The fashion police (aka snobs) are out ticketing A&F shirts. I like their stuff. T-shirts, sweatshirts, casual work shirts. What more do you want at a decent price?
Speaking of shirts, I felt bad for Polo when Casey Anthony was photographed in one of their shirts right after the trial (or some time close to the verdict). In hindsight, I'm sure Polo would have given her money to not wear their stuff.
And speaking of T-shirts, I recently saw two kids about 10 and 12 yrs old with matching shirts that said "I got my crabs at Dirty Dick's (or something to that effect). They were with their parents. No doubt the parents bought those shirts. What kind of parent buys that kind of shirt for their kids?
And how about those grown-up men wearing some T-shirt with a big Johnson reference. How do their wives let them wear that in public with their children right next to them?
And then some golf-loving guy sitting near me on an airplane had a T-shirt that said "Your hole is my Goal." Although, I guess that ain't too bad from the stuff that I have been seeing a lot of stuff people wear on airplanes. When did pajamas and slippers become acceptable attire for flying?