99 Years In Prison For 16th DWI

urface59;3894565 said:
I gotta dwi once. So uhhh should I just go ahead and kill myself now since I'm such twisted evil human being?

Kill yourself? No. But yes, in my opinion you should be serving serious hard time, you clearly have no respect for anyone on the road. Your ability to go out and have a good time without the inconvenience of arranging transportation clearly trumps the safety of others.
Cajuncowboy;3894581 said:
You certainly should have went to jail.

Luckily for me you were not the judge I had. Not only did I not go to jail but I also kept my license and got the charge reduced to reckless driving. Take that MADD!
anyone that claims speeding is worse than drunken driving is someone who really does not get it.

How many drive 30+ over the speed limit vs how many drive drunk?

Then how many of those that drive 30+ over the speed limit kill or injure someone vs a drunk driver.

Actually first time DUI you should get probation for 5 years. IF ANYTIME in those five years you get another DUI you do 5 years with no time off for good behavior. If after that you get another then its LIFE.
couchscout;3894583 said:
Kill yourself? No. But yes, in my opinion you should be serving serious hard time, you clearly have no respect for anyone on the road. Your ability to go out and have a good time without the inconvenience of arranging transportation clearly trumps the safety of others.
Well crap...
urface59;3894585 said:
Luckily for me you were not the judge I had. Not only did I not go to jail but I also kept my license and got the charge reduced to reckless driving. Take that MADD!

That's the kind of attitude that makes me say you should be locked up. You don't give a crap about other people. It's all about you and you getting to drink and drive.

Maybe one day you won't have to kill yourself when you are sober. You might do it when you are drunk. I just hope you don't take someone else out with you when you do.
burmafrd;3894587 said:
anyone that claims speeding is worse than drunken driving is someone who really does not get it.

How many drive 30+ over the speed limit vs how many drive drunk?

Then how many of those that drive 30+ over the speed limit kill or injure someone vs a drunk driver.

Actually first time DUI you should get probation for 5 years. IF ANYTIME in those five years you get another DUI you do 5 years with no time off for good behavior. If after that you get another then its LIFE.

I'd be ok with your plan. It's pretty solid, my main thing is mostly that I want people to be scared to drive drunk. I wish it was like NYC's gun rule, its automatic. If you're convicted, thats what you get, there is no plea bargaining, or any of that other nonsense.
Come to Arizona and get a DUI, you do go to jail for the first offense.

First Offense Impaired to the Slightest Degree or BAC above .080

Jail: Range of 10 to 180 days in jail. Minimum of 10 consecutive days in jail. The court may suspend 9 of the 10 days if you agree to get an alcohol and/or drug evaluation, and submit to treatment.
Fines & Costs:
Aproximatey $1,800.00, plus jail costs. The more jail time that is imposed, the greater the cost.
The MVD will suspend your drivers' license for 90 days. You may be elibible for a work/school permit after the first 30 days of the suspension.
If convicted you must get a substance abuse evaluation and comply with any recommendation or be subject to additional jail time.
You may be placed on probation for up to five years.
Community Service:
The court may order you to perform community service in addition to any other penalty imposed.
MADD Victims' Impact Panel:
The court may order you to attend one or more sessions of the Mothers Against Drunk Driving Victims Impact Panel.
Ignition Interlock Device:
Required for 12 months.

Second Offense Impaired to the Slightest Degree or BAC above .080

Range of 90 to 180 days in jail. Minimum of 90 consecutive days in jail. The court may suspend 60 of the 90 days in jail if you successfully complete all recommended treatment and counseling.
Fines & Costs:
Aproximately $3,500.00 in fines and costs, plus jail costs. The more jail time imposed the greater the additional costs. NOTE: Jail costs can amount to thousands of dollars in addition to the fines and costs.
Your drivers' license will be revoked for one year. Reinstatement of license is not automatic. You are not eligible for a work permit during the period of revocation.
If convicted you must get a substance abuse evaluation and comply with any recommendation or be subject to additional jail time.
You may be placed on probation for up to five years.
Community Service:
The court must impose a minimum of 30 hours of community service in addition to any other fine imposed.
MADD Victims' Impact Panel:
The court may order you to attend one or more sessions of the Mothers Against Drunk Driving Victims Impact Panel.
Ignition Interlock Device:
Required for 12 months after license reinstatement.
What's the point of life in prison?

