Twitter: 2021 salary cap set at 182.5 million


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Yeah the Zeke hate I don't get at this point.....if you want to say you hate how he plays...fair enough but the guy has done nothing off the field since being a Cowboy unless I'm missing something.
Lol, is this a joke? If you can’t recall anything he’s done since being a Cowboy then there’s no point in even discussing this any further. Not to mention, who cares if he did it before being a Cowboy? Did you give Hardy a free pass because he didn’t abuse a woman while a Cowboy? I surely hope not.


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To a degree, yes. I’ve said I will hope he does well for the 3 hours he plays for the Cowboys for the good of the team, outside of that he can go play in traffic for all I care. I’m not going to stop supporting an entire team because of one player but add a few more “zekes” and I just may.

I think he’s grossly over rated as a player but I can hate the person but not the player. There are even a few excellent to that though, I hoped Hardy failed miserably not matter what uniform he was wearing.

But the Cowboys have had drug addicts, alleged rapists, thieves, alcohol abusers, murderer's.......this is what you support by supporting this team, no?


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Lol, is this a joke? If you can’t recall anything he’s done since being a Cowboy then there’s no point in even discussing this any further. Not to mention, who cares if he did it before being a Cowboy? Did you give Hardy a free pass because he didn’t abuse a woman while a Cowboy? I surely hope not.

Essentially, if I support the Cowboys I support whichever plays they chose to bring in regardless of what I say yes I supported Hardy, Josh Brent, Tank Johnson, Pac-Man and whoever else they chose to bring in here. You can't have it one way. You can't pretend to be holier than thou and say you support the Cowboys but hate Zeke. Not how it works.


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But the Cowboys have had drug addicts, alleged rapists, thieves, alcohol abusers, murderer's.......this is what you support by supporting this team, no?
I have nothing against drug addicts, that’s an entirely different situation. It doesn’t mean I want them on the team depending on the situation but they’re not even in the same ball park as rapists and murderers.

You’re acting like all these players were on the team at once and we knew about them all at once. The closest time even possible would be the SB years of the early 90’s and I think a lot of that came out after the fact. Regardless, I was also ~10-13 years old at that time, I would hope my standards and moral compass have changed drastically over the years.
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Risen Star

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Essentially, if I support the Cowboys I support whichever plays they chose to bring in regardless of what I say yes I supported Hardy, Josh Brent, Tank Johnson, Pac-Man and whoever else they chose to bring in here. You can't have it one way. You can't pretend to be holier than thou and say you support the Cowboys but hate Zeke. Not how it works.

Well you can. You just have to have a brain.


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Essentially, if I support the Cowboys I support whichever plays they chose to bring in regardless of what I say yes I supported Hardy, Josh Brent, Tank Johnson, Pac-Man and whoever else they chose to bring in here. You can't have it one way. You can't pretend to be holier than thou and say you support the Cowboys but hate Zeke. Not how it works.
Who the hell ever said I was holier than thou? I said I hate bullies and woman beaters. For the record, I also hate people who abuse animals.

I didn’t know my lofty standards made me “holier than thou”. Perhaps I could even be canonized!

Supporting Hardy says a lot about you IMO. I don’t see how anyone could support that scumbag, especially only because he was a Cowboy. Josh Brent different story.


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I have nothing against drug addicts, that’s an entirely different situation. It doesn’t mean I want them on the team depending on the situation but they’re not even in the same ball park as rapists and murderers.

You’re acting like all these players were on the team at once and we knew about them all at once. The closest time even possible would be the SB years of the early 90’s and I think a lot of that came out after the fact. Regardless, I was also ~10-13 years old at that time, I would hope my standards and moral compass have changed drastically over the years.

Doesn't matter what you want. You are criticizing people for rooting for Zeke and you too are rooting for him by rooting for the Cowboys. You are no better than the people you criticize is my point.


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Well you can. You just have to have a brain.
Well you can. You just have to have a brain.
This is how you sleep better at night. But it still remains the same. You can sit here and talk about how much this team much they hire this guy or that guy but you sit here and support the team by watching them and buying merchandise. You are the same problem you complain about.


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Who the hell ever said I was holier than thou? I said I hate bullies and woman beaters. For the record, I also hate people who abuse animals.

