive minds can create synergy.

I really like the idea of keeping him but make no mistake about it, this was the bolt locking on the door that Prescott was being kept. And he will be signed, even if he's tagged initially to buy more time. They're not going to give a new HC and his OC a QB on a one year with a new offense. Hiring Big Mike wasn't the clue to that, hiring Kellen Moore was.
I also think that moore was kept because maybe the cowboys believe that Prescott will have a long holdout. if he does holdout Prescott will not have time to learn a whole new offense. so if he does not show up until training camp he will not have a tough time to learn a new offense he will already know the same offense he ran last year. now if the cowboys and Prescott come to an agreement sooner then maybe McCarthy can put in some different plays to learn this year.