A Bad Pattern

rcaldw said:
I want to address something that I've noticed on our board here that bothers me. It is a personal opinion and so I welcome comments both from those who disagree with me as well as those who agree. The only thing I would ask is that you give thoughtful responses to this, not just knee jerk smart alek answers.

I see articles posted, one featuring Dale Hansen for example, others featuring other writers or media types, that criticize Bill Parcells.

*They criticize him for not talking
*They criticize him for what they view to be some questionable draft picks

Immediately I see posters who jump to Parcell's defense, say that Hansen and others are stupid, jealous, just mad at Parcells and that these people don't speak for us. WE DON'T CARE, the thought goes, WHETHER PARCELLS EVER TALKS OR NOT. Or, HE WILL TALK WHEN HE IS GOOD AND READY, HE IS THE COACH.

I've got to say that I completely disagree with that mindset. Whether I like Dale Hansen or Randy Galloway or anyone who has been critical of Parcells is beside the point.


I believe they do.

*I think fans DO want to hear from our head coach and further more, I think the team owes it to its fans to let us hear from the head coach.

*I think the head coach DOES have to be accountable for the decisions that he is making both in the draft and on the field. I personally don't have any problem with this year's draft, except, once again, it is heavy, heavy on defense. And, when we go offense, we still look like Bill Parcells in that we go TE, and I think it should be clear to everyone that Parcells is living in his past with almost all of his decisions, once again trying to create what he did with the Giants. If he can get it done, I have no problem with that, but I DO THINK that it is worth questioning and worth him addressing.

So, in a nutshell, I just don't understand this immediate wrath upon anyone who questions Parcells, and I don't understand fans who think that the head coach of a professional football team, a team that supposedly cares about its fans and paying customers, doesn't have any obligation to ever speak to the media.

I don't care for the media either, but they are our only conduit for information.

Your opinion?

Anyone here that does not yell from the roof tops that el dorado is a god and we are winning a superbowl this year is not a fan, is stupid, should shrivel up and die. Any reporter that questions Parcells, says el dorado will be devisive, Wants to hear from Parcells yesterday or basically says anything in a negitive light is not a fan of the teams, is stupid and should shrivel up and die.

Right now a great many fans are star struck. they see the one person all cowboy fans should hate sign with us and forget 40 years of cowboys history and tradition. They think a WR will fix our Oline problems. That the one coach who professed to wanting 'character over characters' has no issues with el dorado and everythings in VR is honky dorry.

So when you see pple react to a Jen-jen article or Randy Galloway article in a negitive manner, remember that the person being attacked simply did not believe what the insulters believe and therefore are not a true fan of the boys, are stupid and should shrivel up and die.

Whats gunna be funny is in 1 year after el dorado destroys this club there wont be a single person here who really wanted him. Watch how they react to this post. Watch what happens over the year and how these pple change there tunes as the year rolls on and it becomes evident el dorado was the worst mistake Jones could have ever made.
bbgun said:
NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Not even close. We're not mindreaders, bp. Bill is not just any coach. The Cowboys aren't just any team. If Jerry and his flunkies can go on-the-record in a timely fashion, so can Bill. He certainly has the right to stonewall us, but I have the right to call him on his endless bullsh*t. I know who the villain is, and it ain't the press.

Wow! Do you own stock in the Cowboys? Oh, that's right, it's not on any stock market report. That means you are just a disgruntled fan who, for some reason, feels he/she is owed something.

Since when does a private company owe a private citizen anything. If you don't like what they are selling, don't buy it. There are plenty of others who can and will take your spot.

There is nothing that says BP has to address the media or you regarding his thoughts on TO. Would it be good business to do so? You bet. It's also good business to keep your customers on edge so they are constantly thinking about the product. BP's silence is case-in-point. Today's press conference might be the most anticipated PC since he got here.

Take some Prozac and relax. Everything will be okay.
Who cares what Parcells has to say...He Very Rarely says anything worth listening to anyway.

It's all I'm smarter than you...so shut up and don't bother me.

If I wanted to hear that crap...I'd listen to my Boss.:puke:
rcaldw said:
*They criticize him for not talking
*They criticize him for what they view to be some questionable draft picks

Immediately I see posters who jump to Parcell's defense, say that Hansen and others are stupid, jealous, just mad at Parcells and that these people don't speak for us. WE DON'T CARE, the thought goes, WHETHER PARCELLS EVER TALKS OR NOT. Or, HE WILL TALK WHEN HE IS GOOD AND READY, HE IS THE COACH.

I agree and disagree to some extent. First I love getting any and all info I can, but I don't appreciate the fact (in my mind) many guys that write these articles have a motive other than reporting the news or what they know. Some just hate Dallas and look for any reason to jump in and trash the Cowboys even if they know absolutely nothing.

I have no problem with questioning, but I do with using questions to add negative connotations to a situation just because they don't like Dallas. To stir the pot when needed is one thing and to stir the pot in hope of making trouble is another.

On BP not talking during the off season....I feel these head coaches work hard enough to deserve some time off and don't think them not wanting to use their time off to discuss the team is all that bad.

