** 2001 Citrus Bowl -- Henson Video **

JustSayNotoTO said:
Come on man, this scouting report from 8 years ago tells me so, so it must be true.

I have one from the year before Maurice Clarett actually was drafted that says he was a great prospect also. It doesn't count for much of anything, unfortunately. It would be very nice if it did. It is also very unfair to Henson as it carried with it those expectations considering his circumstances.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Yoiu're dancing around the subject. There are far more busts that looked great in college than great players who looked great in college. Ergo, using the arguement that because one looks great in college, they will be a great NFL QB is terribly flawed and, for the most part, inaccurate.

Well then Romo is already screwd by your logic. He put up great numbers in College and won the Payton award.

Heck, Bledsoe too, great numbers that made him a number 1 pick. He's trash.

Henson threw 24 TD's to 4 picks....man our QB situation sucks, thanks HH.
HeavyHitta31 said:
That's beside the point, as is my opinion of Henson and anyone else's but the thread starter. He stated that, because Henson looked like the best QB he had ever seen at Michigan, he deserves more chances, which is not only a very broad statement, but a very questionable one with little to back it up.

However, the arguement that Henson WONT be great for the same reasons has more historical merit to it.

All I'm saying is, to state Henson deserves a shot because he was great in his 8 games at Michigan is iffy, at best.

If Henson is the best ever at Michigan, he was the best ever. What relevance that has to anything is nil. Because he was "better" at Michigan than Tom Brady doesn't mean much. There were several QBs better at Florida State than Brad Johnson, yet which one is still playing professional football after fifteen years?
I sometimes wish fantasy football had never been invented.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Because my "gray cloud" is much larger than his and has far more merit because it occurs several times in every single draft. Great college QBs who turn into great NFL QBs happens on a far smaller scale.

For instance, because of past trends, I can almost gurantee you that at least 2 of the 3 QBs taken in the 1st round this year will be busts. It's an inexact science, to be sure, but the odds favor that far more than the alternative

a gray cloud is a gray cloud - to pull from it what you want and refuse #'s you don't like that come from the same area is hypocritical.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Thought so

i'd not do it either simply because no matter what the results would be your stance wouldn't change. if it was found to be against what you said you'd alter your argument to stay the course overall. so in the end it would be pointless for him to do it, so i don't blame him for not taking the time.
Alexander said:
Henson was only one in theory and even that is a stretch. He is a unique case, but for some reason, there is the tendency to act like he was a first round draft choice.
That didn't stop a lot of people here from saying "He would have been picked ahead of Carr"
GTaylor said:
That didn't stop a lot of people here from saying "He would have been picked ahead of Carr"

Of course it didn't.

And because they did, that is why you see a lot of people sticking to their guns no matter what.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Andre Ware
Danny Wuerful
Ryan Leaf
Tim Couch
Akili Smith
Joey Harrington
Cade McNown
Todd Blackledge
Todd Marinovich
Heath Shuler

You wanna play this game? Not wise, for there are 10 epic busts for every 1 great NFL QB. Yes, I am "totally right". The man's arguement was because Henson looked great at Michigan, he should be given a chance to be an NFL QB, even thoguh he has already had several chances and shown nothing.

You for about David "Slinger" Klinger. Shame on you former SWC-team guy ;)

I agree about your assessment, odds are 50% that a first round QB will flop, add in the rust that Henson had and your odds decrease which is why I didn't like the trade to begin with. Truth is we need to treat any QB pick as a prospect and be thankful if he works out. Can you imagine the rage Charger fans are going to have if Rivers ends up being awful?

I asked a buddy to make a choice: Either take a chance with Vince Young (You can use Matt Leinart as well) and hope he works out as a franchise QB OR guarantee that he'll have a career similar to say...Kerry Collins, success for a year or two but otherwise was average. Remember, Young/Leinart could either be the next great thing or the next Tony Banks/Rob Johnson.
Alexander said:
Of course it didn't.

And because they did, that is why you see a lot of people sticking to their guns no matter what.

or maybe they just think he can play and they're not intersted in the politics.
iceberg said:
i'd not do it either simply because no matter what the results would be your stance wouldn't change. if it was found to be against what you said you'd alter your argument to stay the course overall. so in the end it would be pointless for him to do it, so i don't blame him for not taking the time.

Pretty good summary.
I found the video interesting. He actually looks quite similar. I had assumed the side-armed release was from years away from football and playing third base. He had it even then. Interesting.
Iago33 said:
I found the video interesting. He actually looks quite similar. I had assumed the side-armed release was from years away from football and playing third base. He had it even then. Interesting.

My point exactly. Some people think that because they can put together a fantasy football team they can judge QB's. I enjoy Heavy Hitter's posts, so this isn't a personal swipe, but the fact is he can't stand Henson and looks for the "evidence" that supports his points. For example, "has had several chances and never shown anything." I mean how in the world can any objective person make that statement? He has played in 2 NFL games. What has Tony Romo shown? Zero NFL passes. You can talk about PRACTICE all you want (insert Allen Iverson voice) but practice doesn't mean SQUAT other than whether or not you work hard to prepare. There were plenty of guys in the history of sports who were GAME DAY guys and there have been plenty who were practice field hall of famers. It means nothing. I watched Henson in NFL Europe and I think he did a good job all things considered. He has played 1 scrimmage this year and was 12-16 for 159 yards.

I will say it again. If Romo does great, I'm happy. If Henson does great I'm happy. I just get weary of the arm chair QB experts saying what a guy can or can't do when they haven't even played yet, and I don't understand why any of us would want to bury Henson before his career in Dallas is finished.
iceberg said:
a gray cloud is a gray cloud - to pull from it what you want and refuse #'s you don't like that come from the same area is hypocritical.

here's the best way to combat HH

30 yard slant...
rcaldw said:
My point exactly. Some people think that because they can put together a fantasy football team they can judge QB's. I enjoy Heavy Hitter's posts, so this isn't a personal swipe, but the fact is he can't stand Henson and looks for the "evidence" that supports his points. For example, "has had several chances and never shown anything." I mean how in the world can any objective person make that statement? He has played in 2 NFL games. What has Tony Romo shown? Zero NFL passes. You can talk about PRACTICE all you want (insert Allen Iverson voice) but practice doesn't mean SQUAT other than whether or not you work hard to prepare. There were plenty of guys in the history of sports who were GAME DAY guys and there have been plenty who were practice field hall of famers. It means nothing. I watched Henson in NFL Europe and I think he did a good job all things considered. He has played 1 scrimmage this year and was 12-16 for 159 yards.

I will say it again. If Romo does great, I'm happy. If Henson does great I'm happy. I just get weary of the arm chair QB experts saying what a guy can or can't do when they haven't even played yet, and I don't understand why any of us would want to bury Henson before his career in Dallas is finished.

:hammer: it's amazing how the Henson supporters come with the most logic in their posts, while the haters are content with, "yeah, everyone thinks Henson is great" as the crux of their argument

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