To me, the tripping call was the worst and biggest call in the game. Nothing compares to that call. The 2 pt conversion penalty was a legitimate penalty that was called at the worst time for the Lions. But at least that penalty was earned. Plus that 5 yards was negated by Micah's offsides on the next play so they had a second chance to get the 2 pot conversion from that spot and they failed.
The tripping was a ridiculous call. How could a ref make that mistake watching the play unfold live from about 15 feet away? Why didn't the other refs correct the call or at least pickup the flag? Why didn't the booth call down and tell them they got that call wrong? After that call, was the 2 minute warning. The booth had plenty of time to look the play over and call the refs on the field to tell them the Lions were the ones that attempted to trip a player. Even if they just pick up the flag and give teh Cowboys the ball with a 2nd and 3 from the 22, the game is very different. All the refs were asleep at the wheel.