11 Unusual Ways Steve Jobs Made Apple The World's Most Admired Tech Company


Cowboy Fan
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bbgun;3885844 said:

That young man is excited.


Old bulletproof tiger
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kapolani;3886245 said:
Makes now sense.


What product(s) are you talking about?

You being an Apple fanboy know full well what Im talking about. If I have to bring you up to speed w/ the new iPadv2.0, then you aren't as much of one as I had suspected.


Sack up already. :laugh2:
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Anybody who thinks Apple doesn't make great products hasn't been using their products. You may not like how much they charge, how they handle their apps, and all that other stuff, but you're just being ignorant if you really believe their products are trash.

I don't use apple products, because a cool tablet is not something I would spend that much on, and I build my own PCs and do too much PC gaming to use a mac anyway. That doesn't mean I'm going to sit here and be like hurr durr the iphone sucks because I like my android phone.


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I don't currently use any Apple products, but I'd never begrudge a man for his ingenuity or success, or making an honest buck.


Old bulletproof tiger
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Joshmvii;3886521 said:
Anybody who thinks Apple doesn't make great products hasn't been using their products. You may not like how much they charge, how they handle their apps, and all that other stuff, but you're just being ignorant if you really believe their products are trash.

I don't use apple products, because a cool tablet is not something I would spend that much on, and I build my own PCs and do too much PC gaming to use a mac anyway. That doesn't mean I'm going to sit here and be like hurr durr the iphone sucks because I like my android phone.

I don't think anyone is bashing the actual devices. I have had 3 iphones and a few iTouches. I don't use them anymore and have since uninstalled all iTunes and apple apps from my home PC's and work computers.

It's more of the companies approach to business and devices I feel that are better I eventually turned to.

Apple puts out some decent stuff for sure. For me there are just better devices available on the market that do much more than the few things the ipad does or iphone/itouch.

The thing for Apple is the ease of use and almost fad approach to them. They have simplified these technical devices so that 7yr olds can use them, thus the success. I don't begrude them of that.

I do however think the bubble is about to burst once the new tablets catch up, and some already are.



If Coach would have put me in, we'd a won State
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The article on Jobs is right on. Love him or hate him, he is the modern day Lee Iococca with what he did for that company. People hate Apple for the same reason they hate starbucks. They and the people who buy from them are considered pretentious. Its as if they act as if they are in a certain club when they spend money either on a iphone or a vendi mocha.
But that is EXACTLY what every corporate giant wants to become. A company that people are extremely passionate about and can sell products like they're going out of style even if it is a subpar product (computer or coffee).

I was a PC guy all my life. a couple years ago I bought a macbook pro and never looked back. The damn thing is indestructable and is the most powerful computer I've ever owned. Its dead sexy too. I have pissed through so many laptops its not even funny, and this thing just keeps running like the first day I brought it home.

If and when this macbook ever breaks, I wouldn't even entertain the thought of buying a PC. The very idea is laughable to me now. The stuff just flat out works.


Old bulletproof tiger
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CowboyWay;3886576 said:
The article on Jobs is right on. Love him or hate him, he is the modern day Lee Iococca with what he did for that company. People hate Apple for the same reason they hate starbucks. They and the people who buy from them are considered pretentious. Its as if they act as if they are in a certain club when they spend money either on a iphone or a vendi mocha.
But that is EXACTLY what every corporate giant wants to become. A company that people are extremely passionate about and can sell products like they're going out of style even if it is a subpar product (computer or coffee).

I was a PC guy all my life. a couple years ago I bought a macbook pro and never looked back. The damn thing is indestructable and is the most powerful computer I've ever owned. Its dead sexy too. I have pissed through so many laptops its not even funny, and this thing just keeps running like the first day I brought it home.

If and when this macbook ever breaks, I wouldn't even entertain the thought of buying a PC. The very idea is laughable to me now. The stuff just flat out works.

I understand. For those who aren't technically inclined, like yourself, the apple products are very good for you. They are extremely easy to use. One just better hope they never break.

Also getting into the Apple market is never cheap and the cost in fixing those things under warranty or not can get rather rediculous for the customer.

Apple just needs to be careful. As I stated earlier in the thread, the bubble is about to burst because all of the other products are clearly catching up to Apple.

