Twitter: 2021 salary cap set at 182.5 million


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Lol, ok. I guess mature adult makes shouldn’t wear player’s jerseys? Or show support or disdain for certain influential figures? or musicians we may like?

Some of us are ok with our sexuality and aren’t so insecure that we can’t use a male image as our avatar.

Damn you were so comfortable you changed your avatar? :laugh: Is that a picture of a hero of yours?


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Anddddddd we sign no one LOL
As usual, Cowboy fans get excited to sign FAs, but Stephen won’t even consider signing any until three weeks after the FA signing period starts. I don’t think the Cowboys will go after any quality players. Stephen is too much of a tight-wad and I doubt they have the cap space to sign even one good FA.


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Lol, ok. I guess mature adult makes shouldn’t wear player’s jerseys? Or show support or disdain for certain influential figures? or musicians we may like?

Some of us are ok with our sexuality and aren’t so insecure that we can’t use a male image as our avatar.

No idea why you went sexually sensitive but good luck with that.


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In theory the cap should make coaching more important as the talent is spread out across the league.
Dallas has the coaching problem covered. They went from Garrett to a guy that makes the same mistakes that Garrett made, but he smashes watermelons. That is improvement .


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I don't know what a "Nancy" is. Never heard of that term before.

I'm not blind or illiterate.

I like Biggie's music. One of my favorite artists to listen to. Musical genius. :yourock:
I like some of Biggies music.


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Damn you were so comfortable you changed your avatar? :laugh: Is that a picture of a hero of yours?
I wouldn’t necessarily call him a hero but someone that is often misunderstood and incorrectly labeled.

And I changed it because it’s been something I’ve been meaning to do for a couple months, I have a few more saved for when football season starts again. You’re avatar change inspired me, just like all of your posts.


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Like I said, to each their own.
That doesn’t answer the question. I swear there are more people on this site that make accusations or innuendos and then don’t clarify what they meant when confronted. WEAK.


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Beautiful. Couldn’t answer a single question. Make accusations, deflect and run away. That sounds very familiar and something an 8 year old does.
well you should certainly be familiar with how a brat acts....

you do it so well....

The FACT that you hate a football player who has never really done ANYTHING to deserve it indicates you are mentally not all there.


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well you should certainly be familiar with how a brat acts....

you do it so well....

The FACT that you hate a football player who has never really done ANYTHING to deserve it indicates you are mentally not all there.
“ANYTHING”?! Have you been living under a rock since 2016?

I don’t like bullies, IMOF I HATE all bullies. I don’t like women beaters, I HATE all women beaters. I don’t like players who act like spoiled divas and put themselves before the team with their immature behavior. Therefore I don’t like zeke.

Congratulations, I’m glad that’s the kind of person you support only because he wears the uniform for your favorite team. Way to set your moral bar so high. I may not be all there mentally, I’ve never said I am, but you shouldn’t throw stones when you live in a glass house.

Chuck 54

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This is the year to be active in FA if you see a guy you really want. With the salary cap reduced, the franchised #’s are lower than if the cap had been over 200. Even the top players on tier 1 will likely be signing for less than those franchised at the positions due to the cap situations.

So if there’s a defender you know will improve your defense by walking in and being a productive starter, sign him. That contract will pay off big time in the next couple years, I think.


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“ANYTHING”?! Have you been living under a rock since 2016?

I don’t like bullies, IMOF I HATE all bullies. I don’t like women beaters, I HATE all women beaters. I don’t like players who act like spoiled divas and put themselves before the team with their immature behavior. Therefore I don’t like zeke.

Congratulations, I’m glad that’s the kind of person you support only because he wears the uniform for your favorite team. Way to set your moral bar so high. I may not be all there mentally, I’ve never said I am, but you shouldn’t throw stones when you live in a glass house.
You hate Zeke- admit it.,

Now as regards the woman beater...

well considering her actions after the so called 'act' anyone that believes her is an idiot.

So there YOU are.


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You hate Zeke- admit it.,

Now as regards the woman beater...

well considering her actions after the so called 'act' anyone that believes her is an idiot.

So there YOU are.
Sure, I hate him. Didn’t I say I hate bullies? zeke is a bully.

As far as the woman beater, yeah, I think he got screwed by the league with the DV incident but where there’s smoke there’s fire. I don’t find it coincidental that he has had several other physical altercations with guys half his size but never threatened or laid a finger on a woman. Regardless, I’m also of the opinion he wouldn’t have been suspended if he didn’t act like such an idiot WHILE he was being investigated. He’s a moron.

Who in their right mind is an NFL super star being investigated for DV against a woman and then goes out to a parade where he is immediately recognizable and pulls up a WOMAN’S shirt in public regardless if she was doing it herself? Ever hear of #METOO? I mean who does that and who tries to minimize his actions because he wears a star on his helmet? Those are the idiots.

