105.3: Beef between Richard and Bloom


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am I wrong or shouldn't of this been the responsibility of the head coach to take care of this problem and not Stephen jones

I can easily see, if this was an issue with the passing game coordinator, that a HC would send Bloom back to work it out with Richard. You got a problem with your supervisor? Go have a sit down with your supervisor.

Sounds to me like Bloom didn't get the outcome he wanted and decided to keep going over people's heads until he got sent home.

Likely more an issue of Bloom not getting the outcome he wanted and continuing to whine up the ladder.


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both looked like backups

Are we saying Richard or Bloom didn't like what we saw from Jaylon this year?
I don't think anybody liked what they saw from Jaylon. LVE I didn't think was nearly as bad, though his tackling wasn't as good.

I think it's less a matter of liking what they saw than it is what they're asking him to do. Whichever one wants him blitzing more is the one that's right lol


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I’m not even sure what this means? Who was mad at who and for what? Richard was the de facto coordinator so doesn’t he decide how Jaylon is used? Doesn’t bloom mostly just coach technique? So what was the deal?


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yes its easy to use hindsight now but apparently Bloom and Oquinn were major misteps on this staff , add the Marinelli and KR splitting coaching down the middle instead of one clear voice or leader and it shoed with inconsistency..

the new staff with a HC who hired them will make at least a cohesive message..


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Richard should go for a couple of reasons

1) he is another legacy of the group of golden child prodigy staff members that Jerry fell in love with. We need a staff that’s loyal to McCarthy first and foremost

2) did anyone watch what happened to our LB/DB play last year? I want a DB coach who schemes DH’s coaches for turnovers.we were awful in that regard

- Let Richard get his own guys per personnel and then see what happens, these current guys were here before Richard arrived;

- Let Richard choose his own LB coach,,vs forcing him to work with management's hand picked Ben Bloom.. and then see what happens.

- If we had a more competent DL coach instead of Marinelli, that would have taken a lot of heat off Richard and his back seven, but caught between Marinelli and Bloom, that
had to be a hinderance to have to battle through.

- And talk about acquiring Richard type guys who could have boost the chance for more turnovers ..the Cowboys couldn't even pull off acquiring Earl Thomas per trade or free agency.


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You knew something was going on with the inconsistent play.

I think it was much more than inconsistency. Some here think it is his injury and limitations. I didn't see that at all. I saw a guy that had terrible technique. He did not want to do the important stuff LBs do like fill a gap. He refused to take on blockers. He blatantly avoided contact. Often out of position. He looked like a guy that had no clue what was going on and had weak coaches that let him get away with it. He looked like a guy that did ZERO work on an opponent.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
What the hell did JG even do then? I thought it was his job to "oversee" the coaching staff, but it sounds like he did nothing of the sort. People just sniping at each other, breakdowns between position coaches, etc. This was JG's make or break year and he did nothing to even save his own skin? What the hell is that?
FUBAR situation came to a slow, painful conclusion. He looked tormented and irritable on the sidelines - like he was digesting porcupines . No real power to bring the other coaches in line, lost the players last year, and was just marking time. During a game late in the season, a camera closeup shot of his wife up in the stadium suite was telling. She looked anguished.


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Since when do defensive backs coachs hire the LB coach?
As far as I remember Bloom was promoted after Eberfluss left!

- As I've elaborated before, the Cowboys saw him more than just a DB coach.
people wanting to keep dwelling on the job title descriptions of Marinelli and Richard, but they are not eyeballing what their actual role was.

- Marinelli just dealt with the DL which consists of the pass rush, and run defense gaps...I'm sure they worked together in regards to gap assignments and blitz packages and designs.
but Marinelli did not run this defense. and it was a reason why Rod handed over the play calling duties to Richard. Rod sucked at it and even his own players complained that he was too
simple and predictable and teams could easily counter what he placed out there.

- And when the defense needed a vocal kick in the butt, you didn't see Marinelli gather the entire D" unit over to the sidelines, .. you saw Richard.

- the Cowboys wanted to mimic the Seahawks style of defense, and since Richard was available (per philosophical conflict vs Pete Carroll) they saw the opportunity
to do so. They wanted to fashion the defense after what Richard brought in,.. not Marinelli.

- But funny how they gave him the power and duties of a DC,.. but he had no power and control over who he could bring best bring in to better help him with the assistant/position coaches.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I think the problem most have is the timing of some of the celebrations. When your getting your derrière kicked on the scoreboard is not the time to be celebrating. It’s situational awareness.
:hammer:Yup. Discretion is the better part of valor.


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No, let him do what he did in 2018.

I know this will not be a popular opinion, but I think Jaylon needs things simple.

and what exactly did he do in 2018.... that he did not do in 2019 ?
as a first year full time starter, I'm pretty confidence they tried to make it simple for him.

maybe the thought was he will ease into more confidence and responsibility tasks as he
gains experience and gets even more comfortable with his repaired knee.
But it's still a reason why he is playing middle LB instead of OLB.
He's lost lateral movement and range. So he's kept in a limited area.


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am I wrong or shouldn't of this been the responsibility of the head coach to take care of this problem and not Stephen jones

If Stephen did have to step in and resolve things it just goes to show you how ineffective Garrett truly was. He may be a good speaker and motivator, but these behind the scenes conflicts destroy seasons.

I wouldn't be surprised if we hear much more of these going forward. There was clearly a dysfunction within the staff and Garrett wasn't capable of fixing it.

The fact that he was lobbying for another year and they were entertaining it shows just how obtuse everyone was.


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- As I've elaborated before, the Cowboys saw him more than just a DB coach.
people wanting to keep dwelling on the job title descriptions of Marinelli and Richard, but they are not eyeballing what their actual role was.

- Marinelli just dealt with the DL which consists of the pass rush, and run defense gaps...I'm sure they worked together in regards to gap assignments and blitz packages and designs.
but Marinelli did not run this defense. and it was a reason why Rod handed over the play calling duties to Richard. Rod sucked at it and even his own players complained that he was too
simple and predictable and teams could easily counter what he placed out there.

- And when the defense needed a vocal kick in the butt, you didn't see Marinelli gather the entire D" unit over to the sidelines, .. you saw Richard.

- the Cowboys wanted to mimic the Seahawks style of defense, and since Richard was available (per philosophical conflict vs Pete Carroll) they saw the opportunity
to do so. They wanted to fashion the defense after what Richard brought in,.. not Marinelli.

- But funny how they gave him the power and duties of a DC,.. but he had no power and control over who he could bring best bring in to better help him with the assistant/position coaches.

People are really hung up on titles.

Look around the league. You've got a ton of guys with outsized titles. Parcells talked about this in the past saying something to the effect of "some guys feel they need a certain title."

Titles don't mean anything. Marinelli was clearly demoted and we simply showed him some respect but not stripping his title.


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I don't.
Dude's swiping over an injured player because he thought it was right.
Dude swipes on a play that's a penalty.
Dude swipes when his team is down multiple scores.
I want to see a video game that has all of the players doing a "signature move" after every play they make. Now that would be hysterical.
Imagine some bozo dancing and strutting after every play they make? lol.