Twitter: 7/21/21 Cowboys Tweets


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Jerry is an emotional mess today. Not sure I've seen him this emotional before...


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It's precisely this inability to be objective about his team that has contributed to the team being middling at best for 25 years. The GM needs to be the biggest cynic in the building, not the biggest optimist.

Come on man. Everyone knows that if you just stay positive and want something bad enough. It will happen.

That’s how the world works.


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I wouldn't call Jerry naive. Naive implies an innocent ignorance of reality. Jerry is not that. His ignorance comes from hubris. He is convinced of his football IQ to the point where he is no longer objective about his team or his players.

He calls pragmatism skepticism. I understand being optimistic allows people to take risks that pay off for them. I am sure that's how Jerry got rich. But in football it's different. The competition lines up and fights you in the trenches. It's his optimism against his opponents pragmatism. In the NFL or any sport, you can't settle for what you have because everyone else is trying to get better. There is an old expression, "if you are standing still you are going backwards".

I also find is disheartening that Jerry thinks he needs one Charles Haley to get to the Super Bowl. He still doesn't get it. If takes 22 guys to win a Super Bowl. Charles Haley was a star player but there were a bunch of stars on that team and an outstanding head coach too.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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In this case, we have a right to complain. In the end it's the fans who pay. The higher the player salaries are, the higher the ticket prices, merchandise, etc...

None of those prices are set by the players. Ownership is raking in the money and there's a cap on player salaries.

Your angst is misdirected.