A Touch of Hostility... Cowboys 2011 Draft


The Duke
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I've been watching Bruce Carter highlights for the last hour. I gotta tell you that North Carolina's blue uniforms with the white pants are really awesome looking.

Oh yeah, and he looks amazing flying around the football field.

Az Lurker

The Lurker
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Great write up Hostile, I was looking forward to reading what your take on the draft was.


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Hostile;3938853 said:
Some people may disagree with me on this, but I really liked the Draft coming before Free Agency. I think it provided us more reason not to reach for Draft picks. Usually after Free Agency you know exactly which holes are left and you focus your draft there. This way we instead focus Free Agency on the holes left by the Draft, and if we had by chance filled the holes we can save the money it costs and possibly have more chances at Compensatory picks for guys we lose if any qualify.

It is purely a strategic preference for me, but I do prefer it.

I absolutley agree with this as well. Move the draft up to mid-march get rid of all those redundant pro days (hey that's what the combines for) and start free agency the following monday or something like this.[/quote]

I started a thread during the draft pertaining to this thought. But it didn't go anywhere.

I think with no FA period, this makes them more accountable and focused on having a very good draft. To get better...period...and no stupid trade downs, being cute, moving around, being the newsmakers. Just get good value when you pick, and that is what they did.

I have my own opinions and thoughts, as we all do. But overall, It was very good. They know much better than I do, so next step. The CBA, the FA.

I'm just ready fr some football!!!


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Hostile;3939144 said:
I actually think it would be less because teams would focus harder in the draft on needs than ever.

Teams will draft BPA available more than ever, because they know if they still have holes after the draft they can go get those needs via free agency. Its the opposite now, teams use the draft to fill holes they didnt take care of in free agency, and they end up reaching more.

Stephen Jones even said as much last week before the draft. The new set up encourages teams to get back to drafting the best players available.

The only reason it might not have happened more this yr is because nobody knows when, or even if free agency is going to start, or what players will actually be free agents when it does start. That wont be the case in future years.

I like it this way, I hope they move the draft up some and start free agency after the draft is complete.


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Bleu Star;3938878 said:
At the end of the day, it appears to have been a very blue collar type draft. I'm excited about the type of player we're bringing in and can actually say I agreed with every single one of your points. Rob & Red together will uplift this team to even greater heights and the infusion of young talent will push the vets to step up their games or step aside.

Interesting note... On my way in to work today, I noticed I had missed a call yesterday. Upon checking the voicemail, I was informed by an old buddy from HS that Tyron Smith grew up in the same town as me (Moreno Valley, CA). His family's house is 4 houses down from my very excited friend on the same street. My friend went on to say that we nabbed a high character all around great guy with the 1st round pick. Apparently Tyron worked with his parents for some years as they hustled to keep a cleaning business going. He was working with them right up until the draft. I'm guessing that cleaning business might not be around for much longer. ;)

The call started with "Aren't you a Cowboys fan" and just got better from there.
I liked how you put it, blue-collar.

Every now and then, you just have to go in and not get sexy or cute, and just get guys who are somewhat invisible, but you wonder why your offense and defense is running fluidly, and it's because of the type of guys like the ones we drafted this year.

I say well done to Jerry Jones, his scouting department and Garrett. At the end of the day, we'll still need to get some free agents, and I still think we're a couple of years away, but we need to at least be very very competitive and make the playoffs.

Yakuza Rich

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I was thinking about the draft being before Free Agency.

Personally, I think if the NFL is going to change something, it should be for a good reason. Obviously, this year is a different case. But in the future, I just think if it's not broke...don't fix it. We've had too much of Goodell and company doing that lately.

I *think* that it would probably benefit teams that are more willing to spend on FA if they did change that. That way they know their needs better and know where they stand in FA.

Still though, if ain't broke, don't fix it. I think the change would benefit teams like the Cowboys, but we have little idea if it would benefit the league.



The Duke
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Yakuza Rich;3939336 said:
I was thinking about the draft being before Free Agency.

Personally, I think if the NFL is going to change something, it should be for a good reason. Obviously, this year is a different case. But in the future, I just think if it's not broke...don't fix it. We've had too much of Goodell and company doing that lately.

I *think* that it would probably benefit teams that are more willing to spend on FA if they did change that. That way they know their needs better and know where they stand in FA.

