20 Questions: 7 - Can Trey Lance Overtake Cooper Rush


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Rush has fans? 6 starts in 6 seasons and only 26 appearances overall. 98 games total in his short career and he's appeared in just a little over 1/4 of them. How can he have a fan base with as little playing time as he has?

Speaking of Lance, I'm curious about something - if you look here (https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/L/LancTr00.htm) it doesn't look like he played in the 2023 season. Did Dallas even have him on the active roster?


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Baby steps
Looks good in camp, shows mobility, the others don't have, extends plays
Next, pre season looks good in live fire ?
If he passes those 2 steps you replace Rush.
Then Dak is the next victim.


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Rush has fans? 6 starts in 6 seasons and only 26 appearances overall. 98 games total in his short career and he's appeared in just a little over 1/4 of them. How can he have a fan base with as little playing time as he has?

Speaking of Lance, I'm curious about something - if you look here (https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/L/LancTr00.htm) it doesn't look like he played in the 2023 season. Did Dallas even have him on the active roster?
He was listed as the emergency QB all season, as he learned to system and playbook. Since he missed all of training camp.
Yes he was on the active roster, but not active on game day, unless both QB's were injured.


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Cooper is not the future. We have no idea about Trey. So yes it does matter.
100 percent - Lance had a different set of expectations in SF and has had a full year to reset here, if he can start to develop and show some of the skills that made him coveted coming out of college then he will certainly have a shot at at least the backup this year and possibly, dare I say, the successor next


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Kinda weird how little information we have on Trey.

Some think the lack of it spells doom, but certainly could be something else.


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He was listed as the emergency QB all season, as he learned to system and playbook. Since he missed all of training camp.
Yes he was on the active roster, but not active on game day, unless both QB's were injured.
Wasn't he signed the night before PS?

I think he deserves a little slack on his progress.


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100 percent - Lance had a different set of expectations in SF and has had a full year to reset here, if he can start to develop and show some of the skills that made him coveted coming out of college then he will certainly have a shot at at least the backup this year and possibly, dare I say, the successor next
I truly don't think it should matter that much, thinking real deeply about this,

why not have Trey Lance just take all the snaps at #2 and pencil him in to be the number 2 Cooper rush wants to hang around take a pay cut be the number three guy that's fine veteran minimum if not let him walk or trade him for like seventh round pick or something....

why you ask,

I say this everybody thinks the best future of this team if Prescott's gone would be allowing a guy like Trey Lance to start an entire season ,maybe getting a mid level guy to be his backup but looking at 2025 is a year that if you end up losing enough games to be in the top five , it's a bonus, you got to reset the cap all the dead cap money etcetera...​

So if you want to see what you got in the guy he needs all the number 2 snaps, let him ride right behind Prescott the entire game all year and if Prescott gets hurt again how does that matter what were you really trying to accomplish once your starter of that level goes down there is no way with this current defense and run game and so many question marks that Cooper rush is going to win that many more games than Trey lance would... so why ride the fence why try to win six or seven games if the seasons lost, it's lost ,you might as well just let it go ahead and sink with lance...

I mean I don't think people realize that that whole entire future of this team and I know a lot of haters won't like this is whether they sign Prescott or not and they have plenty of time to do so plenty before he becomes a true free agent in March of 2025....

But if he's not signed,​
I don't think this front office is going to sign Parsons or lamb... I would nOT,​
they already gave him some very good money in fifth year options literally these dudes are making more than $1,000,000 a game, it's not like they're trying to be cheap here, I think they're waiting on Prescott and all the other chips will fall in place once he signs. If not expect lamb Parsons digs to be traded for a lot of good draft picks by the way and then get rid of Martin and tank and just start rebooting this team...​

This statement could be my reply in almost every single front page question of late,

because that is what this is all about this is the key piece to our team if you don't have a quarterback like Prescott that gives you a shot at least to go to the playoffs and a shot Eric being a contender I mean you got to win your division you got to be a high seed we're not doing that with mid-level guys with the current team around them...

for me I'll let Trey Lance right now be the number two guy all year, I don't need to see training camp, I don't need to see what Cooper Rush can do, because I saw him.. that dude needs the rest of the team that plays so perfect in order to score like 17 PPG etc I mean people need to have some cold water splash in their face go back and watch those games everyone seemed to be impressed Cooper rush was about as average as you can be barely kept our offense in the bottom ten of the league while we're waiting on Prescott to come back who by the way come back with the same team playing not even as well in launch our offense back into the top five..​

He was not careful with the football, he did not stay within the confines of the offense, he had no choice that is who he is, the man would need a spectacular team playing at an elite level just to squeak by with A 1 score win and that's if we're lucky.. he had a lot of turnovers that didn't happen that were dropped or called back he did a lot of them against the better teams he literally didn't do anything against the Rams this man is so overrated on this team like people are scared to let him go why if Prescott gets hurt for the year and we weren't in it when he got hurt like early in the year why do we need Cooper rush why don't you give Trey Lance the opportunity to play as many snaps as he can just to see what he can do.

if he ends up failing then you know what you need to do and that would be trade everyone and go find your next franchise quarterback and start rebuilding the entire team with new pieces...


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Again another topic we have discussed over and over.
But it is one of the 20 questions series.

All 4 answers seem to be ... wait and see .... and that is to be expected and fair. As we really do not know what we have in Trey yet.

They sound like Rush fans that are afraid. With Mickey bringing out the vaunted 5-1 argument. :muttley::popcorn:

If a guy you spent a 4th rounder on can’t beat out Cooper Rush then talent evaluating needs an overhaul .


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Rush has fans? 6 starts in 6 seasons and only 26 appearances overall. 98 games total in his short career and he's appeared in just a little over 1/4 of them. How can he have a fan base with as little playing time as he has?

Speaking of Lance, I'm curious about something - if you look here (https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/L/LancTr00.htm) it doesn't look like he played in the 2023 season. Did Dallas even have him on the active roster?
I like him. He's the perfect backup. Team player, cheap and can win when called up. What more of a backup you want?

"Fan" is the wrong word here, but he's the right guy for us. The Daksters should like him too. Always stepping in when needed to keep the season alive and quietly stepping back down when Daks ready to take over again.


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It's readily available.

Do you think Rush is the future?

Let's start there
"readily available" is where you got it? If it was such, you;d think it would be easy enough to just post it...so we are on the same page. Instead of playing games.

But I will play.

Do I think Rush is the future? Why did you pick just him when earlier you said "both"?

Future of what? A decent back up? Sure..he has proven that. I'm not sure he doesn't get beat out at some point.