Jobs is otw out and we all know how Apple did when he left last time.

We'll just have to see how it all shakes out.

One last thing.

Starbucks is HORRIBLE. You don't know coffee if you are taking it in at Starbucks.

The last place I would look for a good cup of joe.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Dallas;3886588 said:
Starbucks is HORRIBLE. You don't know coffee if you are taking it in at Starbucks.

I like the Cafe Verona though they usually don't sell it in the stores except packaged. (ie, not brewed) If they do, you have to order Bold to get it as it is considered a bold coffee. Generally they sell some other garbage. The Pike Place crap (non-bold) isn't worth being paid to drink.


If Coach would have put me in, we'd a won State
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Dallas;3886588 said:
I understand. For those who aren't technically inclined, like yourself, the apple products are very good for you. They are extremely easy to use. One just better hope they never break.

Also getting into the Apple market is never cheap and the cost in fixing those things under warranty or not can get rather rediculous for the customer.

Apple just needs to be careful. As I stated earlier in the thread, the bubble is about to burst because all of the other products are clearly catching up to Apple.

Jobs is otw out and we all know how Apple did when he left last time.

We'll just have to see how it all shakes out.

One last thing.

Starbucks is HORRIBLE. You don't know coffee if you are taking it in at Starbucks.

The last place I would look for a good cup of joe.

Yeah, I'm a real tech idiot because I have to use a mac :rolleyes:

And I'll let you know about the cost of fixing one.....when it breaks. I have 3 iphones. A first gen, a 3gs, and the 4g. The first gen and 3gs are used solely as ipod touches by my 5 year old and 7 year old. These things are beaten like a rented mule on a daily basis by these kids, and they STILL work like the day I bought them. I had all the other phones before buying my first iphone. They all lasted about a year with the abuse I'd dish out towards them. Not the iphones though. They flat out work.

Its funny how people don't want to give any credit to Jobs or apple. You keep talking about how things are "catching up" to them. How about giving some credit to them for bringing the entire smart phone market to the forefront? Do you think you'd have droid phones if the iphone never existed? They started it all. They are the very medium that brought all these other new phones into existence.

Will they take a hit now that Jobs is gone? Nobody knows for sure. If I were laying money down on it, I'd say yes. Jobs is a genius, and anyone who says otherwise is just being ignorant.

As far as starbucks, I can agree with you there. But thats the amazing thing about thier story. They don't sell coffee, they sell a way of life. They are getting $4 a cup for very average coffee. And people are lined every day to give them their money. That my friend is sound business. And its what every company aspires to be. Do you think Exxon or Frito Lay wouldn't kill to have fanatic customers like that? Its every corporate dream come true.

Phrozen Phil

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I read this thread with some interest, as I've had relatives by Apple or "go to the Dark Side" , as I have referred to it. Last spring, I went Las Vegas on a holiday and went to the Apple Store just for fun. THey had just released the iPad the iPhone 4 and had oodles of them laying aropund on tables for people to play with them. There were lots of well informed staff who could answer pretty much any question you could think of. I found both products intuitive to use and was initially impressed. I'm still impressed with the iPhone, but felt that the iPad was not what I wanted.

I look back on the experience positive positively, but still haven't bought either one. I can't justify it aas a need (yet) and have come to the conclusion that Jobs is the Grand Wizard of Techno-Lust. I watched one kid shell out close to $800, as he had convinced himself that he needed it for "homework". He had a nice dual-core Toshiba in a bag that he's been using for about a year. He talked aobut how great it was, but he began to get fuzzy when I asked him if he really "needed" the iPad. After a couple of minutes, it was apparent that it had nothing to do with need, but was pretty much about "want". I have a friend who purchased a first generation iPad, and now he "needs" the new one.

Bottom Line: Steve Jobs is great at convincing us that we "must buy" his products and when he's not around, we can resist the Apple addiction.

ps: I'll likely buy something smart-phoneish this year, but I'll try and be disciplined about doing it. I will likely fail in that aspect.;)


If Coach would have put me in, we'd a won State
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Phrozen Phil;3886644 said:
I can't justify it aas a need (yet) and have come to the conclusion that Jobs is the Grand Wizard of Techno-Lust. I watched one kid shell out close to $800, as he had convinced himself that he needed it for "homework". He had a nice dual-core Toshiba in a bag that he's been using for about a year. He talked aobut how great it was, but he began to get fuzzy when I asked him if he really "needed" the iPad. After a couple of minutes, it was apparent that it had nothing to do with need, but was pretty much about "want". I have a friend who purchased a first generation iPad, and now he "needs" the new one.