Still though, if ain't broke, don't fix it. I think the change would benefit teams like the Cowboys, but we have little idea if it would benefit the league.
Right now, it's broken and we have no football.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Hostile;3938853 said:
Some people may disagree with me on this, but I really liked the Draft coming before Free Agency. I think it provided us more reason not to reach for Draft picks. Usually after Free Agency you know exactly which holes are left and you focus your draft there. This way we instead focus Free Agency on the holes left by the Draft, and if we had by chance filled the holes we can save the money it costs and possibly have more chances at Compensatory picks for guys we lose if any qualify.

It is purely a strategic preference for me, but I do prefer it.

I'm on board with your entire post except the first part. While strategically it might be sound, I think it will also dramatically increase FA values. I think most teams look at FAs, but if they think they are over price, look to the draft instead. With the draft gone, players that are in short supply and several teams having needs, will cause their price to go up. Teams won't have the option of looking at the draft if a bidding war flares up.

The good thing that I do see is this draft was Dline heavy and we have what three FA Dline? If the draft was short on Dline and we had three FA Dline, it could have gotten ugly price wise. Especially considering we didn't draft any.

There wasn't a lot of high quality secondary players in this draft. (Rahim Moore is not a quality safety) If we do release Newman, he will probably land another gig for big money and anyone we want to sign will probably go for high dollar too. (Nnamdi, Huff, etc) Yes, even Huff who isn't that great a safety, but is the best on the market. I'm sure he might give the Cowboys a discount, but he won't walk away from a huge contract somewhere else.


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I agree that having the draft before free agency resulted in more of a BPA approach. There seemed to be fewer reaches in this draft, other than QB, compared to most years.

This BPA approach probably hurt Dallas this year. They had to be hoping that a Watkins, Wilkerson, Heyward or A Williams dropped to them (or at least got within trade up range) at 40. Unfortunately, this didn't happen since teams for the most part weren't reaching for players at the end of round one.

I was not thrilled with any of our available options at 40. They made the best of a bad situation there by taking a player with first round talent but with the injury issue.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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I'm with David. Some players will benefit in any one year, some will not, but in the end the pool of players is the same and it's all the same.

I have no idea why the draft first would lead to BPA when, unlike with having FA first, your holes haven't been filled yet. You don't *know* that you can fill holes with FAs, because there might not be enough FAs out there at any one position to go around.

Plus, in FA you have years of NFL tape to know what you're getting. You can't expect, say, a third round corner to start and be any good his rookie year.

And Jerry was adamant that the draft wasn't any different this year than last. In each case they stuck to their board.


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Yakuza Rich;3939336 said:
I *think* that it would probably benefit teams that are more willing to spend on FA if they did change that. That way they know their needs better and know where they stand in FA.

Still though, if ain't broke, don't fix it. I think the change would benefit teams like the Cowboys, but we have little idea if it would benefit the league.

nyc;3939363 said:
I'm on board with your entire post except the first part. While strategically it might be sound, I think it will also dramatically increase FA values. I think most teams look at FAs, but if they think they are over price, look to the draft instead. With the draft gone, players that are in short supply and several teams having needs, will cause their price to go up. Teams won't have the option of looking at the draft if a bidding war flares up.

Of course, I cosign with both of these. It is true though, it could benefit the Cowboys if we had the draft before free agency. It would make most teams go look at BPA more in the draft, and I think Jerry has a better draft when he does that. We would also have the means to go after the top FAs, who might get bidded up.

Right now, the teams that didn't get a QB in the draft that can play immediately will be more desperate to get one by trade or FA. You gotta see that Philly is now going to get a pretty pick for Kolb cause there are some desperate teams that have no choice. Seattle, Arizona, Washington, Bengals, and such, who are they going to get. Well they will all probably at least inquire about Kolb now and drive his trade value up.


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Hostile;3938853 said:
If Arkin can do that, and listening to him you think that is what he wants so bad his blood boils, then this was an outstanding pick. I knew nothing about him before the pick. I hope I can't stop raving about him around the time Camp gets here, and yes we will have football.

Care to elaborate on your new intel or at least your belief that football will be back in time for camp?

Any good news would be MUCH appreciated.


The Duke
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Nightshade;3939486 said:
Care to elaborate on your new intel or at least your belief that football will be back in time for camp?

Any good news would be MUCH appreciated.
It isn't new. Once this got to the courts I expected Judge Nelson to overturn the lockout.


I expected the owners to appeal the Judge's decision.