Then on top of that, he goes out to a club AFTER being suspended for DV (IIRC) and knocks out a DJ half his size. Absolute moron who not only put his career at risk but more importantly, the team I love.

I won’t even get into all his other issues.


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Sure, I hate him. Didn’t I say I hate bullies? zeke is a bully.

As far as the woman beater, yeah, I think he got screwed by the league with the DV incident but where there’s smoke there’s fire. I don’t find it coincidental that he has had several other physical altercations with guys half his size but never threatened or laid a finger on a woman. Regardless, I’m also of the opinion he wouldn’t have been suspended if he didn’t act like such an idiot WHILE he was being investigated. He’s a moron.

Who in their right mind is an NFL super star being investigated for DV against a woman and then goes out to a parade where he is immediately recognizable and pulls up a WOMAN’S shirt in public regardless if she was doing it herself? Ever hear of #METOO? I mean who does that and who tries to minimize his actions because he wears a star on his helmet? Those are the idiots.

Then on top of that, he goes out to a club AFTER being suspended for DV (IIRC) and knocks out a DJ half his size. Absolute moron who not only put his career at risk but more importantly, the team I love.

I won’t even get into all his other issues.
Wow you must live such a pure life...

I see Zeke sadly as the typical star athlete of this era. All of them treated as special and protected since junior high school. So no surprise at all at what so many of them do.

Frankly you are LOOKING for reasons to hate Zeke. No matter what he did you will find a way to hate him more. That is YOUR problem. Like I said you should seriously seek professional help.


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Wow you must live such a pure life...

I see Zeke sadly as the typical star athlete of this era. All of them treated as special and protected since junior high school. So no surprise at all at what so many of them do.

Frankly you are LOOKING for reasons to hate Zeke. No matter what he did you will find a way to hate him more. That is YOUR problem. Like I said you should seriously seek professional help.
Thanks for the advice :rolleyes:

Did I ever say I live a pure life? No, I didn’t. I essentially said I don’t compromise my personal moral standards due to what uniform a player wears whereas you do. You basically excuse his behavior because he is a “typical athlete of this era”. I couldn’t care less what zeke does or did if he wasn’t on this team but unlike you, that’s exactly why I do care and don’t give him a free pass. That is what’s pathetic, turning a blind eye to bad behavior because “everyone does it” or because he plays for your favorite team. Perhaps your the one that should seek help.

I don’t have to look for reasons, he has been in the headlines since 2016 for all the wrong reasons. Again, perhaps you live a very sheltered life with no access to media sources. And no, it’s not my problem, I don’t lose sleep at night over hating bullies, I have a lot more important things to worry about.

You remind me of the parent who’s child can do no wrong and you always try to justify their behavior by minimizing it and finding excuses. You claim you don’t like or agree with zeke’s actions but instead of criticizing him you go after the people who do only because he is a Cowboy. Sad sad sad.


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“ANYTHING”?! Have you been living under a rock since 2016?

I don’t like bullies, IMOF I HATE all bullies. I don’t like women beaters, I HATE all women beaters. I don’t like players who act like spoiled divas and put themselves before the team with their immature behavior. Therefore I don’t like zeke.

Congratulations, I’m glad that’s the kind of person you support only because he wears the uniform for your favorite team. Way to set your moral bar so high. I may not be all there mentally, I’ve never said I am, but you shouldn’t throw stones when you live in a glass house.
If you truly think Zeke is all of that....aren't you a person that support those type of people too then since you root for the Cowboys?


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Wow you must live such a pure life...

I see Zeke sadly as the typical star athlete of this era. All of them treated as special and protected since junior high school. So no surprise at all at what so many of them do.

Frankly you are LOOKING for reasons to hate Zeke. No matter what he did you will find a way to hate him more. That is YOUR problem. Like I said you should seriously seek professional help.
Yeah the Zeke hate I don't get at this point.....if you want to say you hate how he plays...fair enough but the guy has done nothing off the field since being a Cowboy unless I'm missing something.


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I wouldn’t necessarily call him a hero but someone that is often misunderstood and incorrectly labeled.

And I changed it because it’s been something I’ve been meaning to do for a couple months, I have a few more saved for when football season starts again. You’re avatar change inspired me, just like all of your posts.
Glad I can help.


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If you truly think Zeke is all of that....aren't you a person that support those type of people too then since you root for the Cowboys?
To a degree, yes. I’ve said I will hope he does well for the 3 hours he plays for the Cowboys for the good of the team, outside of that he can go play in traffic for all I care. I’m not going to stop supporting an entire team because of one player but add a few more “zekes” and I just may.

I think he’s grossly over rated as a player but I can hate the person but not the player. There are even a few excellent to that though, I hoped Hardy failed miserably not matter what uniform he was wearing.