I didn’t know my lofty standards made me “holier than thou”. Perhaps I could even be canonized!

Supporting Hardy says a lot about you IMO. I don’t see how anyone could support that scumbag, especially only because he was a Cowboy. Josh Brent different story.

You sit here day in and day out and criticize people for rooting for Zeke because of some past allegations that occurred some years back. You seem to think just because you do this it means you are holding this team accountable somehow. You aren't. You are supporting Zeke and the Cowboys. You are the doing exactly what you criticize others for.

You supported Greg Hardy too. Were you tuning out of games? Were you not buying any merchandise? Of course you weren't. You were supporting Josh Brent, Zeke, Greg Hardy, Tank Johnson.....


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Doesn't matter what you want. You are criticizing people for rooting for Zeke and you too are rooting for him by rooting for the Cowboys. You are no better than the people you criticize is my point.
Are you kidding me, who started all of this? Who called me a sociopath (although he doesn’t even understand what a sociopath is) and who constantly attacks me for criticizing zeke and calling him out for the trash he is?

I don’t go into threads attacking people for rooting for zeke. I may disagree with their assessment of him as a player but I don’t criticize them for rooting for him. If I’m attacked unprovoked (like today) then yeah, I’ll tell that person what I think of them.

Did you miss the part where Turk originally attacked me today? What about this quote from you this morning that started all of this? “Oh trust I do see.....I see what you're true motivation is on this site. Its quite clear between all of this back and forth with me, the Zeke hatred....its quite clear.”

Sure looks like I was attacked for my opinion of zeke, not the other way around. You’re whacked dude.


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You sit here day in and day out and criticize people for rooting for Zeke because of some past allegations that occurred some years back. You seem to think just because you do this it means you are holding this team accountable somehow. You aren't. You are supporting Zeke and the Cowboys. You are the doing exactly what you criticize others for.

You supported Greg Hardy too. Were you tuning out of games? Were you not buying any merchandise? Of course you weren't. You were supporting Josh Brent, Zeke, Greg Hardy, Tank Johnson.....
That’s the problem with you homers, you can’t separate a player from the team. It’s absolutely pathetic that you say you support Hardy because of the uniform he wears.

It’s laughable that you think I hold the team accountable. You are so far out there you may live in another dimension. Only Jerry can hold this team accountable, he doesn’t even let the coaches hold the players accountable. I’m just a Cowboy fan on a public Cowboys related site expressing my viewpoints. There happens to be one player on this team that I can’t stand who also happens to have been the most controversial in years, is the most over paid, most over rated and biggest diva we have so I tend to comment on him more than any other.

I have rarely started threads about the ewok, I just comment in them. If you don’t like my opinion, block me. You always say you won’t talk to me about zeke, you’ve literally said that for years now, yet you constantly bring him up to me or reply to anything I’ve said about him. You’re more obsessed with me than you claim I am with zeke. You can give up your crusade for zeke because until that dbag bully diva goes to another team I will always be commenting on him. Sorry for your bad luck.

And no, I haven’t bought merchandise or been to a game in well over a decade. You can scroll through my post history to confirm this isn’t the first time I’ve said that. I hated Hardy and criticized the hell out of Jerry for signing him. Josh Brent I said I didn’t think he should be allowed back on the team. Tank Johnson I wasn’t even on this site so as usual you’re just making assumptions. Check my post history for all the others, find where I contradict anything I’ve said about the players you mentioned.


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That’s the problem with you homers, you can’t separate a player from the team. It’s absolutely pathetic that you say you support Hardy because of the uniform he wears.

It’s laughable that you think I hold the team accountable. You are so far out there you may live in another dimension. Only Jerry can hold this team accountable, he doesn’t even let the coaches hold the players accountable. I’m just a Cowboy fan on a public Cowboys related site expressing my viewpoints. There happens to be one player on this team that I can’t stand who also happens to have been the most controversial in years, is the most over paid, most over rated and biggest diva we have so I tend to comment on him more than any other.

I have rarely started threads about the ewok, I just comment in them. If you don’t like my opinion, block me. You always say you won’t talk to me about zeke, you’ve literally said that for years now, yet you constantly bring him up to me or reply to anything I’ve said about him. You’re more obsessed with me than you claim I am with zeke. You can give up your crusade for zeke because until that dbag bully diva goes to another team I will always be commenting on him. Sorry for your bad luck.

