49ers/Eagles/Cowboys HOFer T.O. announces speech location

Okay dude. You win. I mean, I thought I did the agree to disagree thing a few posts back.
You're far too emotional about TO sticking it to the voters.

I treated my players like I did my sons. I did everything I could to steer them away from the
wrong crowds and told them to put the work in no matter the task. I did all I could to
teach them to be a model student and a model citizen. Was I always successful?
No, but I didn't just stand aside and watch it happen.

Teenagers are mischievous and ornery. If you let them be themselves too much, you're asking for trouble.
Boundaries need to be set. That starts at home. But hey, we're getting in a bit too deep.

So what the heck does any of that have to do with TO, what has he done to make you think he is or isn’t a model citizen.
Dre11... as a coach, shouldn't you teach the importance of Team? There's 10 other teammates on the field on every play. No player wins or loses alone.

You’re right, but that has nothing to do with This. He he’ll have every opportunity to thank the people he needs to.
I hope TO doesn't say anything in the way of spiteful or harsh comments regarding the many problems during a rocky and tumultuous career. It seems to me that it would surely behoove him to be humble and appreciative. It wouldn't go well at all for him to play his patented role of a betrayed martyr, that's for sure. Let's hope he knows better than to come off as a bitter victim. I hope and trust that he's smarter than that and expect he will.
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Unfortunately my schedule prevents me from attending T.O's festivities, I'll be catching up on my season three Better Call Saul episodes on AMC to get ready for the Season four premier on Monday August 6th...
THAT is what I am getting my popcorn ready for because it looks like this is the season it turns for BB territory and bringing in some of the players from BB besides Odenkirk.
I never have liked the guy but in all fairness, he's not a first ballot player? Who cares about his shenanigans off the field or in the locker room, the HOF is about one thing, on the field play. They put those pos Lewis and Taylor in on the first and he should have been a first.

I am not hammering the guy until I hear or read what he has to say but going back to a small college where it did start for him and not playing the NFL game automatically makes me dislike him less. Owens says some things that piss people off but that does not necessarily make him wrong.
I never have liked the guy but in all fairness, he's not a first ballot player? Who cares about his shenanigans off the field or in the locker room, the HOF is about one thing, on the field play. They put those pos Lewis and Taylor in on the first and he should have been a first.

I am not hammering the guy until I hear or read what he has to say but going back to a small college where it did start for him and not playing the NFL game automatically makes me dislike him less. Owens says some things that piss people off but that does not necessarily make him wrong.
his childhood has a lot of similarities to our own dez Bryant. it's a shame but kids who miss out on having good families are often scarred for life. the worst thing about leave it to beaver is it made many realize they don't live a leave it to beaver existence. TO never tried to cover up a murder or have sex with an underaged child to my knowledge like the aforementioned lewis and taylor.
What an idiot. Drama queen who always has made it about him and himself only. At the age of 44, he still does not get it. Canton should rescind his acceptance into the NFL Hall of Fame just to teach him a lesson.
Check your last sentence.

He is incapable of learning this type of lesson.
Couldn’t he have handed the popcorn back?
Self-declared irrelevancy. It’s delicious. I never have to see that guy again.
What lesson? ....lol you people smh

Yeah, it's funny - while Marvin Harrison wasn't a "first ballot HOF" he certainly wasn't kept out due to his attitude or off the field issues.

....you know, where there is some serious suspicion that he may have pulled the trigger and killed someone. But hey, it's TO and he has an ego in a career where it's built around egos and entertainment, and that's just unacceptable!
He’s disrespecting nobody, stop overreacting as usual

Isn't funny how there have been several actual HOF'ers that have said he's disrespecting them and the process and is not demonstrating the traits of someone who will be inducted. When those already in the HOF think whiny boy is disrespecting them, then I certainly can agree with that.
Isn't funny how there have been several actual HOF'ers that have said he's disrespecting them and the process and is not demonstrating the traits of someone who will be inducted. When those already in the HOF think whiny boy is disrespecting them, then I certainly can agree with that.

Gosh, how could he disrespect players like OJ Simpson, Ray Lewis, and Marvin Harrison....
It’s not about disagreeing with his choice, you’re saying he’s wrong, he will regret it , as if that’s an absolute.
You don’t know that, he may be at peace with his decision, and it’s not wrong. Then you attack me as a coach for something that’s not wrong in the first place. I don’t see the HOF as you do. It’s flawed.

The only flaw in the HOF process is allowing those who never played a single snap in the NFL decide who gets in. I've always said that the only ones that should vote on who gets to join them in the HOF are the surviving HOF'ers themselves. There should be a selection committee of HOF'ers that changes every year who make nominations for the entire body of HOF'ers to vote on. Each person nominated would still need 75% of the HOF'ers to vote them in.

As far as your assertion that doing what's expected of someone is nothing more than conforming to the masses, is BS. It's called tradition, it's called be respectful, it's called being humble, it's called being honored. If you're so against tradition maybe this country should do away with any and all celebrations on the 4th of July after all that's a tradition of honoring those who declared our independence and formed this country.

Our youth unless mommy and daddy give them a company to run will be working for other people and will have to follow traditions and protocols each company has so it's good for them to learn early to be respectful of traditions and rules. If when they grow up and decide they want to buck the system and traditions they're free to do it but like most that do, they'll find a lot of resistance to that and won't win many friends doing it.
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So what the heck does any of that have to do with TO, what has he done to make you think he is or isn’t a model citizen.

You're conflating the two points in our conversation. I never claimed or implied an opinion on him
being a model citizen. That term was directed as an opposition to your "let them be themselves"
so-called approach towards 14-17 year olds.
Oh wow you got 3 out of 310 HOF'ers that you use as an example.

One murdered his wife and a thief and held people at gunpoint and did a decade in prison - still an invitee
One is a man who obstructed justice for his murdering buddies - will be a first ballot HOF
One is a man that most likely got away with murder - HOF

.....but you guys are upset that someone wasn't a team player even though he is, by all other accounts, a top 3 WR in nearly every category.

The HOF is obviously tainted and TO is not even remotely close to anything you're whining like a little girl about. Big ego in a sport driven by egos made you very upset?

His "peers" are upset? THEY ARE GOING TO BE NEXT TO A MAN WHO HID EVIDENCE CONNECTED TO A MURDER. Which should they be upset about?

TO has no obligation to meet their petty demands. You know what the NFL and the former players SHOULD be worried about? The integrity of their league and who they put in the HOF, because apparently, they do factor in attitude.

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