A simple message for Cowboys players working on their personal brand


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Here’s the message: When the team wins, so does your brand. Nothing sells YOU like being on team that wins a bunch of playoff games. The social media profile or podcast of a champion always gets more eyeballs and cash.

I have no problem with any player being on social media, having a podcast, putting themselves out there through advertising. They should take advantage of their profitability while they can. But nothing sells like winning a championship.


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It been said since I can remember that a team takes on the personality of its head coach.

In this case thats Jerry Jones per his design. I don’t at all ever expect any player that comes here to put winning over their brand, even if they felt that way before they were drafted.

They learn quickly that on the field success doesn’t much matter. You’re a Dallas Cowboy….you’ve already won.

It’s going to take some major happenings for that to ever change.


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Here’s the message: When the team wins, so does your brand. Nothing sells YOU like being on team that wins a bunch of playoff games. The social media profile or podcast of a champion always gets more eyeballs and cash.

I have no problem with any player being on social media, having a podcast, putting themselves out there through advertising. They should take advantage of their profitability while they can. But nothing sells like winning a championship.
Agree 100%, so our players may as well focus on their brand cause we ain’t winning playoff games this year. The off season has been so underwhelming.


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Here’s the message: When the team wins, so does your brand. Nothing sells YOU like being on team that wins a bunch of playoff games. The social media profile or podcast of a champion always gets more eyeballs and cash.

I have no problem with any player being on social media, having a podcast, putting themselves out there through advertising. They should take advantage of their profitability while they can. But nothing sells like winning a championship.
I hear ya but that's like telling teenage boys to stop thinking about girls.

These guys practically live in social media. Superbowl wins are nice n all but clicks and likes are their daily business.


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...Bullet, these kids dont get it. Getting ratings and likes is about the same as making playoffs.

Perhaps only Mahomes gets it. That's probably on his good parenting.
The majority of players in the NFL and NFL have a 45% chance of growing up in a single parent household......this is where many values are instilled.

Right, wrong or indifferent, these are the numbers.

The "Village" ain't working.


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My only interest is that a player contributes to winning and that the team wins.
If anything a player does distracts from either, the player is useless to me.


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My only interest is that a player contributes to winning and that the team wins.
If anything a player does distracts from either, the player is useless to me.
Agree 100%

The Lakers are putting up with the major distraction caused by their "star" player. They hired a HC with zero experience and drafted a dud in the 2nd round because of his daddy running the show.

Much like our Cowboys, the owner cares more about "media relevance" rather than fielding a roster that can win a championship.

The owners actually love having these media darlings on their team.


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Here’s the message: When the team wins, so does your brand. Nothing sells YOU like being on team that wins a bunch of playoff games. The social media profile or podcast of a champion always gets more eyeballs and cash.

I have no problem with any player being on social media, having a podcast, putting themselves out there through advertising. They should take advantage of their profitability while they can. But nothing sells like winning a championship.
I think the players also understand that they have to continue to improve their lives because their GM isn’t serious about winning.


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I hear ya but that's like telling teenage boys to stop thinking about girls.

These guys practically live in social media. Superbowl wins are nice n all but clicks and likes are their daily business.
Then maybe they should quit the NFL and focus on their true passion.


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Here’s the message: When the team wins, so does your brand. Nothing sells YOU like being on team that wins a bunch of playoff games. The social media profile or podcast of a champion always gets more eyeballs and cash.

I have no problem with any player being on social media, having a podcast, putting themselves out there through advertising. They should take advantage of their profitability while they can. But nothing sells like winning a championship.
lol they work for Jerry Jones. What do you expect?


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Agree 100%

The Lakers are putting up with the major distraction caused by their "star" player. They hired a HC with zero experience and drafted a dud in the 2nd round because of his daddy running the show.

Much like our Cowboys, the owner cares more about "media relevance" rather than fielding a roster that can win a championship.

The owners actually love having these media darlings on their team.
James is currently in the process of JerryJonesing the Lakers.


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...Bullet, these kids dont get it. Getting ratings and likes is about the same as making playoffs.

Perhaps only Mahomes gets it. That's probably on his good parenting.
Maybe, maybe not. Some people are just wired to hate losing and want to win no matter what. They'll fight and claw their way to victory. I didn't see any of that against Green Bay from the Cowboys.


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...Bullet, these kids dont get it. Getting ratings and likes is about the same as making playoffs.

Perhaps only Mahomes gets it. That's probably on his good parenting.
You are equating parenting to winning a SB lol? Micah had bad parents because he’s focused on branding himself?


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Agree 100%

The Lakers are putting up with the major distraction caused by their "star" player. They hired a HC with zero experience and drafted a dud in the 2nd round because of his daddy running the show.

Much like our Cowboys, the owner cares more about "media relevance" rather than fielding a roster that can win a championship.

The owners actually love having these media darlings on their team.
That star player made the Lakers champions.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
...Bullet, these kids dont get it. Getting ratings and likes is about the same as making playoffs.

Perhaps only Mahomes gets it. That's probably on his good parenting.
Prax, I think most young people today are just like they have always been. Only the world around us has changed that much. I remember people telling my generation we were lazy slackers, etc. It happens to every generation. There are as many outstanding young people today as there have always been IMO)

I do think the additions of social media and personal branding have incentivized young athletes to get themselves more out there to be noticed. This generation has grown up with social media being a huge part of their lives. It’s just normal life to them.


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Here’s the message: When the team wins, so does your brand. Nothing sells YOU like being on team that wins a bunch of playoff games. The social media profile or podcast of a champion always gets more eyeballs and cash.

I have no problem with any player being on social media, having a podcast, putting themselves out there through advertising. They should take advantage of their profitability while they can. But nothing sells like winning a championship.
Actually you maybe wrong. Jerry has proven you don't have to win anything and still be the top brand. It's all about perception.


Well-Known Member
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The majority of players in the NFL and NFL have a 45% chance of growing up in a single parent household......this is where many values are instilled.

Right, wrong or indifferent, these are the numbers.

The "Village" ain't working.
I just find it funny you guys are determining who has values and who doesn’t because of upbringing. Also a lot of the star players I know came from two parent households….Jalen Hurts, Lamb, Saquon, Micah, TJ, Mahomes, Kelce…