The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly


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I saw the exact moment they did in this game, it was at around 10:45 remaining in the fourth quarter.
If I was a HC with a huge lead, foot on the gas till about 5 minutes left in the game. That is when ALL back-ups come in to get some real game time play...


Beyond tired of Jerry
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The Good - The Boyz offense is clicking on all cylinders, Dak looks great, the receivers are all over the place, and the run game should be full speed in a week or two.

The Bad - The defense did not stuff the run up the middle, looks like the same issue as the Rams game last year. Giants gained 470 total offense, Barkley running up the gut consistently. Watch how our D-Line lines up. With out a nose guard, the linebackers need to help plug that hole.

The Ugly - Yes, they were up by 18 points with under 7 minutes left in the game, but the Boyz took the peddle off the gas. When you have your foot on the opponents neck, keep it there until they blackout. The Cowboys tend to let up when they should obliterate the other team.



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The Good - The Boyz offense is clicking on all cylinders, Dak looks great, the receivers are all over the place, and the run game should be full speed in a week or two.

The Bad - The defense did not stuff the run up the middle, looks like the same issue as the Rams game last year. Giants gained 470 total offense, Barkley running up the gut consistently. Watch how our D-Line lines up. With out a nose guard, the linebackers need to help plug that hole.

The Ugly - Yes, they were up by 18 points with under 7 minutes left in the game, but the Boyz took the peddle off the gas. When you have your foot on the opponents neck, keep it there until they blackout. The Cowboys tend to let up when they should obliterate the other team.
I think the ugly part is really stretching it....that one is more for the fans. it was obvious the game was at hand, we controlled the Giants with after their initial score and long drive with one big play. then we subbed all the back ups and that's when they had a little success and scored. that was to protect the starters. why leave them in there to drive up the score and risk getting someone injured on a fluke play on the first game of the season.

the defense gave up 300 yards in the second half. mostly in prevent defense after being up 28-7 and in total control. I think after that first drive we kind of settled. that big long run was a missed assignment I think by LVE. after that Barkley had 24 yards by the time score was 28-10 and 35 yards by the time it was 35-10 and game pretty much in control.

I liked what I saw out of the offense. you dominate when you play against an undermanned team which the Giants were and get some "practice" time in your plays in real game. lots of motion. lots of routes attacking the differernt passing zone.


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I will gladly take what took place this past game every game. Dallas put that game away heading into the 4th qrt. 35- 17 late TD by NY so what. If we were on the other end of a 35 - 17 beat down no one here would give a damn about scoring 7 as NY did. Yes I want to see more out of the defense but big picture they gave up 10 points in the game and a late 7, if that is bad I will take bad however I do think defense will play better as they season progresses.


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I'm not sure I can find an "ugly" from that game unless it's the Giants starters out playing our backups. In which case, still not ugly.

Whenever Heath is out there it's ugly. I remember the hoopla and over admiration for Williams and he isn't even in the league. IF Heath wasn't a RKG would he even be in the league?


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I saw the exact moment they did in this game, it was at around 10:45 remaining in the fourth quarter.
Being that we were 4 scores up, I have no problem w/ it. THIS TIME. However, garrett doesn't seem to have any concept as to when to take the foot off the gas.

I feel he was right this time.


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Whenever Heath is out there it's ugly. I remember the hoopla and over admiration for Williams and he isn't even in the league. IF Heath wasn't a RKG would he even be in the league?
Heath should be a great STer/nickel package type. It's our fault he's starting.


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The defense kept them out of the end zone.

We won

whos more mad, cowboy fans.

The game was great all the way through. I am not a huge Garrett fan, but kudos, this is the win he needed, this is the win he got. the rest is still on him. Go out there and earn it.


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Barkley averaged over 6 yards a carry, outside of that huge run, which had him at over 10 yards a carry. The things that saved us were the lopsided score and the fact that the Giants offensive coordinator is a moron.

