10 worst QB situations in the NFL


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No, blinded is when I warned you dopes through the entire 2016 season that Prescott's mechanics, weak arm, and bad footwork would get him in trouble once defenses started taking away his safety blankets. Once that happened and Dak needed to consistently hit players deep to open up the underneath, he failed.

But I mean, why listen to the guy who predicted Dak's return to Earth? Let's listen to the "QuincyCarter" era.
Yeah, I'm sure that happened lmao


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For those that opened which of these teams did they ahead of us?
Bengals, Giants, Dolphins, Bucs, Raiders, Denver, Jags

Just the Dolphins, Giants, Denver, Tenn
What about Cincy... Dalton is never getting better
Or NYJ....
Or Cleveland
Or Houston where he's coming off a horrible knee injury and his game is predicated upon scrambling
Or KC going with someone unproven
Or Tampa where their QB is a human turd and Turnover machine
Or Arizona
Or that I'm not sure I'd call Daks second season a regression personally as much as it was a team regression. He was on pace to be near what he did the previous year until injuries and suspensions changed things up.
Let's also not forget NE, Pitt, and NO where each year you squeeze out of your QB is another " borrowed" year until your team is no longer relevant for the next few years or decades.


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Yeah, it did - and one of the people who is posting and like my posts in here is one of the members who constantly berated me and tried countering me. He's now on my side in the Prescott debate.

I was right about Prescott throughout the 2016 and validated in 2017.
Who is it? @ him


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Who is it? @ him

WillieBeamen, for one.

This isn't even getting into the amount of Prescott humpers who conveniently disappeared after his decline. I mean, there were people here stating he was similar to Tom Brady, labeling him the "GOAT" - this dudes are no longer around.

Give me some time and I'll go ahead and show you threads where people were attempting to call me a Philly fan and trying to bait mods into getting me banned. This is all over a single player and freakin' football.

Emotion clouds people's judgement on here too often.


Stick N Move
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that's dumb, Cooper Rush > Carson Wince

i'd say our situation is peachy


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I don’t think the list is great, but people seem to be getting a bit carried away with how bad it is. It’s not just the quality of the starters, but who is behind them.

Dak has shown some good stuff in this league so far...and some not so good stuff. But those behind him have shown nothing at all.


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It's not surprising some of the posters that agree with MSN's hard hitting football analysis. Theres a metaphor in there somewhere.
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Didn't read the article, but if Dak plays like he did the first half of last year will we still be the 5th worst situation? It seems that if we get solid play for virtually nothing (at least in the context of QB salaries) our situation would be among the 5 best.


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WillieBeamen, for one.

This isn't even getting into the amount of Prescott humpers who conveniently disappeared after his decline. I mean, there were people here stating he was similar to Tom Brady, labeling him the "GOAT" - this dudes are no longer around.

Give me some time and I'll go ahead and show you threads where people were attempting to call me a Philly fan and trying to bait mods into getting me banned. This is all over a single player and freakin' football.

Emotion clouds people's judgement on here too often.
Dak had us all fooled at one point in time. Even you

I've gone back to watch his college games to refresh my memory of how he plays in meaningful games. While he took an L in this game, I think this is one of the more impressive games I've seen from him going up against a tough LSU defense that night.

While watching Dak in preseason, some of his passes have had me worried since I haven't seen much zip on the ball. Then I see the pass at 5:11, and he shows he has the arm strength to fit balls into tight spaces. This made me feel a lot better knowing he can put some zip on the ball when he needs to.

The most impressive part of this game though is the final drive (Outside of the delay of game, of course). Does this guy ever get rattled? Even with the O-Line breaking down throughout this game, Dak is poised as hell. Always looking downfield, always knowing where a player is to dump it off if need be. Actually, I'd say he might have been TOO relaxed on that final drive which led to a costly penalty.

Going back and watching these games, I'm starting to remember why I liked him so much as a prospect. Everything he's shown in preseason he showed in college, but it seems he may have taken his game to another level. I expect the regular season to give him some trouble, he's a rookie and this should be expected, but I don't think he had a few fluky preseason games. I keep bringing this up, but his preseason reminds me a lot of what Wilson showed back in 2012.

This is where you want Romo.

I like Prescott, he's just not ready for these situations. Tough loss. ****!

I certainly don't want Dak to fail. He's looked great these past few weeks, he even impressed me when I didn't think he could bring us back while in a hole.

BUT I have said since week 1, the biggest test is Green Bay and Bengals for him. Mostly the Bengals and their D, Green Bay is similar to our bend but don't break D.

The only part of the team I still believe needs to be tested is the defense. Packers offense is not what it used to be.

Dak played well in both Bengals and Packers. I am hoping those few deep balls he threw gives him the confidence to do it more often.

Having said all that, I go with Romo after the bye if healthy. He attacks all parts of the field and Dak threw up some warning flags until the end of the third. But I am at least a little more comfortable starting Dak after the bye.


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Dak had us all fooled at one point in time. Even you

I have 100% stated that people should have looked back at my initial thread on Dak to show that I am not biased (you're helping me here, thank you!)

Even in the last comment, I started to spot the red flags. You see, I didn't hate the guy out of the gate - it took time. So, guess this conspiracy that I'm a hidden Eagles fan is BS.


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While I don’t agree with the ranking there are a lot of hurt feelings in this thread. Dak is a middle of the pack QB right now. That’s all he needs to be if the defense and run game steps up.

Where I expect Dak to improve is with his mechanics and the ability to throw his guys open. If he can do that I think he’s got a chance. If he doesn’t it’s going to be a tough year IMO