News: “Perpetual tardiness” caused Cowboys players to sour on Greg Hardy

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I can't blame players for being upset.

But when more than half the roster isn't that good, how dare they get made at that?


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Why would anyone be mad at Hardy for playing every snap? Seems the bullying would be the bigger story here since Hardy can tell come and go whenever and and decides he will still play every snap against the coaches wishes.


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I will break the legs of anyone who uses the term "******" or "tard".
News: “Perpetual tardiness” caused Cowboys players to sour on Greg Hardy
The correct term is "differently abled mongoloid". Check your privilege, bro!


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I've been the one saying we should re-sign Hardy, but if this report is accurate, then he probably needs to get on...


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Okay so out of ALL the things Hardy either did or was accused of.....the only thing that bothered them was him being late all the time? Really? I could careless. If that's the only problem they have with him then they don't have a problem.


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Interesting because there were a few reports where it is mentioned he proves himself in practice, works very hard, is an example and leader for the defense in the locker.

These reports were coming from ownership themselves, mid way through the season while the scrutiny was happening.

Now it's a lack of work ethic and tardiness?

We heard that about McClain and we re-signed him.

We heard that about Dez before we were going to sign him up long term among other things and we signed him up.

Tyron Smith, all that junk about what his family was doing to him and we signed him to a sweetheart deal for who he is at his position.

It's an opinion and surely there's some fire creating that smoke, but this team has a habit of things getting out into the media about players during the offseason in contract years.

It's what we do to give people something to read and also lower a players league wide perception during offseason's.


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IT would be really interesting to see Hardy and Bryant playing for a team like the Patriots. Either they would change their act very quickly or be off the team in a heartbeat. Some players (like this) who never had real strong influences in their lives are really longing for direction from a leader. Teams who don't provide that leadership are just another stopping place for these players to keep acting up and ultimately fail to reach their full potential.

And you ANY of this, how? You don't think Belichick has dealt with guys being late and just put up with it? lol. promise he, also, has a different set of rules for his stars.


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I have no idea what kind of person Hardy is and whether he's a good, great or bad teammate. I have no idea if he shows up on time or late or whatever for team meetings/functions.

But one of the more bizarre aspects of this story is the fans who just blindly defend him at every turn.


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And you ANY of this, how? You don't think Belichick has dealt with guys being late and just put up with it? lol. promise he, also, has a different set of rules for his stars.

He kicked Revis out of practice and I believe fined him for showing up late.

Belicheck might not kick a guy like Bryant or Hardy off the team for being late but you can bet he'd punish them, regardless of their status.

Zimmy Lives

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Interesting because there were a few reports where it is mentioned he proves himself in practice, works very hard, is an example and leader for the defense in the locker.

These reports were coming from ownership themselves, mid way through the season while the scrutiny was happening.

Now it's a lack of work ethic and tardiness?

We heard that about McClain and we re-signed him.

We heard that about Dez before we were going to sign him up long term among other things and we signed him up.

Tyron Smith, all that junk about what his family was doing to him and we signed him to a sweetheart deal for who he is at his position.

It's an opinion and surely there's some fire creating that smoke, but this team has a habit of things getting out into the media about players during the offseason in contract years.

It's what we do to give people something to read and also lower a players league wide perception during offseason's.

I personally think the media will do whatever they can to play the Hardy angle (as a distraction/disruption and locker room cancer) because it makes for a juicy story or angle. If the Cowboys were 10-6 and made the playoffs, Hardy would be a non-issue.

I really don't care if they bring him back or not. I think they need to look to the future (Gregory) and move on from Hardy. I would prefer to bring back Mincey on a one-year contract so he can mentor Gregory and Irvin and provide leadership to the d-line.

If Hardy is willing to take minimum money to come back, I might reconsider signing him.


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Interesting because there were a few reports where it is mentioned he proves himself in practice, works very hard, is an example and leader for the defense in the locker.

These reports were coming from ownership themselves, mid way through the season while the scrutiny was happening.