And no, I haven’t bought merchandise or been to a game in well over a decade. You can scroll through my post history to confirm this isn’t the first time I’ve said that. I hated Hardy and criticized the hell out of Jerry for signing him. Josh Brent I said I didn’t think he should be allowed back on the team. Tank Johnson I wasn’t even on this site so as usual you’re just making assumptions. Check my post history for all the others, find where I contradict anything I’ve said about the players you mentioned.

YOU SUPPORTED Hardy to what are you talking about lol?

There's nothing you can say to change my opinion on this so let's just agree to disagree. You talk Cowboys you are supporting the Cowboys. You are on a Cowboys site. You watch their games on Sunday. You are supporting this guy you deem to be a criminal. You are no different than the people you criticize.


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As usual, Cowboy fans get excited to sign FAs, but Stephen won’t even consider signing any until three weeks after the FA signing period starts. I don’t think the Cowboys will go after any quality players. Stephen is too much of a tight-wad and I doubt they have the cap space to sign even one good FA.
He’s probably distraught with they worked out with dak LOL


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That doesn’t answer the question. I swear there are more people on this site that make accusations or innuendos and then don’t clarify what they meant when confronted. WEAK.

Sort of like your accusation in your reply? Enjoy the night.


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YOU SUPPORTED Hardy to what are you talking about lol?

There's nothing you can say to change my opinion on this so let's just agree to disagree. You talk Cowboys you are supporting the Cowboys. You are on a Cowboys site. You watch their games on Sunday. You are supporting this guy you deem to be a criminal. You are no different than the people you criticize.
How did I support Hardy by saying I hope he failed miserably even when he was on the field? I’m sorry you can’t wrap your little mind around this concept but it is possible to hope a team wins but not support a player on that team.

And once again, I provide you with direct examples and quotes of you and one other person attacking me for expressing my opinion about zeke (which is oddly enough what you accused me of) and now you don’t address it.

Surprise surprise...this is what you do every single time. Argue and claim you’re right until you’re proven wrong with YOUR OWN QUOTES and then you leave only to do it all over the next day. This is typical of hypocrites but especially liars. You spew so much fecal matter from your pie hole that you can’t keep up with your own lies and deception.

See you tomorrow when you do the same thing all over again and again and again.
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Risen Star

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
This is how you sleep better at night. But it still remains the same. You can sit here and talk about how much this team much they hire this guy or that guy but you sit here and support the team by watching them and buying merchandise. You are the same problem you complain about.

I haven't bought any Cowboys merchandise in two decades.

I do buy the ticket because I'm an NFL fan. I watch my team. I like the good players. I hate the bad. I manage very well.


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How did I support Hardy by saying I hope he failed miserably even when he was on the field? I’m sorry you can’t wrap your little mind around this concept but it is possible to hope a team wins but not support a player on that team.

And once again, I provide you with direct examples and quotes of you and one other person attacking me for expressing my opinion about zeke (which is oddly enough what you accused me of) and now you don’t address it.

Surprise surprise...this is what you do every single time. Argue and claim you’re right until you’re proven wrong with YOUR OWN QUOTES and then you leave only to do it all over the next day. This is typical of hypocrites but especially liars. You spew so much fecal matter from your pie hole that you can’t keep up with your own lies and deception.

See you tomorrow when you do the same thing all over again and again and again.
Is that Ming the Merciless? I haven't seen that movie in forever!


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I haven't bought any Cowboys merchandise in two decades.

I do buy the ticket because I'm an NFL fan. I watch my team. I like the good players. I hate the bad. I manage very well.
Alright and you support this team and all of their moves they make. Congrats. You're part of the problem like the rest of us....


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How did I support Hardy by saying I hope he failed miserably even when he was on the field? I’m sorry you can’t wrap your little mind around this concept but it is possible to hope a team wins but not support a player on that team.

You supported the Cowboys who supported Greg Hardy. You get it now? Or naw?

Risen Star

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Alright and you support this team and all of their moves they make. Congrats. You're part of the problem like the rest of us....

I mean, if you have a learning disability then I guess I do.

I realize you desperately want to lump me in with the rest of you, but I'm a thinking fan. I don't say idiotic things like you must support all players on your team.