Twitter: 3rd and 7 decision


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Catching it against his body?

From what I remember of the play he initially one-handed it out of bounds because it was way over his head and he eventually regrouped and got possession of it out of bounds.

You have to factor in the weather too. The pass was lifted into the rain and wind which likely threw off the timing of trying to high-point it.
Yeah. He basket caught it. That’s what I mean by “against his body” lieu of going up to high point it (Dwight Clark). I tried to find a clip of the play but too early for that I guess to find one readily available online. Totally agree with you that elements affected the timing but, as the “best athlete on the team” (Dak’s description of Jarwin) he did himself zero favors based on the manner in which he caught it to try and get his feet down. High pointing it shortens the distance travelled in that scenario and it was his only shot at making an incredible play, however unlikely it may have been. As I saw it, Jarwin’s decision to basket catch it was totally in his control as he was running unimpeded along the back of the end zone (although drawing multiple defenders), the way I recall would have been great to see him make an aggressive play on the ball to give himself a better chance at a the Patriots rookie WR did on their lone TD. That kid made a conscious and proactive body adjustment to go get the football, giving himself the bast chance to get his feet down. That’s all I am trying to assert...but yes, odds are he still may not have secured the catch.


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I said this during that play in the game thread that I felt like Dak could have made or gotten close to the first down if he just ran for it.

He doesn't want to be labeled a Running QB. Plus an injury would hurt his contract stance. I've noticed he's taken a lot less daring runs as he has in the past 3 seasons.


Fattening up
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People will throw anything against the wall on twitter to see if it sticks. This is just stupid.


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To me, this is again on the coaching. The mentality they should have drilled home with Dak is if you can run it, run it because of the bad weather.

Though I do think some of it is coaching, I think he has been influenced not to run the ball anymore. Too much risk. I truly believe he strictly wants to be a pure pocket passer.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Though I do think some of it is coaching, I think he has been influenced not to run the ball anymore. Too much risk. I truly believe he strictly wants to be a pure pocket passer.

As a coach, you have to use all aspects of what your players can do. It shouldn't matter what Dak wants. It matters what he can do and the coaches using it. I don't think that he should be a running QB in every game, but I think there are definitely times when the team should depend on that aspect of his skill set. A game like this certainly should have been one of those times.


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How was that pass Dak's fault?

We get it, you hate him and have been hating on him since Day 1.
It was too long in the back of the end zone and caused Jarwin to leave end zone, its on Dak plain and simple for you, hate , love has nothing to do with it just watch the play. It gets old with you saying everyone hates Dak grow up.


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Dak actually made a good call there. He could have run, but he's not getting the first before the DBs come up. So he pulled up and threw to the end zone, and while that was a risky pass, it damn near worked. Jarwin caught the ball and went just a few inches out of bounds.

It would have been fun to see Dak cowboy it given all the crazy 3rd down runs he's had in the past, but I can't fault his decision making there. He made the right choice, it just didn't work out.

This is why it's Moore's fault for not running on 2nd. This play by itself was not bad but we needed a 1st and if we pickup 3-4 yards on 2nd or 3rd then its a managable fourth. Instead Moore calls 2 straight passing incompletions to setup for failure. Dak saw a chance for a TD and took it in a situation he shouldn't have been put in by the OC. Mind you we had been running well in the 1st half but saw less and less carries as the game went on while incompletions stalled drives.

America's Cowboy

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It was too long in the back of the end zone and caused Jarwin to leave end zone, its on Dak plain and simple for you, hate , love has nothing to do with it just watch the play. It gets old with you saying everyone hates Dak grow up.
Show the video tape! Don't just talk. Where is your proof?


Intramural Legend
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What we can't see is who is behind the sticks and how far away they are. But Dak could easily out dodge that fat slob in the open field.
There's another angle that shows a DB already square to Dak.

Whether Dak could have run for the first down isn't the problem. The problem is that they weren't playing for any possibility of going for it on 4th down. If you go into that play knowing that you're going to go for it if you have 3rd and 2 or 3, the run is a no-brainer. That thought process becomes very different if you know you have to get the first.


Rising Star
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Why talk about 3rd and 7? It was 2nd and 7 and we should have ran it on 2nd down and go from there. Based on the play calls, it's obvious JG was playing for the FG on 4th down.

First down wasn't the greatest call either, a fake reverse?

Considering the conditions and how good their pass defense was you have to run the ball there on 2nd down, to me, it was clear he was going to kick the FG after that. They weren't even considering 4 downs as a possibility.

They almost never run the ball on consecutive plays which is mind-boggling in a game like that.


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I looked at it on the all 22...he probably could have scored on the play if he ran it. The pass had a chance but he gets that first down at a minimum with his feet.


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Meh, He’s made that roll to his left a lot and thrown TD’s. Jarwin made the catch but was unfortunately out of bounds. It was a good throw as he could only get it.


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First down wasn't the greatest call either, a fake reverse?

Considering the conditions and how good their pass defense was you have to run the ball there on 2nd down, to me, it was clear he was going to kick the FG after that. They weren't even considering 4 downs as a possibility.

They almost never run the ball on consecutive plays which is mind-boggling in a game like that.

Ughhhhh, I forgot about that! That was an awful call. Getting fast teams going sideways is an awful idea. To beat good defense you have to go right at them.....