3-4 or 4-3

FuzzyLumpkins said:

Lets look at it again so you canr read it AGAIN.

There are two reasons why your other scenarios dont work in context of the quote

A) He specifically mentions that he would have to learn more than if he were to play another scheme

B) That he only had to learn one position before

Now in part A Glover clearly is talking about one scheme, the 3-4. Hes saying in the 3-4 im having to learn all the line positions and if we play more schemes Ill have to know even more.

This clearly shows that your examples of the 4-3 nickel and 46 do not apply.

BTW I really wish that you would quit asserting baseless drivel like the 46 garbage. THERE IS NOT ONE SHRED OF PROOF THAT WE WILL RUN THE 46.

But just to make sure Ive brought up point B. Why?

Well before he was saying he only needed to learn one position, 3 technique, and now he is being asked to learn 3.

Didnt we play nickel before? Why yes we did.

What Glover is saying is that beofre all he had to do is learn 3 technique in the 4-3 and now hes having to learn all 3 positions in the 3-4.

Your examples do not meet up to the standards of

A) Not being a position he played before as well as
B) Only applying to one scheme

BTW I would like some proof of Glover not playing DE, anyone other than Ellis being unhappy, Coakley badmouthing the team or us having any intentions of playing some 46.

So since he's played nickel before it does not fit, hmmm?

Your quote from Glover:"I played both positions - end, nose and then we did some variation things with me in the two-technique and the three-technique," Glover said. "We played a lot of different things with it. I prefer the 4-3, obviously. But the defense is different now. You have to be a lot more patient in the 3-4."

So what's he having to learn?

I mean he's PLAYED them all before in New Orleans, which is what you conveniently left out of the quote when you posted it.

If my list doesn't fit his quote, neither does 3-4 end, skippy.:D

We ran 46 some last year and in 2003, Zimmer was quoted mentioning 46 looks for this year too.

FYI, until we play a game, or it comes straight from Parcells mouth, you don't have a shread of proof that the base defense is going to be 3-4. He has not said it yet, so....
FuzzyLumpkins said:

Ware would be taken off the field and would backup Ellis in the 4-3. Sorry hes not goping to play OLB in the 4-3 no matter how much you guys repeat it.

Then it becomes Glover versus Ware and all of a sudden your taking a first round draft pick off the field.

Not to mention to cut down on Glovers snaps you have Carson on the field for almost half the plays.

Yeah real good logic.

You got documentation that he's not going to play any OLB in a 4-3?

That's what I thought, pot meet kettle.

You cut down on Glover it amounts to around 20 snaps split between Carson, Ratliff, Spears, Coleman, Canty.
blindzebra said:
You got documentation that he's not going to play any OLB in a 4-3?

Did Ogobogu or Thornton play any snaps at 4-3 OLB last year? Oh wait they didnt.

Lets look at the history of tweeners guys like Suggs, Rice, Kearse, McGinest and see how many of them played OLB in a 4-3 or DE.

You can live in your fantasy land.

Every sinlge scouting report i saw on him said DE. He played DE in the 3-4 in college. But wait you say we should take him out of the pass rush and put him into coverage because that is what he would do as a SLB covering TEs.

You were the one that asserted that Ware could/would play OLB in a 4-3. You have the burden of proof not me. Its kind of like when you responded to me saying that Glover could/would play 3-4 DE and you said prove it. I did a rather good job of it. I could have easily said prove to me that he cant like you did. Hell you didnt even provide anything as to why he couldnt/wouldnt yet having the burden of proof in that instance i provded evidence.

As for your Ware inferrence, in the negative I have provided:

A) The history of the NFL says otherwise
B) The history of Demarcus Ware says otherwise
C) Every single scouting report out there says otherwise.

But we are supposed to believe Ware is a SLB because you say so. Yeah.....

You cut down on Glover it amounts to around 20 snaps split between Carson, Ratliff, Spears, Coleman, Canty.

So now you have them all playing out of position. Putting Ellis in at DT on obvious passing downs is one thing but sure lets just have the rookies play all the positions.

That is another thing im noticing is that in order for your 4-3 to work you have to play Canty, Spears and Ware all out of position.

This isnt Madden football where you can put the players wherever you want and turn off fatigue.
FuzzyLumpkins said:
Did Ogobogu or Thornton play any snaps at 4-3 OLB last year? Oh wait they didnt.

