While I can certainly appreciate yer' geosynchronous and gradually decaying state of low orbit
thought on this matter my friend, that #9 guy is tougher than Wang leather,,,that's right Wally!!!,WANG LEATHER
Should he hang his "guts out on a corner fence post" while playing?,,, it's what got him hurt more often than going ' turtle mode' like Eli and even
BRADY for that matter!
Yet, my fellow football fan face of pure fanaticism,,,it was precisely the ' hi- octane' casing-liner of #9 that warranted his league wide blind eye of vindictive and non called hits,bangs,stomps and just down right unpampered treatment he received as compared to the ABOVE mentioned casing-liner's!
#4 should expect the same treatment as the #9 received in the future and play a little smarter.