The New DL-McCoy, Dontari, Gregory, Irving, Hill, Woods is bad

Redball Express

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I’m hopeful but am tempering my expectations. Aldon Smith hasn’t played in 4 years. There is no guaranteed money in the contract. I hope he is the 19.5 sack player of 2012 but... he will probably need to knock of some rust.

Irving is someone who had a lot of talent. I started a thread on him previously. However, he pretty much gave up on his team with a bum ankle. I wonder if he even wants to play football. My question is, at what point is too many characters a concern for this coach?
It's a conundrum.

I think the coaches have their work cut out.

But do you remember Charles Haley?

He was cut from the same cloth as some of our new guys. Mentally was a character, physically a monster.

The Cowboy coaches made it work.

I will never forget the story about Jimster getting mad at Haley.

The story was he took Haley into the commodes and flushed one of the toilets and said..

"This is your career if you don't straighten up".


I mean really?

So March all of them to the bathroom and let's get to flushing.


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Now is this what. Is about to happen?

And if we take a DL high in the Draft..

this place is going to erupt.


Our OL may not be as good as our DL.

What do you guys think?

I forgot we need to add Tank.

This is alot of Pro Bowls between them, Bros.


Good post. On paper DL looks good but there are still 3 major wild cards. Gregory, Smith and Hill. Those guys could be great but if each of them did nothing it would not be a surprise. I think the off season has set it up so Dallas can take the best player available in the draft. I strongly believe S, DT, TE and CB are the biggest needs. Centers can be had later in the draft. Might be worth it to grab 2 of them in mid rounds and hope 1 can play. Personally I think they are set with either Looney, Williams or McGovern playing C.


Go Seahawks!!!
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I hope they play better than our LBs did last year when we thought they were bad.


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This could be the best DL the Cowboys have fielded in a long time.

Thank goodness Marinelli is gone.

Isnt it amazing that for the last 6 years the Cowboys go out and bring in every undersized, journeyman, scrub DT in the NFL and somehow the homers on this board keep telling us all that the DL could be good every preseason.

Now we ACTUALLY go out and sign legitimate DT's. Not just one, but TWO of them and people are crying like a bunch of babies? LOL

Hilarious stuff.


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Is it fair to say we have high hopes

they are kinda green?

they will be smokin the qbs

just get them roll in’

If you haven’t guessed I’m being blunt


You Have an Axe to Grind
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We added a couple of DTs who contributed to the Panthers fourth worst rushing defense last season. Both McCoy and Poe are past their primes. The only real positive is they bring size to our DL. They’re bridge players who may not be here very long. DT is still a position we need to look at in the draft. As for Gregory he hasn’t even been reinstated. The Cowboys haven’t seen him in a year. I certainly wouldn’t be counting on him. As for DLaw he didn’t bother to even show up after getting paid last season. As for Irving the Cowboys aren’t bringing him back. He quit because pot was more important to him than football and only wants to return to football because of the new softer policy on pot. The jury is out on the DL until we see this group together in games. Anyone assuming we fixed everything upfront better tap the brakes.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Not sure.

Frankly, I do not want a bunch of choirboys with choirboys reps.

I want thugs and intimidators now.

Enough the image of Garrett where everybody is from Princeton.

I like East Chicago better. Or South side Harlem.

I don’t care much for thugs off the field who abuse women and have rap sheets that get them booted from teams and suspended from the league. I’m not looking for players who have that kind of reputation. The Dallas Cowboys didn’t become America’s Team with players who have that reputation. Some of you don’t care if a player is a serial killer as long as they can help the team. I’m all for intimidators on the field but signing players with a background for domestic violence and trouble I don’t approve of. We’ve never gotten anywhere with players like that. All they bring are headaches and distractions.


Well-Known Member
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Now is this what. Is about to happen?

And if we take a DL high in the Draft..

this place is going to erupt.


Our OL may not be as good as our DL.

What do you guys think?


This is alot of Pro Bowls between them, Bros.

this group is exciting and don't think many QBs will have too much time in the pocket. great to see McCarthy's input on the team already . Sick of the old philosophy that we have to outscore any team to win . Pipe dream with an ailing OL and a mediocre dak at QB .


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This OL has been on the downswing for a couple years now. Aging and overpaid. Smith is one bad hit away from retiring too. Garrett was all about having a beast Oline and we had nothing to show for it.

Defense wins championships.
Well when theres little to no attempt to out scheme your opponent you need to dominate up front to have a chance.

The idea of keeping things simple was supposed to be about the players. I'm sure it was mostly about him.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Is it fair to say we have high hopes

they are kinda green?

they will be smokin the qbs

just get them roll in’

If you haven’t guessed I’m being blunt
Well ,,,I got stoned& I missed it,,,:laugh:


Well-Known Member
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Now is this what. Is about to happen?

And if we take a DL high in the Draft..

this place is going to erupt.


Our OL may not be as good as our DL.

What do you guys think?

I forgot we need to add Tank.

This is alot of Pro Bowls between them, Bros.


Is your post some kind of deranged, out of sorts, football haiku?

Redball Express

All Aboard!!!
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Is it fair to say we have high hopes

they are kinda green?

they will be smokin the qbs

just get them roll in’

If you haven’t guessed I’m being blunt

I thought you to be bogarting the subject.



Dave's not here..

Redball Express

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Last year the Cowboys kicked 30 FG's.

Last year the Cowboys scored 48 TD's.
That for the stats.

I think you know what I mean.

Garrett would too often get across mid-field and then the drive would stall..

and we would try a long FG.

The FG kicker would make a 60 yd kick then come back and miss a 40 yd kick.

They finally woke up and cut the kicker.

It just seemed clear to me the team needed a new kicker way before he cost a couple of games down the stretch.

And it seemed obviously we needed to score more points than 3 pt as our defense could not hold the other team off.

So numbers of scored and types of scored matter not as much as when and how.

Again, the stat guys see one thing, the casual observer sees something else.

Back in HS, I played football. I played both ways, TE and LBer. My Jr year I had a knee injury and had surgery. I had a walking cast and my football coach came to me..

and said he needed a stat guy to help him and would I do it. I had never done that.

Additionally somebody had to call the scores into the Dallas Morning News for the Saturday sports section.

I also got to give the sports dept a 3 sentence summary of the game to go with the stats.

Needless to say, everybody wanted me to mention them in the report, I was really popular. I went from being depressed with my injury to being BMOC- Big Man On Campus.

I also learned stats often mislead. Unless viewed in an overall way with how the game went down..they were useless.

So...I dig your comment, but even you have to admit it's not the whole story.