So the thing that SAVED us was the lopsided score? Really where do some of you guys come up with this stuff?


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The Good - The Boyz offense is clicking on all cylinders, Dak looks great, the receivers are all over the place, and the run game should be full speed in a week or two.

The Bad - The defense did not stuff the run up the middle, looks like the same issue as the Rams game last year. Giants gained 470 total offense, Barkley running up the gut consistently. Watch how our D-Line lines up. With out a nose guard, the linebackers need to help plug that hole.

The Ugly - Yes, they were up by 18 points with under 7 minutes left in the game, but the Boyz took the peddle off the gas. When you have your foot on the opponents neck, keep it there until they blackout. The Cowboys tend to let up when they should obliterate the other team.
Kellen should learn from this and going forward stomp teams out when you have them down. The D also let up and made their overall game look bad, because the let the Giants run down the field late in the game. 10 points vs 17 is pretty big swing. I don't like the SL look of letting up when you are killing a team. That got us into a lot of close game over the last few years that shouldn't have been close.


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We never looked to obliterate teams in the Jimmy Johnson era, we’d have games where Aikman would only pass 5 or 6 times, or less, in the 2nd half as we were so far ahead.


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The defense held them to 2 for 13 on third down and gave up 1 touchdown that mattered (first drive of the game). If you think back that first touchdown drive almost didn't happen for the Giants, first play of the Giants season was a fumble (Xavier woods knocked the ball out of Barkley's hand, Jaylon smith accidently kicked the ball as he came in for the gang tackle) - the very next play was the 59 yard run that skewed all of the Giants stats for the rest of the day.


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to some degree...but the dline is Marinelli. When he calls the dogs off up front, that's prevent.
Prevent is coverage, in a prevent defense you keep everything in front and only rush 4 guys, still trying to put pressure but mainly its not to get beat for a quick score. Almost every team will go prevent when they have large lead and will rotate in more backups for longer so starters do not get hurt.


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Heath should be a great STer/nickel package type. It's our fault he's starting.
is it a fault? or a choice? we rebuilt this defense. there is only so much resources available and the choice has been to build inside out and then outside in....we have drafted DEs, DTs, LBs and CBs ahead of safety. if we are arguing about safety and not other positions, then the FO has done a good job. is a good safety needed? yes, but where do you rank a safety need against the other positions I listed?

also, there is only so much money and the FO is forward thinking on contracts they have to give out and how they manage the cap. so signing any high priced FA safety comes at a cost of not signing somebody else and then we would be sitting here complaining about that position not being filled.

would I like an upgrade? yes. do I think Heath is trash? no, some fans live at the extremes only....reality is different.


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The Ugly - Yes, they were up by 18 points with under 7 minutes left in the game, but the Boyz took the peddle off the gas. When you have your foot on the opponents neck, keep it there until they blackout. The Cowboys tend to let up when they should obliterate the other team.
Disagree on this one, at least in this case. Get key players out of the game & let some guys get valuable reps. You never know when you might need to rely on them. Add in that its the first full game for any of them so no reason to over exert starters. I was actually very thankful that they took Dak out & let Cooper get a few plays. Hoping they continue to build big leads & let the other guys get some live action.


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Agree except for the Ugly, Zach Martin and Fredbeard needed to get out the game asap, Dak,Zeke and Cooper the same.


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Barkley averaged over 6 yards a carry, outside of that huge run, which had him at over 10 yards a carry. The things that saved us were the lopsided score and the fact that the Giants offensive coordinator is a moron.
Bingo, there OC has to be a total moron, 120 on 11 carries????? And if you listen the whole NFL is asking WHY didn't he touch the ball more. I say were damn lucky he didn't, or it could have been really ugly for our lack luster defense. I for one am hoping that this game wasn't a show of things to come in regards to stopping the run game. We are fixing to be going up against some pretty damn good ball runners, and coordinators who won't be afraid to run it down our throats... IE Alvin Kamera ring a bell.....