10-6 is what we will end up folks


Messenger to the football Gods
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Kilyin;2407770 said:
Pretty much. This team has enough talent 'on paper' to rip your still beating heart out and stomp on it.

What kind of crack were they smoking not to let Felix Jones even touch the ball the whole game?

I've gotta chalk it up to our coaches are just frickin' STUPID.

I dunno what to chalk it up to. On one hand I couldn't fathom our coordinators lacking that bad. Garrett, Stewart, Wade, Hudson. I think Campo is a half-wit hack, always have.

On the other hand........
I really think Gerry has this teams' chemistry so dysfunctional it'd take an exorcism to clean this house. We have a backup QB that is the absolute worst, THE ABSOLUTE WORST at his job and our "GM" doesn't know this?
He shoves the coaching staff around, in front of the players on game day?

He's spent too much money in all the wrong places. He now has to face the music and chastise. He can't single out the retards he's directly responsible for, that'll make him look like he know's nothing about fooball talent, so he "rah-rah's" the entire team. Those that ARE doing their job are only left to wonder why they have to take up the slack of the under-acheivers he stamped as golden. Who's back does Gerry "really" have?


A Mere Flesh Wound
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We are 5-4 and looking at a tough second half of the season. Only two teams on the schedule look like wins (San Fran & Seattle) -- all the rest will be extremely tough. And three of the five tough games are on the road.

Our record will more likely be 9-7 which will not be good enough to make the playoffs. And who are we kidding, this team isn't good enough to make the playoffs...


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Kilyin;2407726 said:
Your predictions suck. I blame alcohol and the false hope you try to instill for the bruising and swelling that remains on my knuckles from last weekend.

Lol! If only this team was willing to knuckle it out like some of their fans are. This team tanked on us last week. Those 2 shlup QB's just deflated this teams efforts but teams like Chicago, Baltimore and New England just keep that grinder mentality regardless of who is at QB. No excuses, we need to get some grit on this team. We need to think about the Skins, not 10-6, 11-5, 12-4 or 9-7. Wish you would knuckle anyone talking about winning records and playoffs right now. How bout the Washington game? We should focus there first.


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i see a strong finish to 9-7. lets be honest. 10+ wins will be VERY hard to do with one of the hardest schedules in the league remaining. 9-7 is still a very good finish with the team we have.


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BHendri5;2407742 said:
12-4, still div champs

Sounds about right to me. I don't see us losing another game this year if TO and Romo stay healthy... I just think we're that good....

Ultra Warrior

6 Million Light-years beyond believability.
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lane;2407723 said:
can we make the playoffs at 10-6?
Anythings possible. Skins got in last season with a 9-7 record & the Giants got in the season before with a 8-8 record. They just need to finish what they started & turn this season around.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Mansta54;2407934 said:
Sounds about right to me. I don't see us losing another game this year if TO and Romo stay healthy... I just think we're that good....

Incredible. Are you this out of touch with reality in your day-to-day life? If so, I wonder if you can cross the street unassisted.


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Alexander;2407960 said:
Incredible. Are you this out of touch with reality in your day-to-day life? If so, I wonder if you can cross the street unassisted.

No I'm not out of touch at all, I'm offering my opinion if that's ok with you. As for crossing the street unassisted, yep, I can do that too. I'm in great shape, mind body and soul. We just have different views and thoughts on our team. Don't try to take shots cause we don't think alike.. Relax!!!!


Messenger to the football Gods
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Mansta54;2407964 said:
No I'm not out of touch at all, I'm offering my opinion if that's ok with you. As for crossing the street unassisted, yep, I can do that too. I'm in great shape, mind body and soul. We just have different views and thoughts on our team. Don't try to take shots cause we don't think alike.. Relax!!!!

Nothing wrong with your opinion.

But the thing is, you keep using #81 and Romo. I hope the refs let 'em play with their capes on. 2 Guys aren't going to save this cluster. This defense is as bad ad the Ekuban days starring Pete Hunter. At least they could and would tackle. Let's not get started with the OL. Underacheiveing at this point.

The Grim Reaper

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lane;2407723 said:
that's what we will end up folks.

sad but true.

is it enough to make the playoffs?

atlanta..tampa bay..arizona..wash...eagles...chicago..minnesota?

i don't know.

we lose at pitt and philly?

injuries have destroyed our season along with pitiful coaching.

can we make the playoffs at 10-6?

i think we are going to make a hell of a try with our weapons coming back.

but will the real cowboys please stand the hell up?
Who is more accurate with these visions?

You or the Magic 8 Ball?

Have you ever considered the possibility that you are a jinx?


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Seven;2407970 said:
Nothing wrong with your opinion.

