A Female Passenger on Benson's Boat Called for Help

betrue00;2075706 said:
I'm 34 now, but I was pulled over a lot by cops when I was between the ages of 16 and about 25. Most of the times cops say people have a bad attitude when they are pulled over. But people don't understand that after getting pulled over and over again for the same bogus reason is why some people act this way. At the time i was in the Navy, I dressed like most teenagers did and had a car with chrome rims and some tint on the windows. The cops would pull me and give me some lame reason why(while most of the time they would call for back up). They would ask to search my car and run my license hoping to find something. Then they would let me go and tell my to have a good day. After a couple of times anybody would get upset being pulled when you know you have done nothing wrong.

Well Duh, it's bacause you bought Chrome when you should have gone alloy. If I were them I would pull you over too.
heavyg;2075739 said:
And just what were those bogus reasons? Are you sure they actually called for back up. I mean did you hear them call. Or could it be possible another unit decided to be nosey....lol Happens all the time.

One time a friend and I stopped at a restaurant to make a phone call. The cop followed me from the restaurant and pulled me over. Before he got out(I'm assuming he called backup because three more cop cars showed up). His reason for pulling me was because he said the manager at the restaurant told him I was harassing the girls that worked there. Also said the manager gave him my license plate number(Which were all lies). The reason he gave me for the back up was because he did not have his flash light. Basically they kept up for about 30 plus minutes before they let us go. I'm not one those people who think all cops are bad, but there where times where I have been scared, which I think some cops enjoyed it.
WoodysGirl;2075493 said:
Meanwhile, the paper reports that former Texas linebacker Aaron Harris also was on Benson’s boat,

With Aaron's track record, having him be any type of character-witness for you, would be like fighting a speeding ticket by, calling Tony Stewart to testify for your defense.

FWIW... Bread Pudding is my fav by a mile!!!
"LCRA police attempted to arrest Benson at that time but he refused to cooperate and was pepper sprayed."

I think this is going to turn out as a case of the police overreacting to the situation and employing excessive and unnecessary measures.

As anyone who has ever watched Benson run, he always goes down on first contact, no need to use pepper spray.;)
DallasCowpoke;2075881 said:
With Aaron's track record, having him be any type of character-witness for you, would be like fighting a speeding ticket by, calling Tony Stewart to testify for your defense.

FWIW... Bread Pudding is my fav by a mile!!!

Draegerman;2075954 said:
I think this is going to turn out as a case of the police overreacting to the situation and employing excessive and unnecessary measures.

As anyone who has ever watched Benson run, he always goes down on first contact, no need to use pepper spray.;)

Bob Sacamano;2075651 said:
it's more concrete than the evidence that he's black, so he must have been racially profiled

although it's not that far-fetched, I remember when I went to court, the only people charged w/ driving w/o a license were African-AMerican and Hispanic

And waaaaay more blacks get charged with crack cocaine than other groups.

It's called demographics.

Could be that those two groups you mentioned above for whatever reasons did not choose (or afford) to get a driver's license.

That's no indictment on those two groups. I think my Hispanic, black and Latvian friends would back me up on that.
GimmeTheBall!;2075968 said:
And waaaaay more blacks get charged with crack cocaine than other groups.

It's called demographics.

Could be that those two groups you mentioned above for whatever reasons did not choose (or afford) to get a driver's license.

That's no indictment on those two groups. I think my Hispanic, black and Latvian friends would back me up on that.

yea thats true.
Maikeru-sama;2075396 said:

Just what we need, more generalities and sterotypes.

Just what we need, more sighers. Where's the jerk off emoticon??:stupid:
Me getting very bored with this, so I will politely bow out and leave those who desire to continue this to their vices. Nice run on the thread....that's actually more interesting than Cedric Benson any day of the week.
Actually Roger Goodell put player punishment for off the field incidents, above that of Police Officer punishment, for some of the exact same behavior.

What does the NFL expect?

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