I also don't think it' a bad thing to not have people running off at the mouth all the time, the old military saying comes to mind "loose lips sink ships". Some control of what is said by different people that are part of the team is probably smart.
My opinion is that Parcells has done this his entire head coaching career, so he's not going to change, people just need to get used to it. After all, this could very well be his last year. I hope not, but it could very well be.
ConcordCowboy said:
Who cares what Parcells has to say...He Very Rarely says anything worth listening to anyway.

It's all I'm smarter than you...so shut up and don't bother me.

If I wanted to hear that crap...I'd listen to my Boss.:puke:

LOL I thought that what wives were for :eek:
Ashwynn said:
Anyone here that does not yell from the roof tops that el dorado is a god and we are winning a superbowl this year is not a fan, is stupid, should shrivel up and die. Any reporter that questions Parcells, says el dorado will be devisive, Wants to hear from Parcells yesterday or basically says anything in a negitive light is not a fan of the teams, is stupid and should shrivel up and die.

Right now a great many fans are star struck. they see the one person all cowboy fans should hate sign with us and forget 40 years of cowboys history and tradition. They think a WR will fix our Oline problems. That the one coach who professed to wanting 'character over characters' has no issues with el dorado and everythings in VR is honky dorry.

So when you see pple react to a Jen-jen article or Randy Galloway article in a negitive manner, remember that the person being attacked simply did not believe what the insulters believe and therefore are not a true fan of the boys, are stupid and should shrivel up and die.

Whats gunna be funny is in 1 year after el dorado destroys this club there wont be a single person here who really wanted him. Watch how they react to this post. Watch what happens over the year and how these pple change there tunes as the year rolls on and it becomes evident el dorado was the worst mistake Jones could have ever made.

:scram:Whatever happened to you not following the team anymore, or whatever load of crap you claimed was going to happen if TO signed? Because we'd all certainly prefer that to this doom-and-gloom BS that you consistently feel the need to bless us with.

I guess taking a wait and see approach is too much to ask, huh? Everything is ALWAYS the same, there is no chance to change. Have fun with that narrow-minded view, hopefully your blind hatred will last you through the year, while the rest of us are hopefully enjoying a good season.
rcaldw said:
*I think fans DO want to hear from our head coach and further more, I think the team owes it to its fans to let us hear from the head coach.

I'm not saying the fans don't think it's neccessary that they hear from Parcells, some do, but...some don't, yet Dale and Randy and whoever are saying that the "fans" need to hear from Parcells, grouping us all together, which simply isn't true
superpunk said:
:scram:Whatever happened to you not following the team anymore, or whatever load of crap you claimed was going to happen if TO signed? Because we'd all certainly prefer that to this doom-and-gloom BS that you consistently feel the need to bless us with.

I guess taking a wait and see approach is too much to ask, huh? Everything is ALWAYS the same, there is no chance to change. Have fun with that narrow-minded view, hopefully your blind hatred will last you through the year, while the rest of us are hopefully enjoying a good season.

we should start calling him arsewynn :D
rcaldw said:
Great responses so far, and actually, I can at least see the point of view of most of them, even if I would slightly disagree. But this one is the point of view I just respectfully disagree with.

I think the head coach of a pro sports franchise, any sport, has to meet with the media. And I think he has to be there, not just after a game (which Parcells does), but also during key off season moments. Is there any other head coach who doesn't? Heck, even Bill Belichek (sp?) does it.

Parcells can think the questions are stupid all he wants (and we wouldn't disagree with him), but the way you handle that is to rephrase the question so that it isn't stupid, or give the answer that makes better sense.

I personally think that Parcells thinks too much of himself as a mind games player and in some instances hurts his team with it. That has nothing to do with media relations, but just as an aside, and I do think that he thinks he is pretty smart in not meeting with the media.

I am one of the fans that attends games and spends lots of money on cowboy memorbilia..... It doesn't bother me that Parcells doesn't hold a daily, weekly, monthly press conference during the offseason! Chances are he's not going to tell you much anyway! What can he tell us that we don't already know about the draft picks, TO, retiring, his weight loss.... IT's a LONG offseason and we'll hear from him soon enough..... Patience my friend!
1fisher said:
I am one of the fans that attends games and spends lots of money on cowboy memorbilia..... It doesn't bother me that Parcells doesn't hold a daily, weekly, monthly press conference during the offseason! Chances are he's not going to tell you much anyway! What can he tell us that we don't already know about the draft picks, TO, retiring, his weight loss.... IT's a LONG offseason and we'll hear from him soon enough..... Patience my friend!
Well said, great post!
ddh33 said:
Of course I want to know every single thing about this team, but I don't blame Bill for not wanting to talk to the reporters. They usually never ask the questions we really want to hear anyway. And their constant whining about Bill not talking only makes me understand Bill not talking more.

I agree regarding the "A Bad Pattern" thread, but ddh33 hit the nail on the head. The media and a handfull of posters can stir up more junk than you can shake a stick at. I want information, not wild imaginations and off the wall reading between the lines type comments. Media people are to write the news. If they are going to speculate let it be based upon some legitimate basis.

I grow weary with the media reporting "that Parcells didn't do this or that and that means there is a rift between Jerry and Bill, etc, etc." They had the man retired and out of here right after the season ended. They throw junk out there and then try to use it to coerice Bill to come forward and deny it. Bill seems to take the approach that he is not going to spend all of his time putting out fires the media started. While I would like more information from Bill, I do not disagree with his position of not being a puppet on a string to please the media.

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