ADAM How many Sacks did Petitti give up compared

Hiero said:
alex barron is a much better player imo.

Um, duh? Barron was at one point projected as top 5 talent in last years' draft. Pettiti wasn't even on most teams' radar screens.
parchy said:
Um, duh? Barron was at one point projected as top 5 talent in last years' draft. Pettiti wasn't even on most teams' radar screens.
Sporting news ranked Rob as the 11th best T last draft projected in the 4th round.

Him switching sides IMO was a big factor in his play...
jksmith269 said:
Sporting news ranked Rob as the 11th best T last draft projected in the 4th round.

Him switching sides IMO was a big factor in his play...

And he dropped to the sixth round because he fell off of most teams' radar screens...
parchy said:
And he dropped to the sixth round because he fell off of most teams' radar screens...
No he droped to the sixth because he didn't show the will to stay in shape and foot injuries. BP put a fire under him and he did everything asked I just hope he improves with the offseason workouts.
jksmith269 said:
No he droped to the sixth because he didn't show the will to stay in shape and foot injuries. BP put a fire under him and he did everything asked I just hope he improves with the offseason workouts.

Yes, and when you don't perform well you fall off the radar. No matter how it happened, Pettiti fell because he wasn't valued to be that great, and the Cowboys proved them all right this year.
Thanks Adam. Is there any way to tell if the holding penalties were on passing plays or running plays?

I still have a lot of hope for Pettiti. I think a big reason is that he "hit a wall". I think most didn't understand how banged up he was in the last quarter of the year but there was simply no one else to put in, plus he spent between the draft and camp trying to get into shape. What did he end up losing, 30-40 lbs? If you look at some of the other players that lost that much weight rapidly in the past, they also wore down later in the year.

If he spends the entire off-season staying in shape and getting stronger, I really think he's a keeper. If he balloons up and reports to camp out of shape, I doubt he even survives the second cuts.

I'd bet the Cowboys will watch closely what he does from now until April.

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