105.3 the Fan finally speaks the truth

old farts calling out fans through a keyboard.

One old fart, whose persona consists entirely of calling out fans through his keyboard, is calling out another old fart for calling him out for his constant calling out of other fans.

That sort of delusional, hypocritical and entirely self-satisfying behavior reminds me of someone else we all are familiar with.

It must bug the crap out of you that you can't douse us with lighter fluid and burn the "hate" out of us.
It must bug the crap out of you that you can't douse us with lighter fluid and burn the "hate" out of us.
Nah, i was a kid back then, this old fart now does the same thing most of you are doing. Difference is, most call out Jerry and he'll never respond...I call out those that will actually read what I post. What's fascinating is that you called me out....because I was calling other out.....open your eyes, you don't like what I do, but you do it, too. Lol...OK kettle, I'm done with you.
Nah, i was a kid back then, this old fart now does the same thing most of you are doing. Difference is, most call out Jerry and he'll never respond...I call out those that will actually read what I post. What's fascinating is that you called me out....because I was calling other out.....open your eyes, you don't like what I do, but you do it, too. Lol...OK kettle, I'm done with you.
Of course you're "done" with me. It's your last resort.

Not one single player, coach, etc will read or respond to anything posted here. I guess there is no point in talking about anything. Might as well shut it down. Which reminds me, you don't seem to remember your countless posts calling out Garrett, who would never read and respond to your posts. Fascinating.

You're the same bully at heart now as you were when you threatened to burn someone for disagreeing with you. You prove it over and over.

Sure Ranching. My calling out you for your specific comments towards others is exactly the same as you regularly blanket calling out 80% (at least) of the forum simply because they don't conform to your way of thinking. Exactly the same. lol
Of course you're "done" with me. It's your last resort.

Not one single player, coach, etc will read or respond to anything posted here. I guess there is no point in talking about anything. Might as well shut it down. Which reminds me, you don't seem to remember your countless posts calling out Garrett, who would never read and respond to your posts. Fascinating.

You're the same bully at heart now as you were when you threatened to burn someone for disagreeing with you. You prove it over and over.

Sure Ranching. My calling out you for your specific comments towards others is exactly the same as you regularly blanket calling out 80% (at least) of the forum simply because they don't conform to your way of thinking. Exactly the same. lol
Who peed in you Post Toasties....you usually sit quietly in your corner....I like you better that way, outta sight, outta mind. Put down the wrench and chill....
Feel better?
You're right, i put blanket statements, you lay in the grass and occasionally lose it and pounce on a poor unsuspecting poster like me. You're such a bully. Riding around on your hog....go on with your bad self! BTW...Garrett sucks was a joke, pull that stick out and get a sense of humor.

At 82 years old Jerry doesn’t care what we think anymore. He wants familiarity & comfort. When I covered the Cowboys during Parcells days I’ll never forget after he left I was told that it was Jerry’s worst years as Owner/GM because he was bored & not allowed to do what he usually did. Unfortunately true story.

This is exactly why the Cowboys never even try reaching out to the likes of the Harbaughs, Payton, Reid or Shanahans of the coaching world.

At this point I wouldn't even mind a 73 yr old Belicheck circling back to Dallas after turning down the Tar Heel gig. I mean I believe the pro game has passed hoodie by honestly and Dak is not in the same universe as Brady, but at least there would again be a culture change of sorts.

The last time that happened was with Tuna.
When Doughboy McFraud is your gold standard of coaching hires there are some HUGE issues.

It's embarrassing being a Cowboys fan.
I don't mind being a Cowboys fan. When I'm networking at work events it one of the easiest conversations starters. everyone has an opinion about the Cowboys and I get peopel to open up and chat with me just because. One of my favourite conference cltohign tiems to wear if my Cowboys golf shirt. It gets people talking at the network events.

Last one I just finished was in Boston. In the crowd were people from South Africa, Brazil, Austria and the republic of Georgia (Eastern Europe) the Cowboys golf shirt worked great like it always does. Especially with all the Patriots fans.
Didn't Micah say he was meeting with Jerry to discuss the future of the team?
But who knows. Maybe when Kellen came in for the interview he was told about Witten and he refused. That could have happened. He's a young coach looking to build a career. He's not looking to be a bridge to some high school coach.

So if this is what happened that means Schottenheimer will be the Head Coach specifically to fit the timeline for Jason Witten.

I'm not suggesting it's true but it is very plausible.
Shouldn't matter to KM. If Kellen wins and then wins a few playoff games he can hold the job. They will give him a raise. If he is a looser and fired, JW is there to step in. Thats a win win in Jerrys head
No more lipstick on the pig. The truth shall set you free.

Jerry made billions by not listening to people.. This is why he'll never listen to anyone but himself.As he gets older and mentally worse, so will the decisions on this team.

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