2013 NBA playoff thread

jimmy40;5103785 said:
Thank God it's over and sports radio can start talking football.

I don't think you have heard the last of this one yet.
gambit187;5103640 said:
So what about the fact that the Spurs went to the line more then the Heat

I'm not blaming the refs one iota - but it's asinine to look at the FTA and think that you can determine how a game was called. The Heat shot mostly jumpshots last night. Look at the shot chart and see how many times the Heat shot near the basket. Jump shooters rarely get fouled.

jterrell;5103704 said:
you probably need mental health remediation if you think a triple double with 30 points scored is a horrible game. it was noted plenty of times the guy was flat exhausted at the end of that game. where every other player got some rest he did not. he still was the leading scorer for the 4th quarter and OT on either team.

So now you've essentially admitted his performance dropped during that stretch I spoke about. So if he's Mr. Clutch then why was he 'exhausted' and turning the ball over. The Spurs re-took the lead during that time. I swear Lebron homers can't admit when he plays bad, he plays bad. So now you want me to believe his flat-out exhaustion with 7 minutes left to go just happened to coincide with the Spurs starting three comes back in to play? So how does that explain game 7 last night, when he essentially played the same amount of minutes and was draining every three he took? If you want exhaustion, maybe you didn't see Parker end of fourth and this game 7. Parker was flat-out exhausted since the whistle began. He didn't have his legs to hit wide-open jumpers.

Games 1-6 were hyped Lebron performances. Even Magic said after game 3 his scoring was essentially in garbage time. It took him seven games to hit his open shots. And I will say, Game 7 was one of the great all-time Final performances with the starting Spurs in the line-up.. The way Battier was shooting though, it's amazing how the Spurs, not finding anything from the three point range, kept it that close. Lebron and Shane combined for at least 10 threes. The Spurs couldn't get any bounces. I don't even know how threes they had.
bounce;5103795 said:
I'm not blaming the refs one iota - but it's asinine to look at the FTA and think that you can determine how a game was called. The Heat shot mostly jumpshots last night. Look at the shot chart and see how many times the Heat shot near the basket. Jump shooters rarely get fouled.


The refs were utterly horrendous this series. Game 7 was a lot better. But anyone that thinks the Heat didn't foul the Spurs on 3 straight possessions to end the game in game 6 is absurd.
juck;5103466 said:
Duncan will probably retire.He has nothing to prove. Ginobili and Danny Green lost tjat game. Green shower he was a system player. On Mavs board people talk about getting him or Neal. Both system players and one trick ponies. SPLITTER is a career backup. Kawhi is great. Spurs should just rebuild.

This right here. Ginobli and Green lost that game. Neal and Green saved all their threes for that one game. Green last night kept dribbling straight into doube-teams to the point even Gundy was like, Green needs to stop dribbling and do that. He couldn't sink wide-open runners. He left at minimum ten points on the floor. And ginobli was horrendous.
WV Cowboy;5103291 said:
No, you look ridiculous.

And the smiley was not to restore credibility, .. with who, I could care less, .. the smiley was me laughing at you.

Guys like you are a dime a dozen, you are everywhere.

You hate the star if he is not on your team, (Lebron in this case) and you simply can't stand that he is living up to all expectations.

So even when Lebron has 'another' triple double, and brings his team back from a 4th quarter double digit deficit, .. you can't stand it and have to point out any and every little miscue to prove he is not perfect.

No matter what happens tonight, Lebron was a difference maker in game 6. Period.

I know your smiley was you laughing at me. Hyenas laugh all the time, doesn't make their opinions credible. The reality is, you have no evidence other than ESPN telling you Lebron was the 'difference' maker in game 6... Game 7 you would have ap oint, but then again, you probably oculdn't tell the differenec between the two, because as you say, you don't really follow basketball that much. I never said Mr. Steroid Head wasn't a great player, meaning your argument is null and void.
khiladi;5103887 said:
So now you've essentially admitted his performance dropped during that stretch I spoke about. So if he's Mr. Clutch then why was he 'exhausted' and turning the ball over. The Spurs re-took the lead during that time. I swear Lebron homers can't admit when he plays bad, he plays bad. So now you want me to believe his flat-out exhaustion with 7 minutes left to go just happened to coincide with the Spurs starting three comes back in to play? So how does that explain game 7 last night, when he essentially played the same amount of minutes and was draining every three he took? If you want exhaustion, maybe you didn't see Parker end of fourth and this game 7. Parker was flat-out exhausted since the whistle began. He didn't have his legs to hit wide-open jumpers.

Games 1-6 were hyped Lebron performances. Even Magic said after game 3 his scoring was essentially in garbage time. It took him seven games to hit his open shots. And I will say, Game 7 was one of the great all-time Final performances with the starting Spurs in the line-up.. The way Battier was shooting though, it's amazing how the Spurs, not finding anything from the three point range, kept it that close. Lebron and Shane combined for at least 10 threes. The Spurs couldn't get any bounces. I don't even know how threes they had.

Again, I love Lebron, but in game 6 he didn't play well in the 1st or 2nd quarter. In the 3rd to mid 4th quarter he turned on the heat and was great. The last few minutes he was choking and turning the ball over.

Someone in this thread stated why this happens and gave 2 reasons. I believe he does get too fatigued when he plays the POINT guard position and tries to do everything him self. It seems like his motor skills and coordination deteriorate.