Lets look at the history of tweeners guys like Suggs, Rice, Kearse, McGinest and see how many of them played OLB in a 4-3 or DE.

You can live in your fantasy land.

Every sinlge scouting report i saw on him said DE. He played DE in the 3-4 in college. But wait you say we should take him out of the pass rush and put him into coverage because that is what he would do as a SLB covering TEs.

You were the one that asserted that Ware could/would play OLB in a 4-3. You have the burden of proof not me. Its kind of like when you responded to me saying that Glover could/would play 3-4 DE and you said prove it. I did a rather good job of it. I could have easily said prove to me that he cant like you did. Hell you didnt even provide anything as to why he couldnt/wouldnt yet having the burden of proof in that instance i provded evidence.

As for your Ware inferrence, in the negative I have provided:

A) The history of the NFL says otherwise
B) The history of Demarcus Ware says otherwise
C) Every single scouting report out there says otherwise.

But we are supposed to believe Ware is a SLB because you say so. Yeah.....

So now you have them all playing out of position. Putting Ellis in at DT on obvious passing downs is one thing but sure lets just have the rookies play all the positions.

That is another thing im noticing is that in order for your 4-3 to work you have to play Canty, Spears and Ware all out of position.

This isnt Madden football where you can put the players wherever you want and turn off fatigue.

Rant without facts, just when did Ware play 3-4 DE in college. He's on the WEAKSIDE, but then again why should I expect accurracy from you.:rolleyes:

I'm through arguing with a rock.:bang2:
blindzebra said:
Rant without facts, just when did Ware play 3-4 DE in college. He's on the WEAKSIDE, but then again why should I expect accurracy from you.:rolleyes:

I'm through arguing with a rock.:bang2:

Uh-oh typo smack.

I meant he played in DE in the 4-3 in college.

Oh so now you have him at the WLB.

Hey I have an idea why dont we just put him at safety :lmao2:

If youre done thats fine. We have established that Glover can/will play DE in the 3-4 as well as NT and in the past hes had success.

Also we have established that in order for your dream 4-3 to work it would require a bunch of rookies to play out of position at DT to workas well as taking Ware out of the pass rush.

And finally we have proved that you have zero evdence to back up your claims of us playing a 46, team turmoil, Ware as aa WLB or SLB or Glovers purported inability to succeed in a 3-4, nor will you attempt to provide them. Ill leave as to why that is up to the imagination.
now that we have all of these players i want to play the 46 or 4-3 with glover and feg stuffing the middle spears on the strong side and greg on weak sides switching off with ware in some situations and dat would end up being better because of all the fat guys in the middle ware would be a good linebacker because of his attributes and just needs to get down the mumbo jumbo. would be great in the 46 close to the line.

on the topic switching to the 3-4 is probaly harder because of the guys you have to find to fit the scheme. in the 4-3 the hardest part is finding good pass rushers
Garland powerplay said:
The 4-3 didn't work well last year. The numbers prove it. Its time to change -end of discussion.

What did the numbers look like the year before.:rolleyes:
Garland powerplay said:
Right they won 3 out of 4 w/ the "3-4"

They won their first one in a 4-3, and played mostly 4-3 in the Super Bowl last year as well, but don't let the facts get in the way.:D
Garland powerplay said:
The 4-3 didn't work well last year. The numbers prove it. Its time to change -end of discussion.

the shortage of talented D-linemen, not numbers, were the undoing of the Dallas defense last season. that combined with a revolving door at one CB and Roy Williams playing centerfield.

it ain't the scheme. it was never the scheme.

it was a shortage of talented personnel to affect ANY scheme.
blindzebra said:
They won their first one in a 4-3, and played mostly 4-3 in the Super Bowl last year as well, but don't let the facts get in the way.:D

The problem is that you only see one way.

You cant handle arguementation. fie. BOTTOMLINE IS I TRUST PARCELLS MORE THAN YO


blindzebra said:
You trusted him last year too.:D

Fine lets put its this way

The 3-4 will preform better than it has in the last 2 years.

Im going to the eagles game and to be honest i see you want ing to be right more than the cowboys winning. you are nors jr but i want a reasonable bet. name your terms.
FuzzyLumpkins said:

Thanks for clearing that up.


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