I expect the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold her injunction.


I expect the NFL to file further appeals.

I expect them to adopt the 2010 rules and play 2011 under them and we will go through this whole mess again next off season.

Once it hit the courts I knew we were in a full fledged stall. I never really expected a deal even when it went before a Federal mediator because the head of the NFLPA* is too anxious to win a court battle. We don't need a court battle but that is what he wants and for some reason people support him. I can't, don't, and won't.

The owners may be greedy jerks, but at least they want to negotiate a deal.


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Mr. (not Jerry) Jones;3939255 said:
Great write up Hostile, I was looking forward to reading what your take on the draft was.


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67CowboysFan;3938928 said:
I was thinking about that yesterday. Seems to make more sense. Draft what you can and fill in the gaps with free agents.

It's much easier to find and peg a veteran into a defined need, than it is to marry up with round specific picks for needs...especially since none of those players have adapted to the NFL yet.


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WoodysGirl;3939058 said:
They couldn't find one defensive lineman to draft tho? Booo...

That was the exact question asked by the new defensive line coach, to the Director of Scouting.

But here, one has to judge incoming talent on a two year view. Last season, the Cowboys brought in Lissimore and Brent, and they are just getting a foothold and represent the upcoming/'rook' part to this season....up to here. There still are undrafted free agents that will be added, and some of them were possible targets for the Cowboys towards the end of the draft as well.


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Another consideration on the draft before free agency issue. This season was somewhat askewed from the none cap year of last season. There still remains some issues involving when a player, in the future, becomes non-restricted. Also the issue of being tagged by his present team as well.

This season, there is a huge pool of potential free agents to plan about. At a later time, this could well yield a view of lesser available players to slot, and could again place a strain in the draft to cover the needed position.

This draft, the Cowboys stuck to their guns and took best player available, and over time and with depth, that will prove out.

The draft, although, still favors a team such as New England, who weathers the storm on 'need,' and comes up with enough stockpiled picks to be flexible and able to dominate in a buyer's market, every season now. They are more able to pick for need than most teams.

This year, the Patriots still need a pass rusher and deep receiving threat...so we shall see how they approach free agency as well.


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I'll add my star clusters to those already filling the sky above. Nice and football comments on the draft. Thanks.:starspin

There are several things that turn the key on my front door here.

I very much like the aspect where player skills seem well in place with the reason for a player's selection. There is gambling with lower round selections, and for a general reason. But there seems to be a defineable high end quality to this group of selected players. I just don't get the sense that any of these players would be comfortable in a Tensil Town atmosphere.

My deepest pride, on principal, was that there is a very defineable characteristic in this entire group of players. They are a clean group as to motivations and character issues. They are a real group of football players and will bring concepts of team right with them into camp.

From the ending days of Troy Aikman, until today, I felt that the mental toughness to fight it out on the field was the largest missing element in Cowboy football. The heart went out of the window after the Dynasty's group started to fall apart.

To my horror, this was a continued bone of contention by myself, until now. The 'heart' wasn't going onto the carpet. I had hoped that when Bill Parcells was brought into the picture, that this would have changed in Dallas. That was not yet to be what occurred.

Three seasons ago, Jerry started to clean up those elements from his team. He let players such as Tank, Pac Man, and TO find their own places at another Zip Code.

There was a churn also, to a large group of young players and developmental in nature. The eye here, was to build a stronger base of depth to fill and create more ability to maneuver for future changes.

But this draft, one can see strong features being added. Some of the prominent ones, you touched upon already. I love the integrity involved with aggressive, physical, dynamic, and fast being added all over the field.

This group is in deed, HUNGRY. I like that a lot.

They as a group are disciplined, and that is just what the Doctor ordered.

They have a collective base to be developed up by good coaching and the backdrop that the present Valley Ranch will provide. They are a very good and durable addition to the team.

Now, Jason Garrett and Rob Ryan are key. The discipline that they now add to the team mix, and their motivational abilities, will fuel the dedication that a 'clean' start will add.

I'm excited as a fan. Long time suffering, but the feeling is now back in a Cowboy Camp.

It appears that, despite future weatherings, the leadership has it back together now.

This fan is appreciate...as well of your comments, Hos.


The Duke
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Probably not relevant to anyone but me, but on the Cowboys Lunch Break Show the hosts mentioned watching film of David Arkin and being amazed that they saw what Jason Garrett was saying about how he finishes every block.