2013 NBA playoff thread

jterrell;5103061 said:
the stats say he had a historically good game. triple double with 30 points is a rare feat. in an elimination game it is almost unheard of.

you might need to look at it as basketball and take off the hater shades.

oh no you mean a 6'9" guy had some turnovers amidst all those points, rebounds and assists?

just stop posting nonsense please.

That's a pretty comical attempt at a refutation... Maybe you should go re-read what I actually said. 2 turnovers, 2 brick three pointers, 1 for 2 from free throw, a missed 17 pointer and an air ball from like 2 feet from the basket, the last 7 minutes of the 4th as soon as Leonard came back in with 7 to go followed by Duncan and Parker, when Lebron supposedly dominated the team to victory is absurd. 5 of Tony Parker's points at the end of the fourth were when Lebron was the main defender on him.

It's absolutely horrific play no matter how much you want to spin it. Too bad the Spurs couldn't hit a free throw themselves and Ginobli played probably the worst game of his career handing the ball back to the Heat...

When Lebron is spewing forth nonsense that he willed the team to victory, that is what it is nonsense... That 260 lb Steroid head loves to cry as well for every call..

Maybe you need to take your Lebron riding jock glasses off...
khiladi;5102764 said:
As soon as the 3 starters were inserted back into the line-up, Lebron turned the ball over 3 times, 2 times in a row, bricked two 3 pointers, air balled a lay-up and went 1-2 from the free throw line, as well as missed an open 17 footer. He was horrible. That air ball said it all when he looked at his own players acting like they should have been there. Then one could see how bad he knew he played by his expression on his face in that time-out. He also missed a free throw in overtime and turned the ball over in crunch time then as well when he actually fouled Green clearly with his elbow on the play it was ruled out of bounds on him. It was also Lebron who Parker hit the 3 pointer over at the end of regulation and Lebron that Parker blew by for the final lay up which put them up 3. Ray Allen saved Lebron...

khiladi;5103093 said:
Going from Lebron had a awful fourth when the Spurs starters came in and that he was spewing forth nonsense when he said he 'willed' the team to victory to "he is not a good basketball" player is evidence of your horrendous logic.

Guy goes for a triple double and all you see is in bold from your previous post. (581)

Now that is some horrendous logic. :laugh2:
WV Cowboy;5103190 said:
Guy goes for a triple double and all you see is in bold from your previous post. (581)

Now that is some horrendous logic. :laugh2:

The fact that you high-lighted actual facts means that you high-lighted actual facts...

As far as the actual point, you can be a good basketball player and still suck major in games, or have plenty of bad play along with good play. I know it's kind of hard to admit your shallow analysis of 'triple double' to my statement of "Lebron sucking major after the starting line-up of the Spurs was inserted" makes you look ridiculous and you think the use of smiley faces somehow makes you think you restored some credibility, but still..

But again, your lack of basketball understanding still doesn't absolve you of your atrocious logic...
khiladi;5103285 said:
As far as the actual point, you can be a good basketball player and still suck major in games, or have plenty of bad play along with good play. I know it's kind of hard to admit your shallow analysis of 'triple double' to my statement of "Lebron sucking major after the starting line-up of the Spurs was inserted" makes you look ridiculous and you think the use of smiley faces somehow makes you think you restored some credibility, but still..

No, you look ridiculous.

And the smiley was not to restore credibility, .. with who, I could care less, .. the smiley was me laughing at you.

Guys like you are a dime a dozen, you are everywhere.

You hate the star if he is not on your team, (Lebron in this case) and you simply can't stand that he is living up to all expectations.

So even when Lebron has 'another' triple double, and brings his team back from a 4th quarter double digit deficit, .. you can't stand it and have to point out any and every little miscue to prove he is not perfect.

No matter what happens tonight, Lebron was a difference maker in game 6. Period.
i think lebron has historically struggled towards the end of games, and its because of 2 reasons and 2 reasons ONLY!

1) the opposition knows what is coming, he HAS to do it all for his teams, even now in miami with the so called big 3

2)because he has to do everything, he tends to get worn down towards the end of games, its simply that he runs out of gas!

he isnt a choke artist, he is actually very good as far as FG% goes at the end of games, when he struggles, its just that he has carried his team to that point, and he is only human. just like the end of game 6
haha about 3:35 left James just committed about 7 fouls in 10 seconds and nothing called, what a joke
StevenOtero;5103406 said:
Pretty weak around here, no game threads or nada.

i cant chat and watch the game at the same time!

its gonna come down to this lineup for us...

parker, gino, kawhi, diaw, duncan

those are literally the only 5 guys playing well, we are gonna need them to close it out, hopefully it will be close and they will get that opportunity.

if battier stays hot, we are not winning this game. also, im hoping that wade regresses to the mean, its just highly unlikely that he stays this hot the entire game! and wilbon keeps trying to talk smack about the advanced metrics, yeah, wade has 14 points, he is also -8 in this game!
i wouldnt be surprised to see pop go to bonner, ala steve kerr in 03. splitter is a disaster, he cant play in this second half! put bonner out there! he can at least make 3s and give good effort!
I've got zero respect for James. The dude gets every call his way imaginable then cries and pouts when he doesn't get a call. Hell, he cries even when he DOES get a call.

The better team is going to lose this game. OH well, the NBA went downhill years ago.
i accept that we lost this series, but i will NOT accept that the heat were better than us. just 2 super dead even teams, they got bounces, we didnt, simple as that. now if youll excuse me, im gonna go cry myself to sleep
Good season, Spurs. Nothing to be ashamed of. You are the model pro sports franchise in the state of Texas.
Another great game.

Lebron was clutch.

Duncan missed his. Lebron made his.

Congrats Heat. I was wrong. :(
Lodeus;5103455 said:
Lebron is clutch.

yes he is, but i dont think the heat will make it to the finals next season. his team has some MAJOR flaws. bosh is soft, wade is old and banged up, he cant just will them back to the finals next season, the bulls and pacers will be amazing next season.

as for the spurs, they need to renouce the rights to ginobili and splitter, giving them about 25 mil in space, sign al jefferson to play center, try to get a guy that can create off the dribble, like a jammall crawford or JR smith, and run it back. kawhi is the real deal, tony should get better, and danny needs to work on his off the dribble and a floater, plus a mid range jumper.

at least i accepted the fact that we would lose this game after game 6, so im not as down as i was then, i never felt like we could pull ahead in this game, our offense struggled too much, and that point blank miss by duncan was just proof that luck just wasnt on our side.
Great series. Maybe if Spurs had that Big German they would have won in 6.Still last to beat the cHeat. Pop is greatest coach ever though. I bet Timmy Ginosey and Pop is gone.
Sterns lovin this. Hes why i knew too put money down on Heat again.

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