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Well-Known Member
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He's such a moron
You left out well-paid

All I hear from these losers is “Blah blah blah blah.” Shut up, quit starting slowly and making mistakes, and just win. Nobody wants to hear all your excuses and sound bytes.
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Well-Known Member
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They lost their edge after 3 measly wins. They stared "smelling themselves" according to Dak after beating three of the worst teams in the league.

The culture here stinks. They can't stay focused and humbled for longer than a handful of games. Beat the Jets, and they will relax again just watch.

I just don't understand how a team that is constantly bashed by the national media doesn't use that as motivation to maintain an edge? Why is this team so weak minded??
The culture...

The kicker stinks and they don’t cut him. Marinelli stinks and his defense is directly responsible for their last three playoff losses and he’s still there.

Jones has this Taj Mahal of a stadium built. Then the best practice facility in The Star.

It’s all pomp and circumstance.

It’s all glitz and glitter.

There’s just no substance to any of it when it comes to fielding a legitimate contending NFL team.
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