A strange atmosphere for Thursday night's game


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Checked stubhub today. Tickets cheap!! Thought about taking Thursday and Friday off and driving down. Ive never been. But 761 miles is a long drive.


Fattening up
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Sure thing!

You make sure to scold everybody now!

OMG, please don't start this silliness up again, stash. You're entitled to your own take on priorities, and I'm entitled to mine.

And quit being so thin-skinned about being 'scolded.' If I threw a shoe every time I got scolded around here, there'd be nothing but shoes flying around.

You wanna make a 'Go Skins!' post and explain to everybody how that makes you a Cowboys fan at heart, knock yourself out.


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OMG, please don't start this silliness up again, stash. You're entitled to your own take on priorities, and I'm entitled to mine.

And if you think that what you did was "giving your take", you're truly clueless.

And quit being so thin-skinned about being 'scolded.' If I threw a shoe every time I got scolded around here, there'd be nothing but shoes flying around.

You wanna make a 'Go Skins!' post and explain to everybody how that makes you a Cowboys fan at heart, knock yourself out.

I don't need to, but I also don't need to throw a condescending post out there at anyone who doesn't think the same way that I do.

If people need a perfect example of how things quickly get hostile around here, they need look no further than at your "contribution" to this thread.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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It's a sign of how twisted your priorities are if you're a Cowboys fan rooting for the Commanders to beat the Cowboys. Any convoluted logic to the contrary is nonsense.

Or the human condition in it's basic concept of abject failure. Jerry and Jason created this, now we're living with it.

They have found the straw that broke the camel's back.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Great movie, the remake that is.
Been so long since I seen the original, can't remember if it followed the same story line. LOL.
Funny. I vaguely remember a tv movie about the Mohicans but I do not remember the original at all. I am getting old. :(


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Checked stubhub today. Tickets cheap!! Thought about taking Thursday and Friday off and driving down. Ive never been. But 761 miles is a long drive.

I did not check the prices but I bet they are way less than when we bought tickets a couple months ago!


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Yeah, I'm quoting myself

So looking that game up I realized we had some real clunkers back in 2001, 2 and 3. In 2001 we had games with scores like 6 - 10, 9 - 7, 3 - 36, 3 - 29, 10 - 17 and 10 - 15 - and I was perpetually optimistic then. I guess it's because we were only 4 years removed from a Superbowl and it felt like we just deserved to be in the hunt. I remember looking at the schedule for 2002 and 2003 and figuring we'd have to go at least 10 - 6, it seemed like we should win every game.

How times have changed.

The 9-7 game was 2000 where Ebeneezer Ekuban dragged Jeff George like sack of potatoes after a sack where no Skin stood up for George and the refs didn't call anything when they clearly should have. Awesome. Dennis Miller and Fouts were on fire that game.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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It is the regular season

A fan's team is in a losing streak.

Fan says, "The one thing good about losing is getting a better draft slot!"

Team continues to lose.

Fan gets more excited with each loss.

Season ends.

Months pass.

Fan is elated when he or she sees Goodell step up to the podium and thinks, "There is NO way Jerry will mess this up!"

Goodell says, "The Dallas Cowboys select..."

Fan says, "What the heck just happened?????????????????????????"

Losing. It is a cure all.


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I'm torn on this. Long term, it's definitely better to lose, and to in fact, get blown out. Better draft position, and a greater chance Jerry is forced to make a Parcells-like change. However, stinking that bad would mean that Prescott continues to stink, which would mean we'd not only need a new coaching staff and organizational philosophy, but a new quarterback. That's real NFL wilderness there. We got damn lucky with Romo and it seemed we'd gotten lucky with Prescott as well. I have no desire to relive the post-Troy, pre-Tony years.


Fattening up
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And if you think that what you did was "giving your take", you're truly clueless.

I don't need to, but I also don't need to throw a condescending post out there at anyone who doesn't think the same way that I do.

If people need a perfect example of how things quickly get hostile around here, they need look no further than at your "contribution" to this thread.

"This sucks!!! Change it!!!"

I think you're right that a common issue with the tone on Cowboys boards is too many people coming out in favor of rooting for the Cowboys when they play the Commanders, and not enough good pro-Washington "contributions" from fans who have their heads on straight and aren't wearing blue and silver glasses.


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It's a sign of how twisted your priorities are if you're a Cowboys fan rooting for the Commanders to beat the Cowboys. Any convoluted logic to the contrary is nonsense.

As a fan, nothing is more important to me than rooting for what's best for the Cowboys (either in the short or long term). We can debate all day long what's best for the team and come to different conclusions, but if I come to the conclusion that we clearly cannot make the playoffs and for draft position and potential coach firing purposes it's better to lose as many games as possible, I do not think that makes me any less of a fan.

It sucks to lose, but the season is already lost. It's more important to eye the long game IMO.


Fattening up
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There’s nothing convoluted about a better draft position vs a meaningless win.

Except what if it doesn't affect draft position? Or if it does, and they blow the pick because of the way the board broke that they wouldn't have otherwise?

If it were possible to know what the effect on draft position actually is, this would be a more convincing point. As it is, it's really just a rationalization for rooting for the Washington Commanders when they play the Cowboys...before the postseason has even been decided, no less.


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As a fan, nothing is more important to me than rooting for what's best for the Cowboys (either in the short or long term). We can debate all day long what's best for the team and come to different conclusions, but if I come to the conclusion that we clearly cannot make the playoffs and for draft position and potential coach firing purposes it's better to lose as many games as possible, I do not think that makes me any less of a fan.

It sucks to lose, but the season is already lost. It's more important to eye the long game IMO.

It's been 22 years, how long exactly is this game?

To phrase it in a slightly less smartassed way, what really makes you believe things are going to be better next year if we lose now? We've had some pretty dismal seasons and there has been no payoff for them, just more futility.

Are we all just trying to outlive Jerry at this point?