But the thing is, you keep using #81 and Romo. I hope the refs let 'em play with their capes on. 2 Guys aren't going to save this cluster. This defense is as bad ad the Ekuban days starring Pete Hunter. At least they could and would tackle. Let's not get started with the OL. Underacheiveing at this point.

I use TO and Romo cause our O rolls when they are on point and with the addition of Kozier, FJ, and RW we will be that much better. I think Romo helps our D in a big way. With Romo our D isn't on the field for 40 minutes, they aren't constantly defending a short field, and teams aren't running as much cause they have to throw to keep up with our scoring. Yes, they do have to tackle better but Romo affects our D very much. Infact, nobody ran on our D when Romo was healthy except for the Foreskins. When Romo got hurt we were averaging 30pts a game, he lead the league in TD passes, our O was ranked 2nd, and we were the leagues highest scoring team. That all affects our D.... I didn't even mention the energy and excitement that Romo brings to the team by making plays and scoring points.


1st Round Pick
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Seven;2407768 said:
This team doesn't have "IT" in every phase of the game. Nothing we have compensates for the deficencies. If anything, as a whole, it just gets worse.

Completely disagree.

We've seen our offense carry us through bad defense before.

When Romo is clicking this offense is unstopable. Score at will.


Messenger to the football Gods
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CATCH17;2408004 said:
Completely disagree.

We've seen our offense carry us through bad defense before.

When Romo is clicking this offense is unstopable. Score at will.

I'm trying to come up with ONE decent backup.................It lathers me up that teams like the Stealers consistently lose starters yet roll right along. We lose 1 guy and we're shakin' in our boots.

As for our offense carrying us thru............I'm into deep into the playoffs and beyond this year. I expected that. (12 years of futility. 1 common denominator.)
A good O and horrid D isn't gonna do it. I know you know this.


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I cant believe some people here even think were a playoff team anymore.

Im thinking 8-8 unless we right the ship in Wash.


1st Round Pick
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Seven;2408006 said:
I'm trying to come up with ONE decent backup.................It lathers me up that teams like the Stealers consistently lose starters yet roll right along. We lose 1 guy and we're shakin' in our boots.

As for our offense carrying us thru............I'm into deep into the playoffs and beyond this year. I expected that. (12 years of futility. 1 common denominator.)
A good O and horrid D isn't gonna do it. I know you know this.

Thats because when Roethlisberger got hurt they rolled out a guy who has no business being a #2 Quarterback and when Romo got hurt we rolled out a guy who has no business still being in the league.

The most important position is Quarterback and if you get bad play from that position it can completely crumble every phase of your team.

DallasDW00ds0n;2408010 said:

I cant believe some people here even think were a playoff team anymore.

Im thinking 8-8 unless we right the ship in Wash.

It all depends on Romo. If he brings it than there isn't a defense that can stop us.

But if they get away from playing with emotion they will eventually fade. Just like the Arizona and 1st Washington game.

Everything rides on Romo IMO.


What's it going to be then, eh?
Reaction score
Mansta54;2407964 said:
No I'm not out of touch at all, I'm offering my opinion if that's ok with you. As for crossing the street unassisted, yep, I can do that too. I'm in great shape, mind body and soul. We just have different views and thoughts on our team. Don't try to take shots cause we don't think alike.. Relax!!!!

Fair enough.

But why do you believe we are "that good"? When have we been "that good" this season save the Green Bay game when everyone handed us the conference?


Reaction score
Muhast;2407731 said:
Seattle is the easiest game we have left.

10-6 gets us in def

That is simply not true.

when we play them they will have hassleback and branch.

Totally different. Their defense will give us a hard time and hassleback most certainly will.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Mansta54;2407934 said:
Sounds about right to me. I don't see us losing another game this year if TO and Romo stay healthy... I just think we're that good....

I love you, man. :bow:

I think we're that good too, but we haven't been playing that good. The Washington game is the key. If we win that one, I will believe 100% again. Right now, I am more optimistic than 90% of this board, but I still need to see results.


Active Member
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If we do get in it won't be from our brilliant coaching.


New Member
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We're fine. And it's going to play out the way it plays out. If Super Bowl is in our "cards" it really just doesn't matter what scenarios people play out in their minds. Doesn't matter if we're the first seed or the last seed. Ask the Giants last year. Ask us last year. Ask the Packers, ask New England.

We could cruise in undefeated and take the conference, but just like last season it could just mean jack. Or we could simply just barely back in and suddenly transform into the team we were at the beginning of the season and literally take it all from each team we face.

Any scenario could play out. And it could take us to the top or the bottom. Nobody can say. All just luck if somebody picks it. We are what we will be and I'd reckon it's too late now to change our destiny where this season is concerned. The pieces are already here, the game is on.