Now it's a lack of work ethic and tardiness?

We heard that about McClain and we re-signed him.

We heard that about Dez before we were going to sign him up long term among other things and we signed him up.

Tyron Smith, all that junk about what his family was doing to him and we signed him to a sweetheart deal for who he is at his position.

It's an opinion and surely there's some fire creating that smoke, but this team has a habit of things getting out into the media about players during the offseason in contract years.

It's what we do to give people something to read and also lower a players league wide perception during offseason's.

I can't help thinking that there's some level of gamesmanship going on too. And before anybody gets up in arms, I'm not trying to defend the guy if the reports are true.

But, in looking at it from a business perspective, why not leak a few issues and be reserved with any praise on a guy set to become a free agent? Getting this word out and appearing indifferent towards signing him will help to get him back at a lower cost.


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I can't blame players for being upset.

But when more than half the roster isn't that good, how dare they get made at that?

Their being good has nothing to do with them being upset because the same rules don't apply to everyone.

Their being "bad" has more to do with talent, which not everyone has in the same quantity. But everyone is supposed to follow the rules.

And I think they have a right to be upset. It's not like Hardy was killing it with sacks.

I remember in the 90s when Deion came onboard. Aikman HATED the fact that the team added Deion because - according to the story - Deion's work habits weren't exactly up to the standard Aikman thought they should be. But Deion was SUPREMELY talented and could get away with it. However, the other "lesser" talented Cowboys emulated Deion and would slack off too. That lead to a deterioration of discipline that ultimately caught up to the Cowboys.


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I can't help thinking that there's some level of gamesmanship going on too. And before anybody gets up in arms, I'm not trying to defend the guy if the reports are true.

But, in looking at it from a business perspective, why not leak a few issues and be reserved with any praise on a guy set to become a free agent? Getting this word out and appearing indifferent towards signing him will help to get him back at a lower cost.

Interesting angle and very probable.


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This is what happens when you have a clap happy, push over coach.

Watch him go to New England next season and act like a saint and be at meetings 10 minutes early.


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I can't help thinking that there's some level of gamesmanship going on too. And before anybody gets up in arms, I'm not trying to defend the guy if the reports are true.

But, in looking at it from a business perspective, why not leak a few issues and be reserved with any praise on a guy set to become a free agent? Getting this word out and appearing indifferent towards signing him will help to get him back at a lower cost.

Thing is the reports are true or they are not. If the Cowboys and Hardy know for a fact he is on time and doing what is asked of him then it is hard to use that as a ploy. If Dallas chooses to bring Hardy back I think they should do it on their terms.

Joe Realist

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“Perpetual tardiness” caused Cowboys players to sour on Greg Hardy
Posted by Darin Gantt on January 7, 2016, 9:12 AM EST

Getty Images
Cowboys coach Jason Garrett didn’t exactly offer a ringing endorsement of defensive end Greg Hardy earlier this week, and it sounds like some of his teammates may have felt just as ambivalent.

According to Brandon George of the Dallas Morning News, several teammates who had previously supported Hardy “began to sour on him late in the season.”

That’s partly because Hardy was high-maintenance, with Garrett having to meet with him four times about his off-field distractions, and also because of his “perpetual tardiness for team meetings never resulted in a reduction of playing time.”

He reportedly was respectful when they talked to him about changing, but never bothered to change...

He will be signed long term, not a 1 year rental. AsthmaField told me so!


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Some interesting comments from Mincey about Hardy beginning at about the 3:00 minute mark.



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Here's what I don't understand...

Aside from the Patriots game, this guy hasn't really shown that he's the dominant pass rusher that everyone seems to think he is.

Technicalities aside, the guy clearly has character issues and I'm certainly not going to give him the benefit of the doubt with his domestic abuse issues. People blindly defend this guy who hasn't produced that much on the field, yet they want nothing to do with Manziel or RG3 because of "character issues"

Make sense of that, if you can.
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