Actors known for three roles

I'd love to put up 3 John Wayne films as being "Role" films... But the fact is John Wayne played the same role in every film and his life was a "role".
BTW, I agree. I tried to think of 3 roles that fit the category, and I couldn't really separate them enough to list him............but he's still The Duke!!
Paul Newman

Cool Hand Luke
The Hustler
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

All great movies, and Newman’s character is referenced in the title of each, making him even more identifiable with the character.

I actually preferred Hombre to Cassidy but he's certainly better known as Butch.
Gene Wilder:

Willy Wonka
Blazing Saddles
Young Frankenstein
Stir Crazy

I couldn't reduce it to 3.
Sean Connery:

Various James Bond films
The Untouchables
The Hunt For Red October
Jimmy Stewart:

Mr Smith Goes To Washington
It's a Wonderful Life
Rear Window
BTW, I agree. I tried to think of 3 roles that fit the category, and I couldn't really separate them enough to list him............but he's still The Duke!!

I went through that same process in my head, and reached the same conclusion. Rooster Cogburn might apply, but he wasn’t even one of my favorite John Wayne characters.
posted this earlier in the best attempt for The Duke:
•Sgt.Stryker-sands of iwo jima
•Uncle Ethan-the searchers
•Rooster Cogburn-true grit,rooster cogburn
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Eddie Murphy
Plays more than 3 roles in:
Coming To America
The Nutty Professor

Peter Sellers
Dr Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

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