Just shoot in him the face and toss him in a dumpster save everyone some money.
burmafrd;3894587 said:
anyone that claims speeding is worse than drunken driving is someone who really does not get it.

How many drive 30+ over the speed limit vs how many drive drunk?

Then how many of those that drive 30+ over the speed limit kill or injure someone vs a drunk driver.

Actually first time DUI you should get probation for 5 years. IF ANYTIME in those five years you get another DUI you do 5 years with no time off for good behavior. If after that you get another then its LIFE.

That seems like a pretty solid plan. Even so, it is difficult to cover all cases. Not every instance is at the same level. One first time offender could be just over the legal limit and they were caught when they were stopped at a mandatory check point. Another first time offender could be way past the legal limit and all over the highway and running through traffic signals. You can't tell me that both things are equal. The second person deserves a little more punishment.

There are people out there that will learn their lesson if faced with probation or a suspended license. Hell, there will be some people who will change their ways after given a warning by a cop. Unfortunately, there are also people out there that won't learn no matter how much punishment or jail time they serve. Then we have a case like this where clearly this guy got very little if any punishment after his first 15 offenses.
I usually volunteer to be the designated driver. Many establishments provide free non-alcoholic beverages as long as you clearly identify yourself as the DD. I've seen tavern owners take away a guys keys and call him a cab. I find, at my age, that I don't need to get a buzz on to have fun. I have had to pack out a few bodies from some events. Thankfully, that's rare. What is disturbing up here is that we've seen a recent poll that shows people will admit to having had a few and then drive.

Repeat offenders would get no mercy from me. In El Salvador, the max penalty for drunk driving used to be firing squad. I don't know if that still applies, but it could be one heck of a deterent.
This is peripheral to the thread at hand, but I'd like to see more states have the same punishment if you're caught texting while driving as if you were drunk driving. It's probably more dangerous in most cases.
Doomsday101;3894399 said:
A friend of mine from work lost his 24 year old son a couple of weeks ago because of a drunk driver

I lost my father 15 years ago this may 22nd although he was the drunken one and thankfully (in an odd sense) no one else got hurt
Joshmvii;3895351 said:
This is peripheral to the thread at hand, but I'd like to see more states have the same punishment if you're caught texting while driving as if you were drunk driving. It's probably more dangerous in most cases.

I agree with this.

Als,o there are far more people texting while driving than driving drunk.
One solution that I have seen in Texas are sobriety checkpoints and "no-refusal" nights, meaning that if you refuse a breathalyzer test they automatically take you and get a warrant to draw your blood. If they had these a little more often than New Years and other big holidays I think they could be fairly successful in keeping drunk drivers off the roads.
I've read where studies show that texting or talking on a cellphone is as bad, if not worse than driving with a .08 count. Both are against the law, at least in NY.

If this is true, shouldn't the punishments be similar?

A little off topic but what the heck.

I get a little perturbed when I'm sitting still at a green light for 20 seconds because the flobnots ahead of me is texting.

I applaud couchscout and all of the other non-idiotic posters in this thread.

A few years ago my best friend's mom and dad were both killed by a drunk driver on Christmas Eve.

1 DWI should equal 1 year in prison

2 DWI's should equal a lifetime of hard labor in prison

And yes, I thinking texting while driving should hold similar punishments. If there were clear and strict rules against it then it would come to a screeching halt as well.....
I say just shoot them all

drug dealers
drug users that get caught

take a gun an kill them right there with out a trail

what the hell

the prison system it reforms no one - its a training school for crinimals
UnoDallas;3899323 said:
I say just shoot them all

drug dealers
drug users that get caught

take a gun an kill them right there with out a trail

what the hell

the prison system it reforms no one - its a training school for crinimals

What? These people aren't harming anyone.

Especially not the ******. They provide a much needed service.
My phone allows me to talk instead of text. It does it for me.

Not sure where I stand on the long prison terms for offenders as opposed to other crimes.

For example Marijuana is illegal and considered a class one narcotic. Yet it has been decrinimalized to the point of a 25 buck fine in some places. At the same time I have no idea why it is a class one drug to begin with.

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