That was always the plan the Jones clan came up with.
This is a salary cap reset year, roll over as much as possible, pay Parsons next year and create room to get some FA's in here.
if you are waiting for any FAs of significance to come in, then you are going to wait a very very very very very very very very long time. then you will be dead! (sorry).
this is not about Parsons (only in one way)....and this is not about FAs, etc.
this has to do with Joneses approach to managing football team. the highest selling jerseys get the large contracts, then we fill in the blank with whatever we can to meet minimum salary floor requirements. Maximize profits. Dak was top 5 jersey sales. CD was top 10. Parson was tops. so the jersey sales garnered big contracts. then bunch of UDFAs and draft picks. let the contracts that ran out, leave so I don't have to pay more than I have to.
Joneses just got a little too greedy and little too stupid thinking it will hold together for another season. it all came crashing down.