Last night, he wasn't put into that role. I believe it was Chalmers who handled the ball towards the end, which led to LBJ jump shots which he sunk.

He was much much better last night, despite not getting a triple double. If you hadn't seen game 6 and saw ESPN's highlights, you would have thought Lebron's game was amazing, but that isn't entirely true....
The argument that is currently ensuing is EXACTLY why, despite being a Spurs fan, I'm more than content with Lebron getting another win and shutting his haters up...AGAIN. People will reach to the heavens to discredit this man all because he left CLEVELAND.
One of the best series of all time with two great teams evenly matched trading punches until the last second. The ball bounces one way, a call here or there and we're talking spurs championship. That's how close this series was.

Congrats Heat and hopefully Lebron james shut some of these people up for a little while longer.
khiladi;5103889 said:
The refs were utterly horrendous this series. Game 7 was a lot better. But anyone that thinks the Heat didn't foul the Spurs on 3 straight possessions to end the game in game 6 is absurd.

I definitely think they fouled them. I would have loved to have free throws to end that, but I know that those calls are NEVER made at the end of a game. Regular season, even, but especially not a deciding finals game. So, while it was a foul, yes, they're never going to call it - and I just have to accept it.
well we almost had em......gotta give the heat credit. they converted their opportunities down the stretch of the final 2 games, while the spurs didnt. this one stings a lot, i wont lie, especially after we gave away game 6 at the FT line, as well as our lack of defensive rebounding in the final 20 seconds of regulation.

what bugs me the most about game 6 was that ray allen was the hero. i could have lived with anyone else but that punk. i cant wait till he retires, the cry baby piece of festering donkey dung.

i was a little disappointed that blair didnt get some minutes during the first half of some of the games to bring energy and rebounding. but, i guess he was too far into the doghouse to see the light of day.

juck, you can have your laughs now.....and gloat all you want. you beat the heat and we didnt....although this team was far better than the one you beat, but still, you guys got it done and we didnt.

so now i will simply have to sit back till thursday and wait for the draft. then after that, wait until the start of nfl training camp. football will be here before you know it.

congrats to the heat for winning the title, as much as it pains me inside to say. congrats to the spurs on one helluva ride this year, it was epic. i am going to enjoy as much of duncan and manu as i can, for their time in uniform is down to a year or two at most.....and for manu it may be all said and done.

its been a pleasure and a privilege to be a spurs fan all of my life and to experience the heartache and pain, as well as the jubilation and triumph. no matter what, we are still the best small market franchise in North American pro sports.

khiladi;5103889 said:
The refs were utterly horrendous this series. Game 7 was a lot better. But anyone that thinks the Heat didn't foul the Spurs on 3 straight possessions to end the game in game 6 is absurd.

seriously......the ref stunk up the joint. however, the spurs got a lot of favorable and questionable calls in the 3rd quarter. the heat got that same treatment in the 4th.

to be honest the bad calls were a wash.

the spurs missed 2 FTs and failed to secure 2 defensive rebounds (both with Duncan on the bench) in the final minute to close out the game. heck, forget about the rebounds, if the spurs make just 1 of those FTs, miami has to foul the spurs with 5 seconds left. if the spurs make both, they are up 3. miami has no timeouts and has to go the length of the floor. full court press them and make them shoot a tough 3. now, if the spurs had made both fts, then got fouled and made 2 more, they would be up by 4 points with 5 seconds to go. Once again, full court press and make the heat use clock before taking a desperation 3, but do not foul.

Then parker drives and takes a horrible shot to close regulation instead of driving and dishing to a shooter or simply trying his runner.

this loss was squarely on the spurs, not the refs.

Congrats to the Heat, they stepped up and won a hard fought championship. While I was rooting for the Spurs (even went to the watch party at the AT&T center for game 7), I give credit where credit is due. A couple of things.

1. The refs did not decide this series, there were some bad calls on both teams and some no calls, especially at the end of game 6. However, everybody that watches sports knows the refs are not going to decide a game 7 on a foul unless it is just blatant.

2. The Spurs missed 2 key free throws in the closing moments of game 6. They hit just 1 of those 2 misses, they are celebrating a championship.

3. The Spurs had not one, but two opportunities to grab a rebound, both 3 point shots the Heat made at the end of game 6 were 2nd attempts after missing the initial shots.

If you miss free throws and cant rebound, that's on you and not the refs.

4. Lebron is the best player on the planet, I think that debate is settled at this point. So there is no shame in losing to Lebron and the Heat, it was a great series and the Spurs should be proud of what they accomplished and, like I said, its no disgrace to lose to the Lebron and the Heat.
I know your smiley was you laughing at me. Hyenas laugh all the time, doesn't make their opinions credible. The reality is, you have no evidence other than ESPN telling you Lebron was the 'difference' maker in game 6... Game 7 you would have ap oint, but then again, you probably oculdn't tell the differenec between the two, because as you say, you don't really follow basketball that much. I never said Mr. Steroid Head wasn't a great player, meaning your argument is null and void.

You might try reading a little more in depth, .. I said I don't follow the NBA.

I watch every NCAA basketball game I can, high school too, I played basketball, .. I know basketball.

I don't even watch ESPN, My evidence is I watched the game myself. I watched a player score 32 pts, grab 10 boards, and dish out 11 assists. Bring his team back from being down double digits, .. and his defense on Parker was significant as well.

I can't imagine anyone not realizing that that performance made a difference, but I guess there is one.

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