Twitter: 2021 salary cap set at 182.5 million


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Sort of like your accusation in your reply? Enjoy the night.
You said:
“I suspect most truly adult mature men would not have a post of another male as their image but to each their own.”

What are you hiding, why don’t you just come out and say what you meant? “To each their own” isn’t an answer to a question, it’s a statement. You keep dodging the question because you know exactly what I meant in my reply, which was accurate, but you don’t want to say it in a public forum. Perhaps you should of thought about that before you typed it.

Enjoy the evening yourself.


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I mean, if you have a learning disability then I guess I do.

I realize you desperately want to lump me in with the rest of you, but I'm a thinking fan. I don't say idiotic things like you must support all players on your team.
I never ONCE said you must support all players who play for this team. What I said was if you want to be a smart *** and knock people for "supporting" a certain player on this team then yes you are a hypocrite because you are supporting the same said player. At the end of the day you can sit here and type anti-Cowboy posts all you want but it means nothing when you help the Cowboys with viewership or merchandise sales.


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You supported the Cowboys who supported Greg Hardy. You get it now? Or naw?
Your stupidity is truly astounding.

If I vocally support the college I went to, does that mean I support every faculty member on the staff? If I vocally support two things we can’t talk about on this site, does that mean I support every person and action affiliated with those things? If I listen to a certain band on the radio and like a couple of their songs, does that mean I support every member of the band and agree with everything they do and say?

I feel bad for you, it’s almost as if you can’t think for yourself. You would have been a perfect candidate for Jonestown, you’re a sucker for groupthink.

Risen Star

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I never ONCE said you must support all players who play for this team. What I said was if you want to be a smart *** and knock people for "supporting" a certain player on this team then yes you are a hypocrite because you are supporting the same said player. At the end of the day you can sit here and type anti-Cowboy posts all you want but it means nothing when you help the Cowboys with viewership or merchandise sales.

I'm a Cowboys fan. I'm not a Dak Prescott fan. Using your highly moronic and juvenile theory then the most passionate Eagles, Giants and Commanders fans are in fact diehard Cowboys fans who should really talk all nicey nice about their players since they support them.


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I never ONCE said you must support all players who play for this team. What I said was if you want to be a smart *** and knock people for "supporting" a certain player on this team then yes you are a hypocrite because you are supporting the same said player. At the end of the day you can sit here and type anti-Cowboy posts all you want but it means nothing when you help the Cowboys with viewership or merchandise sales.
And again, you accused me of “knocking people for supporting a certain player on this team” but couldn’t give me an example of when I initiated it without being attacked for my opinion first.

I even gave you TWO examples with DIRECT QUOTES from TODAY of YOURSELF and ONE other person who brought up zeke and “knocked” me for my thoughts about him. As always, you didn’t even acknowledge it. You think by not acknowledging it then it never happened which is probably why you never remember half the things you accuse me of.


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Is that Ming the Merciless? I haven't seen that movie in forever!
Lol, I used to have a cat name Meng. Guy lived to be 20 years old. I named him after the wrestler Meng, mean, ruthless Polynesian dude.


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Your stupidity is truly astounding.

If I vocally support the college I went to, does that mean I support every faculty member on the staff? If I vocally support two things we can’t talk about on this site, does that mean I support every person and action affiliated with those things? If I listen to a certain band on the radio and like a couple of their songs, does that mean I support every member of the band and agree with everything they do and say?

I feel bad for you, it’s almost as if you can’t think for yourself. You would have been a perfect candidate for Jonestown, you’re a sucker for groupthink.

Yep. That's exactly what it means. Glad we have a understanding on this now. Stop supporting brands and entities that go against your own beliefs.


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I'm a Cowboys fan. I'm not a Dak Prescott fan. Using your highly moronic and juvenile theory then the most passionate Eagles, Giants and Commanders fans are in fact diehard Cowboys fans who should really talk all nicey nice about their players since they support them.
This is the dumbest thing I've read on this site today and I've been reading posts from @aria all day......


Well-Known Member
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Yep. That's exactly what it means. Glad we have a understanding on this now. Stop supporting brands and entities that go against your own beliefs.

I’m not, it’s why I don’t wear Nike anymore or buy Cowboys merchandise or tickets.


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And again, you accused me of “knocking people for supporting a certain player on this team” but couldn’t give me an example of when I initiated it without being attacked for my opinion first.

I even gave you TWO examples with DIRECT QUOTES from TODAY of YOURSELF and ONE other person who brought up zeke and “knocked” me for my thoughts about him. As always, you didn’t even acknowledge it. You think by not acknowledging it then it never happened which is probably why you never remember half the things you accuse me of.
So now you've been "attacked" for your opinion now? As if you haven't forced it down our throats not his site......


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This is the dumbest thing I've read on this site today and I've been reading posts from @aria all day......
Then obviously you don’t read what you type.

Still not going to address accusing me of “knocking” others, unprovoked, for supporting a certain player after I gave you two examples with quotes of yourself and another poster doing exactly that to me today?
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So now you've been "attacked" for your opinion now? As if you haven't forced it down our throats not his site......
Yup, I would consider someone calling me a sociopath a verbal attack.

Again, just because I don’t like a player and express that somewhat regularly doesn’t make me any different from someone who does like a player and expresses that regularly. I’ll be more than happy to go through both of our post history over the past few months and see who has commented more on a certain player. Me commenting on zeke or you commenting on Dak. I’d bet good money I have less posts. You’re a hypocrite dude, maybe you don’t understand the meaning which is where the miscommunication lies.

Content is irrelevant, we are all free to like certain players or dislike certain players. I’ve read plenty of your posts mocking the Dak haters for their views on him, how is that any different than what you’ve been inaccurately accusing me of?