With the convicts, malcontents, etc. getting drafted every year what makes one college star WR the standout 'work ethic' issue?...I mean, exactly how much of an 'attitude' problem would this kid have to have had to be ENTIRELY blackballed by the league?...Not just not drafted but not even brought into camp when a lowly WR like Amendola is?...Antonio Bryant, among others, had attitude issues that were well documented but that sure didn't keep teams from going after him...Common sense people...There IS something else going on and it's not an attitude problem
This isn't vetting for a Vice presidential candidate, this is professional American football...All it takes is the slightest bit of thought to conclude that indeed there was something else going on here...Not one team taking a shot?...And the only plausible yet still incomprehensible issue was the weed.
Weed...The stuff a majority of kids are smoking, majority of college kids are smoking, great number of professional athletes are smoking etc...It stinks of conservative posturing by a giant and powerful corporation.
Case in point, an organization so desperately in need of WRs like Dallas somehow doesn't even invite him into camp as a FA when they've so clearly gone after attitude cases and problems in the past (TO, Tank, Pacman, etc.)?...Come on people, think