Bottom Line: Steve Jobs is great at convincing us that we "must buy" his products and when he's not around, we can resist the Apple addiction.


And thats really what the article was about. The Genius of Steve Jobs. Just because some people don't like him doesn't mean he isn't great at his job.

The "homework" aspect you mentioned about the ipad is interesting as there are many Universities who are discussing switching over to ipads instead of textbooks. No more buying ridiculously expensive textbooks, using them for a semester and then selling them back. Now you will buy ridiculously expensive ebook textbooks and upload them to your ipad. You will carry around one ipad instead of several books. An interesting concept for sure and I can think of several drawbacks to it.

As far as personal use for the ipad I love them. I use it like a coffee table book. If I have something quick I want to check out, I grab it and get online and find the answer quicker than I can even start my laptop. It wasn't anything I "needed", but I sure would hate to give up the convenience of it now that I'm used to using it.


A Plastic Container
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CowboyWay;3886576 said:
The article on Jobs is right on. Love him or hate him, he is the modern day Lee Iococca with what he did for that company. People hate Apple for the same reason they hate starbucks. They and the people who buy from them are considered pretentious. Its as if they act as if they are in a certain club when they spend money either on a iphone or a vendi mocha.
But that is EXACTLY what every corporate giant wants to become. A company that people are extremely passionate about and can sell products like they're going out of style even if it is a subpar product (computer or coffee).

I was a PC guy all my life. a couple years ago I bought a macbook pro and never looked back. The damn thing is indestructable and is the most powerful computer I've ever owned. Its dead sexy too. I have pissed through so many laptops its not even funny, and this thing just keeps running like the first day I brought it home.

If and when this macbook ever breaks, I wouldn't even entertain the thought of buying a PC. The very idea is laughable to me now. The stuff just flat out works.

Phrozen Phil

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CowboyWay;3886777 said:
And thats really what the article was about. The Genius of Steve Jobs. Just because some people don't like him doesn't mean he isn't great at his job.

The "homework" aspect you mentioned about the ipad is interesting as there are many Universities who are discussing switching over to ipads instead of textbooks. No more buying ridiculously expensive textbooks, using them for a semester and then selling them back. Now you will buy ridiculously expensive ebook textbooks and upload them to your ipad. You will carry around one ipad instead of several books. An interesting concept for sure and I can think of several drawbacks to it.

As far as personal use for the ipad I love them. I use it like a coffee table book. If I have something quick I want to check out, I grab it and get online and find the answer quicker than I can even start my laptop. It wasn't anything I "needed", but I sure would hate to give up the convenience of it now that I'm used to using it.

That may have been the best response to the "why buy an iPad?" argument I've read yet. My laptop is usually on most of the time, but the convenience factor of the iPad could be (and probably is) a really convincing rationale for buying one. I personally believe that the current generation of smartphones can do it just as well, but I'm open to debate on that.


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Dallas;3886513 said:
You being an Apple fanboy know full well what Im talking about. If I have to bring you up to speed w/ the new iPadv2.0, then you aren't as much of one as I had suspected.


Sack up already. :laugh2:

You do realize that the iPad v2 is trouncing everything else out there where it matters, right?

So, yes. You're a pretty funny, albeit slow, guy...


Well-Known Member
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Dallas;3886558 said:
I do however think the bubble is about to burst once the new tablets catch up, and some already are.

Which tablets are those?



Well-Known Member
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Dallas;3886588 said:
I understand. For those who aren't technically inclined, like yourself, the apple products are very good for you. They are extremely easy to use. One just better hope they never break.


Using a computer isn't rocket science.

If it's challenging for you - well - sucks to be you.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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kapolani;3887656 said:
You do realize that Mac OSX is derived from Unix, correct?

Specifically from Mach, FreeBSD, and NetBSD (all a Unix OSes) which was then taken and dropped into NeXTSTEP. (a Steve Jobs created OS) NeXT was then taken and used to create Mac OSX.