I don't use stuff like "killer instinct" (which LeBron has plenty of, aside from the first Finals with Miami).
LeBron has also done a lot more with pathetic teams than Jordan ever did, though, if you do want to consider intangible stuff rather than just pure basketball evaluation.
The Cavs I teams were terrible and the Cavs II teams he's on right now are teams full of bums. You could legitimately argue they'd be a lottery team without LeBron -- not a top lottery team, but missing the playoffs for sure. 6th seed at absolute best.
This Cavs team is not a lottery team w/o LBJ. No way, not with Kyrie and Love. The ones he started out with, sure. And yes, he carried them to the Finals.
Also, Bron had a nice cast in MIA.
Won't disagree about Bron's intangibles, they're amazing.
He doesn't have killer instinct and lacks poise at times when the spotlight is the largest. It is what it is.
Still, I gave him (imo) the second best ever slot. Hardly a slight. He'll have to win a couple more Chips to be ahead of Mike, for me.
This series, if he wins it, will be another piece to favor Bron in this debate.
Still, Bron is my favorite player in the NBA right now. MJ is the GOAT.